Libby would like to thank her mum, dad and sister for loving and supporting her. Special thanks to Vicky, Adam, Marnie and Frankie for being the best neighbours ever and helping her get through lockdowns with laughter.
Finally a big thank you to the girls at her new school who have welcomed her so warmly and taken the time to understand her.
Rebecca would like to thank her fabulous family – Adam, Zach, Gee and Reuben. No matter how challenging the times or dark the days, you are always there – ready to step up and make things better. You are all incredible and I love you very much.
Also a big thank you to Polly and Elsie Couldrick for reading an early draft and giving their advice.
Libby and I are so lucky that we get to work together, with the expert support of our agent, Julia Churchill, our editor, Fiz Osborne and Libby’s amazing mum, Kym Scott. Who’d have thought that a single tweet could lead to the creation of three wonderful books?!