Foreign Voices in the House: A Century of Addresses to Canada’s Parliament by World Leaders (2017)

The Big Blue Machine: How Tory Campaign Backrooms Changed Canadian Politics Forever (2015)

Our Scandalous Senate (2014)

Another Country, Another Life: Calumny, Love, and the Secrets of Isaac Jelfs (2013)

Raw Life: Cameos of 1890s Justice from a Magistrate’s Bench Book (2012)

Solitary Courage: Mona Winberg and the Triumph over Disability (2010)

A Passion for Justice: How ‘Vinegar Jim’ McRuer Became Canada’s Greatest Law Reformer (2008, revised paperback edition of 1994 hardcover edition)

A Man & His Words (2003)

Leading in an Upside-Down World: New Canadian Perspectives on Leadership (2003, editor and contributor)

“Just Trust Us”: The Erosion of Accountability in Canada (2003)

The Leadership Challenge in the 21st Century (2002, editor)

Accountability and Canadian Government (2000)

Boyer’s Ontario Election Law (1996)

Hands-On Democracy: How You Can Take Part in Canada’s Renewal (1993)

La démocratie pour tous: le citoyen … artisan du renouveau canadien (1993)

Direct Democracy in Canada: The History and Future of Referendums (1992)

The People’s Mandate: Referendums and a More Democratic Canada (1992)

Local Elections in Canada: The Law Governing Elections of Municipal Councils, School Boards and Other Local Authorities (1988)

Election Law in Canada: The Law and Procedure of Federal, Provincial and Territorial Elections (1987, 2 volumes)

Money and Message: The Law Governing Election Financing, Advertising, Broadcasting and Campaigning in Canada (1983)

Lawmaking by the People: Referendums and Plebiscites in Canada (1982)

Political Rights: The Legal Framework of Elections in Canada (1981)

The Egalitarian Option: Perspectives on Canadian Education (1975, contributor)