Three words.

Imagine that’s all you’ve been given to describe yourself. What would you choose?

Loud, tall, arty?

Quiet, small, sporty?

Or perhaps you’d go a little further and really think about what makes you you.

Loyal, kind, brave?

Funny, honest, hard-working?

Or, maybe you’d take a really long look at the person you are and go even deeper.

Impulsive, determined, principled?

Solitary, unpredictable, curious?

If Tally Olivia Adams were asked to describe herself in just three words, she’d have somewhat of a problem. In fact, she would struggle if she were allowed five words or ten words or even the huge classroom dictionary that sits on Miss Balogun’s desk.

She could possess all the words in the world, but it wouldn’t help. Because it’s almost impossible to describe yourself when you haven’t figured out who you are yet.