
The page numbers in Index represents the print page number and will differ with the eBook page numbers


aerial photographs

Agamben, Giorgio

age, of arrested/deported Jews

Allies, in World War II

bombing raids on Germany

concentration camps liberated by

Italy and



anti-Semitism, in Italy


offices of Auschwitz camp architects

Zentralbauleitung and. See also Auschwitz, planning/design of

archives/archival research


“area [zone] of interest”

changing functions of

distance to subcamps

as exemplar of all camps

guard towers

liberation of

Oświęcim transformed into

racist imperialist ideals and

sight-line analysis of. See also Auschwitz I; Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II); Monowitz (Auschwitz III); SS (Schutzstaffel)

Auschwitz, deportations from Italy to

arrests on Swiss-Italian border

number and percentage of arrested Jews

weak prisoners systematically sent to Auschwitz

Auschwitz, evacuations (death marches) from

beginning of journey (from camp to road)

camps on the eve of evacuations

forming and deforming of columns

guards’ threats

intended versus actual routes

length of

limits of representation of

microgeography and survival in

number of prisoner fatalities during

rope of history and

transformation of evacuations into death marches

Auschwitz, planning/design of

animal slaughterhouse

Auschwitz built as new complex urban site

DAW (Deutsche Ausrüstungswerk)

Deutsches Haus

emotional value of place and

gas chambers and crematoria

housing for SS personnel

potato storage halls


Stosberg design

train station

visualizing built environment of Auschwitz. See also Hartjenstein (Lothar), Auschwitz plans of

Auschwitz 1940–1945: Central Issues in the History of the Camp

Auschwitz I

camp commandant’s house in

construction of

establishment of

in Hartjenstein plan

SS Command Headquarters (Kommandatur)

in Stosberg design

women’s camp

Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II)

architectural plans for

Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

“Canada” (BIIg) barracks

evacuations from

Gypsy Camp (BIIe barracks)

inmates’ entrance gate at

liberated by Soviet troops

massive transformation of

“Mexico” (BIII) barracks

Oświęcim transformed into

SS conceptualization as total environment

SS headquarters

women’s section

Auschwitz-Birkenau, construction of

animated model of

number of buildings under construction

off-loading ramp for arriving prisoners

phases of


Babitz (Auschwitz subcamp)

Badoglio, Marshal Pietro

Baltic states

Barth, Emil



Bełec death camp

Benigni, Roberton

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

binaries, geographical

Birkenau death camp. See Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II)

Bischoff, Karl

Blackshear, Benjamin Perry

Blatman, Daniel

Boder, David

Borgo San Dalmazzo, city of

Bormann, Johanna

Bracht, Fritz

Bradfisch, Otto

Brody, Judit

Browning, Christopher

Buchenwald concentration camp

Auschwitz prisoners evacuated to

deportations from Italy to

distance to subcamps

forced labor in

sight-line analysis of

SS construction brigades from

zoo at

Budapest, ghettoization in

census data (1941) and

Christian or non-Jewish residents of ghetto areas

delineation of the ghetto

estimated number of residents per building

HGIS (historical GIS) analysis of

importance of Swedish and Swiss legations

Jewish-designated residences

lived experience of

mapping and

shifting landscape of

social networks in the dispersed ghetto. See also maps/mapping, of Budapest ghettoization

Budy (Auschwitz subcamp)

built environment

of Auschwitz

digital models of



architects and

digital models and bureaucratic records

human geography and

Burleson, Shelley

Burton, Robert


Auschwitz planning/design and

“bystander gaze” in Budapest

camp guards as

Caesar, Joachim

Caplan, Jane

Carabinieri (Italian military police)


Castelnuovo Garfagnana

cemeteries, Jewish

census data: in Budapest (1941)

“integrated” historical geography and

racial census in Italy

center-periphery binary

Central Office for the Investigation of Nazi Violent Crime (Ludwigsburg, Germany)

Certeau, Michel de

Charlesworth, Andrew

Charter of Verona

Chelmno death camp

children: arrested in Italy

killed in German-occupied Soviet territories


Civitella del Tronto, city of

“closeness,” in time and space

cluster analysis

age of arrested Jews and

arrest clusters and Jewish population in Italy

Cold War

Cole, Tim

on “bystander gaze”

HGIS (historical GIS) of Budapest ghetto and

collaboration, in Italy


comparative study

concentration, as geographical concept

age and arrest patterns in relation to

in binary with dispersion

Budapest ghettoization and

cluster analysis and

nationality of perpetrators and

in time and space

concentration camps


definition of camp

deportations from Italy to

development in space and time

early camps

evacuation of

gender and

liberation of

number of

planning and design of

population of inmates

roll calls

spatial and social characteristics of

terror of prisoners upon seeing

war economy and. See also guards, concentration camp; SS (Schutzstaffel); subcamps (satellite camps)

concentration camps, mapping of

boundary changes and

location of main camps and subcamps

planimetric maps

Cooper, Allan D.


crimes against humanity


cultural geography

Czech, Danuta


Dachau concentration camp

distance to subcamps

forced labor in

sight-line analysis of

De Groot, Michael

death camps (extermination camps)

Einsatzgruppen (EG) activities before construction of

Jews deported from Italy to

location outside Germany

death marches. See Auschwitz, evacuations (death marches) from

Death Marches, The (Blatman)

death tolls

Dejaco, Walter


Dentzinger, Stanislaus K.


Desbois, Father Patrick

Destruction of the European Jews, The (Hilberg)


Didi-Huberman, Georges

digital media



dissonance arousal


Długoborski, Wacław

“doctors of space”


accuracy of

of Auschwitz architectural plans

Auschwitz evacuations and

Budapest ghettoization and


testimonies about mass killings and

Duszka-Sawicka, Wladyslawa

Dwork, Debórah

dynamic cartography

efficiency, as Nazi goal

Eichmann, Adolf

Einsatzgruppen (EG)

Einsatzgruppe A

Einsatzgruppe B

Einsatzgruppe C

Einsatzgruppe D

locational model of killing and

orders to kill transmitted verbally

organizational structure of

postwar testimonies by personnel of

regional killing by, in Lithuania

routes of

“sweeps” or stages of killing by

Wehrmacht (German Army) assistance to


behind advancing German troops

shifting locations of

Einsatzkommandos (EKs)

exaggeration of physical and moral distance from killing

soldiers’ refusal to kill


emotional community of women on evacuation marches

encoded in landscape

of killers/perpetrators

killing as emotionally transformative event

planimetric maps and

space and place fundamental to

traumatic experience and

visual representations of emotional experience

Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945, volume 1 (USHMM)

description of labor in

GIS database and

HGIS database and

“enemies,” elimination of

environmental research

Ertl, Fritz

escape (flight)

arrests at

Swiss-Italian border and

concentration camp evacuations and

by construction brigade workers

from Vichy regime

Ethiopia, Italian conquest of


Europe, Eastern

Europe, Western

Evacuation, Dismantling, and Liberation of KL Auschwitz, The (Strzelecki)

evacuations. See Auschwitz, evacuations (death marches) from execution


Fascism, Italian

Felice, Renzo de

feminist theory

Ferrara, city of


Budapest ghettoization and

at killing sites in the East

“rewalking” of camp evacuation routes

figurative symbologies

Filbert, Alfred

Final Solution

Fings, Karola

Finkelstein, Fela

Fiume/Rijeka, city of

Florence (Firenze), city of

Flossenbürg concentration camp

Fossoli internment camp

“Framing the Days” (Pearce)


SS construction brigades in

Vichy regime

Friedländer, Saul

Gardelegen, massacre at (April 1945)


dominant gender of prisoners in camps

locational model of killing and

gender, of arrested Jews in Italy

concentration in time and space

numbers and percentages

General Government (German-occupied Poland)

Genoa (Genova), city of


aestheticization of experience of

disrupted spatial patterns of

forced labor and

genocidal function of concentration camps

geography and

imaginary geographies and

infrastructure of

locational model of killing and

spatial analysis of

survivor testimonies and

topography of

in Uganda

Wehrmacht (German Army) complicity in

geospatial technologies


of complicity in killing

cultural geography

historical geography

human geography

of Nazi oppression

as visual way of knowing


abstraction of reality and

“bystander gaze” and

figurative symbologies and

German civilians



concentration camps in

flight of Jews from persecution in

labor camps in



liberated by Soviet troops

“liquidation” or clearing of

micro ghettos

number of

planning and design of

in Soviet Union/ Eastern Europe

Giaccaria, Paolo

Gigliotti, Simone

Giordano, Alberto

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software

Auschwitz evacuations and

Auschwitz planning/ design and

Budapest ghettoization analyzed with

database of Einsatzgruppen (EG) killings

group research and

“hybridity” and

locational model of killing and

mathematical framework of

multiple perspectives and

spatial characteristics of data visualized

spatial logic and

synoptic view of. See also HGIS (historical GIS)

GIScience (Geographic Information Science)

ambiguity in historical data and

collaborative research process and

demystification of techniques of

disciplinary divides and

knowledge about crimes of international concern and

multi-instantiation concept

spatial patterns of persecution analyzed with

understanding of human rights violations and. See also HGIS (historical GIS)

Gleiwitz (Gliwice), city of

Google Earth

Google Maps

Google SketchUp

Gottlieb, Erika

GPS (Global Positioning System)

Greiser, Katrin

Gross-Rosen concentration camp

Gruner, Wolf

guards, concentration camp

housing for

number and sex of

purpose of evacuations and

“Sentry and Sharp-Shooter Units”

visibility of bodies in evacuation columns and

Gutschow, Niels

Harley, J. B.

Harris, Cole

Hartjenstein (Lothar), Auschwitz plans of

Auschwitz I

idealized and realized Auschwitz built environment

Harvey, Chester

Harvey, David

Herzogenbusch concentration camp

Heydrich, Reinhard

HGIS (historical GIS)

of Budapest ghettoization

data on gender and labor

database of SS camps

disciplinary divides and

of Einsatzgruppen (EG) killings in the East

of Holocaust in Italy

of Jäger Report. See also GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software; GIScience (Geographic Information Science)


Hilberg, Raul

Himmler, Heinrich

agricultural “zone of interest” and

control over concentration camp system

forced-labor operations and

“peace construction program” of

Hinzert concentration camp


historical geography


Hitler, Adolf

German manufacturers and

Germanification goals for the East

racist imperialist ideals of

Hoffman, Charlie


aestheticization of

gendered experiences of

geographical approach to

landscapes of

meaning of spaces and places of

Poland as epicenter of

print atlases of

visual representations of

Holocaust, in Italy

history of

Jewish victims on individual scale

local places of

sources and methods on geography of. See also Knox Index, Holocaust in Italy and

Holocaust, in Soviet Union/Eastern Europe

German soldiers’ testimony about

locational model of killing

spatial distribution of killing

Holocaust by Bullets, The (Desbois)

Holocaust City (Cole)

Holocaust Studies

built environment of genocide and

collaborative research process and

debates over causation in

geographic concepts integrated with

quantitative analysis in

“hot spots,” geographical

human rights violations


If This Is a Man (Levi)

IG Farben


imperialism, Nazi



intermarriage (mixed marriage)

International Committee for the Red Cross

International ghetto (Budapest)

International Refugee Organization

International Tracing Service (ITS)

internment camps


“invisible walls” within Budapest ghetto

of spaces in Auschwitz-Birkenau

Italian African Police

Italian Social Republic [Repubblica Sociale Italiana] (RSI)

Italy, arrests and deportations of Jews in

arrest process in space and time

Auschwitz as destination

collaboration by non-Jewish Italians and

deportation centers as places of opportunity

German occupation and

German- versus Italian-administered areas

history of Holocaust in Italy and

image of Italians as brava gente (good people)

Jäger, Karl

Jäger Report

Jaskot, Paul

Jastrzêbie Górne, town of: geography of memory and

itinerary of Auschwitz evacuation on foot

killing of women at

rope of history and

as terrain of encoded memory

Jaworzno concentration camp

Jewish Question

Jewish Studies (website)

Jews: decision making in face of extermination process

deported from ghettos into camp system

divergent fates of

experience of ghetto life in Budapest

flight into Soviet-occupied areas

forced labor of

ghettoization process in Budapest and

murdered in Lithuania

native-born versus foreign-born

Nazi decision to exterminate

in occupied Western Europe

Ostjuden in Poland

racial census in Italy and

social networks in Budapest ghetto

in Soviet Union

Kalfus, Isaiah

Kalman, Magda

Kammler, Hans

kapos, concentration camp

Kauen (Kaunas) concentration camp

Kaunas, mass killings in

kernel density analysis

killing sites

fieldwork at

public versus secluded

soldiers’ moral culpability and

soldiers’ testimony about. See also Krupki (Belarus) killing site

K-Means clustering

Knowles, Anne Kelly

Knox Index, Holocaust in Italy and

cluster analysis and

spatio-temporal proximity

Konev, Marshal

Krakau-Plaszaw concentration camp

Krupki (Belarus) killing site

Kwan, Mei-Po

labor, forced

Auschwitz design and

Auschwitz evacuations and

as basic tool of Nazi oppression

business owners and

in concentration camp system

DAW (Deutsche Ausrüstungswerk) and

genocide and

German war effort and


in quarries and brickyards

in subcamps

of women in Rajsko subcamp

labor camps


change in

encoded memories and

of ghettoization

HGIS (historical GIS) and

historical violence concealed by

individual testimony and


physical endurance of

prisoners’ perceptions of

rope of history and

urban landscape of Budapest



Lefebvre, Henri

Lévai, Jenö

Levi, Primo

Lithuania and Lithuanians

Lithuanians at killing sites

regional killing by Einsatzgruppen (EG) in

local histories

Łódź ghetto

Majdanek (Lublin-Majdanek death-camp complex)

distance to subcamps

sight-line analysis of

Makuch, Ludwina

maps/mapping: abstraction of reality and

of Auschwitz architectural plans

effective communication and

of Einsatzgruppen (EG) killings

equidistant map projectionn

ideal visions of perpetrators and

Knox Index and

scale and. See also concentration camps, mapping of

maps/mapping, of Budapest ghettoization

distribution of Jewish-designated residences

kernel density

mapping of experience

ranking of residential density

street use by population weight

streets to be cleared of Jews

streets with Jewish-designated residences

walking distance to desired destinations. See also Budapest, ghettoization in

Masurovsky, Marc

Maus (Spiegelman)

Mauthausen concentration camp

Auschwitz prisoners evacuated to

distance to subcamps

forced labor in

sight-line analysis of

Megargee, Geoffrey P.

Meizner, Maria


HGIS (historical GIS) and

by women


role of location in

spatialized (geocoded) testimony and

terrain of encoded memories

memory books (Yizhkor)

men, as prisoners

Mengele, Josef

mental patients

methods, analytical

HGIS (historical GIS) of Budapest ghetto

limits of representation and

maps as research

spatio-temporal analysis of Italian Holocaust

testimony, technology, and terrain in Eastern killing sites

Michman, Dan


Milan (Milano), city of

Minca, Claudio

Mittelbau (Dora) concentration camp

Auschwitz prisoners evacuated to

distance to subcamps

sight-line analysis of


of construction brigade workers

limits on Jewish mobility in Budapest ghetto

lower mobility of children and elderly

survivor testimonies of evacuations and

visualizations and topologies of. See also movement

models, mathematical and geometrical

Monowitz (Auschwitz III)

evacuations from

liberation of

Oświęcim transformed into

movement: in Budapest ghetto

of camp prisoners in evacuations

of Einsatzgruppen (EG)

mobile methodologies and

scale of forced movement

stasis opposed to

of victims at killing sites in East

victims’ decisions about. See also mobility


Mussolini, Benito

Nagykörút (boulevard in Budapest)

Natzweiler concentration camp


architecture and agenda of

contradictions of Nazi ideology

efficiency as goal of

genocidal mission of

geography of oppression imposed by

perceptions of Ostjuden in Poland

racist ideology of

Neander, Joachim


network analysis

Neuengamme concentration camp

distance to subcamps

sight-line analysis of

SS construction brigades from

Neufert, Ernstn

Neuman, Seth

New Order

Night (Wiesel)

normalized scores

Novogrudok, massacre of Jews in

Nuit et brouillard [Night and Fog] (Resnais film)

Nuremberg Tribunals

Operation Reinhard

Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland

Operationszone Alpenvorland

oral histories

Order Police

Orth, Karinn

Oświęcim, town of

Pajerska, Zofia

Palmnicken, massacre at (January 1945)

Panevezys, city of

Pearce, Margaret Wickens

Pelt, Robert Jan van



Auschwitz planning/design and

consent and dissent among

“integrated history” of Holocaust and

microlocations of

“obedience to orders” defense by

reconstructed mentality of

roles obscured or lied about

in Soviet Union/Eastern Europe

worlds envisioned by

perpetrators, German versus Italian

age of arrested Jews and

“bursts” of activity

cluster analysis of

concentration/dispersal patterns and

in spatio-temporal analysis

Pest ghetto

Picciotto Fargion, Liliana

Piekosz, Elzbieta (Ela)

Piper, Franciszek


chronology and

local places of Holocaust in Italy

meanings assigned to

meeting places in Budapest ghetto

models and

of opportunity

of punishment and execution

planimetric views

space in binary with

Pohl, Oswald

Poland and Poles

General Government (German-occupied Poland)

geographies of killing in occupied Poland

Germanization in occupied Poland

Poland as epicenter of Holocaust

Polish Catholic women from Rajsko subcamp

Soviet occupation zone of

Warthegau (annexed Polish territory)

witnesses of evacuation columns



postwar German police

Police Battalion

Poreba Wielka, town of

positioning theory

proof-of-concept project

protective-custody camps


Auschwitz evacuation marches and

of German soldiers to victims in the East

Knox Index and

of subcamps to main camps

Pszczyna, town and environs of

geography of memory and

rope of history and

qualitative analysis

quantitative analysis

of Auschwitz evacuations

of Budapest ghettoization

of Holocaust in Italy

Ráday, Mihály

railroad lines

Rajsko (Auschwitz subcamp)

establishment of

evacuations transformed into death marches

geography of memory and

rope of history and

Raoul Wallenberg Project Archive (Uppsala, Sweden)

Ravensbrück concentration camp

Auschwitz prisoners evacuated to

distance to subcamps

forced labor in

sight-line analysis of

Ravett, Fela

“received” histories


Regional Commissions for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes

Reich Security Main Office (RSHA)

Reichenau (Austria) transit camp

Reichskommissariat Ostland

Reichskommissariat Ukraine

representation, visual

rescue attempts

Resnais, Alain

resolution of data

Rhodes, island of

Riga Kaiserwald concentration camp

Rojczor, Ludmila

roll calls


Rome (Roma), city of

Rosenwein, Barbara

roundups of Jews

Russian State Military Archives

Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Auschwitz prisoners evacuated to

distance to subcamps

forced labor in

sight-line analysis of

SS construction brigades from

Sack, Robert David

Ságvári, Ágnes

Salmoni family


of Budapest ghettoization

as key concept in geography

Schattenberg, Heinz

Schindler’s List (Spielberg film, 1993)

Security Service

“selection process”

Setkiewicz, Piotr

settlement and resettlement

Sibille, Josef

Sibley, David

sight-line analysis




Slowakiewicz, Stanislawa

Sobibór death camp

social imaginaries

social network theory

social networks, in Budapest ghetto

Soja, Edward


actions described in geographic and spatial terms

motivation to participate in Nazi genocide

option of nonparticipation in killing

postwar testimonies of

roundups of Jews and

volunteers requested for “traumatic” killing tasks. See also Wehrmacht (German Army)


Sosnowiec (Auschwitz subcamp)

Soviet Extraordinary State Commission

Soviet prisoners of war

Soviet Union

concentration camps liberated by

eastern Poland occupied by

German invasion of (1941)

“holocaust by bullets” in

inaccessibility of documentation in

Nazi archives captured by

Vistula-Oder Offensive


arrest and deportation process in Italy and

Aryan versus non-Aryan

chronology and

evolution of camp system in

of genocide

killing sites in the East associated with evil

as matter of evidence

meanings assigned to

models and

place in binary with

representational and productive

third space

spatial analysis

abstraction of reality and

of Budapest ghettoization

spatial history

Speer, Albert

Spiegelman, Art

Spielberg, Steven

SS (Schutzstaffel)

agriculture and

Auschwitz construction and

Auschwitz planning/design and

business connections of

concentration camp system of

death marches from Auschwitz and

educated leadership of Einsatzgruppen (EG)

locational model of killing and

postwar testimonies by personnel of

“Total War” and

violence and terror used by

Waffen-SS. See also concentration camps; Zentralbauleitung (Central Building Administration) archives

SS-Baubrigaden (construction brigades)

SS-Business Administration Main Office (Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt [WVHA])

SS-Eisenbahnbaubrigaden (railroad construction brigades)

Star of David, wearing of


Steinbacher, Sybille

Steiner, Erik

Stoits, György

Stosberg, Hans

Labor Ministry and

planned changes not incorporated in SS buildings

Strezelecka, Irena

Strzelecki, Andrzej

Stutthof concentration camp

subcamps (satellite camps)

armaments subcamps

changing functions of

construction labor in

evacuations from

forced-labor system of

location of

sight-line analysis of



accuracy of memory of

Holocaust remembered by

interviews with

on life in Budapest ghetto

memoirs of

terms used for death marches. See also testimonies

Szeged, city of




of evacuation marches from Auschwitz


locational model of killing and

models as complements to

oral testimony


textual analysis of patterns in

Third Reich

camp system anchored in

expanding influence of

forced labor in economy of

military-economic plan for “Total War”

territoriality and

Tillich, Paul


arrest and deportation process in Italy and

changing functions of concentration camps and

curfew in Budapest ghetto and

evolution of camp system in

Tooze, Adam



transit camps

transportation routes


affective limits and

of forced relocation

fragmented testimony and

proximity to killing and

terrain of encoded memories and

Treblinka death camp

Trieste, city of

Tuan, Yi-Fu

Turin (Torino), city of

Uganda, genocide in

Ukmerge, city of

Ułan, Genowefa

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies

Registry of Survivors (Holocaust Victims and Survivors Resource Center)

University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education Oral History Archive

urban planning

Vaivara concentration camp

Vara, Roz

Venice (Venezia), city of

Vichy regime (France)


of Einsatzgruppen (EG) in Lithuania

films about experiences of

individual scale of Holocaust in Italy and

“integrated history” of Holocaust and

location and vulnerability of

spatio-temporal trajectories of

traits of

Vilnius, mass killings in


in evacuation columns

of Jewish bodies to bystanders in Budapest

of spaces in Auschwitz-Birkenau

visual tropes


of Auschwitz evacuations

of Auschwitz planning

of transformation of evacuations into death marches

Vita è bella, La [Life Is Beautiful] (Benigni film, 1997)


Wachsmann, Nicholas


Wagner, General

Wallenberg, Raoul

war crimes

war economy

Warsaw ghetto

Warschau concentration camp

Warthegau (annexed Polish territory)

Wehrmacht (German Army)

atrocities in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union

Einsatzgruppen (EG) following close behind

geography of complicity in genocide and

locational model of killing and

SS construction brigades and. See also soldiers

Wiesel, Elie

Wisnia, David


Wodzisław, town of

evacuation routes to

geography of memory and

rope of history and

terrain between Auschwitz and

Wolken, Otto


beginning of evacuation and

killing of

from Rajsko subcamp

testimonies on evacuations as death marches

World War II. See also Allies, in World War II


Yahil, Leni

Young, James

youth camps

Yule, Alexander

Zentralbauleitung (Central Building Administration) archives

architectural plans for

construction of Auschwitz-Birkenau and

ideal plan of Auschwitz-Birkenau

troop sauna location and design

Zimbardo, Philip

Zimber, Emil