I’m quite enjoying History, but I don’t go about telling folks. The only reason my mother is off my back right now about doing A-Levels is ’cos I always make a proper painful face when I mention school as if every day is like having your skin peeled off and rolled in toilet cleaner. If I hate it she’ll keep making me go.

Today we were learning about Martin Luther who was this bloke in the 14th century who started the Protestant faith by writing this notice to the pope saying something like, “Oi Bruv, you are bare jokes mate. This Catholic faith malarkey is a right old ripoff.” Then he hammers it up on a door and before you know it all sorts of beef has kicked off and there’s this totally rival crew to the Catholics started up called the Protestants. I like History ’cos it proves you can do one little thing and the world can change forever. A bit like when Tabitha Tennant invented cupid-bow lips.