We had our first “Increase the Peace” meeting today in the Audio Visual room. I was well nervous ’cos I’ve never been in charge of anything before EVER and suddenly loads of Sixth Formers are all up in my face expecting me to have a plan and be all responsible. SCARY MARY.

Luckily Joshua Fallow showed up and he was proper confident and had loads of ideas in a folder with a sticker on it that said “INCREASE THE PEACE.” Joshua had even been on the Internet and found this video by this bloke from Hackney called Wootbouy for a track called “Rude, U R Dead to Me.” He made it as part of an anti-violence initiative just like ours.

The video is about how easy it is to start rolling with a gang and end up putting your whole family’s life at risk. The video starts all exciting with boys and girls all dressed going to a shubz having a laugh and getting off with each other acting like mini-gangsters but then suddenly things start to get proper heavy with people getting shot and it ends up well upsetting with mums screaming by hospital beds and police dragging away one kid to jail after someone’s been killed over some stupid beef over a stolen iPod. HEAVY.

We’re going to show the Year Sevens to Elevens the video, then do a skit about how to “walk away from violence” and “increase the peace” then finally we’re going to give some little speeches about how we all ended up in Mayflower Sixth Form and how bloody whoop-di-doo fantastic it is.

I don’t know if I’ll give a speech about that ’cos I’m scared my face might give away that Sixth Form is actually proper hard. In fact it’s just like normal school but ten times harder with the added stress of finding a smart-caj outfit every morning.

Carrie has wangled her way into playing Saf’s girlfriend in the skit. Luther, Joshua, and Sean are playing the part of a street gang who give Saf a well bad diss in Ilford Mall Burger King by saying something ’bout his mum. The skit is about whether Saf responds or just walks away and ignores them and “increases the peace.” I’m the play’s director.

The problem I see is that Luther isn’t very scary at all (he’s more cuddly ’cos all that weed he smokes gives him munchies so he’s gotten quite fat), and Joshua talks like a proper posh boy and Sean is insisting on playing his part as a gangster wearing navy mascara and a silver bomber jacket with glitter Kylie Minogue patches. Oh bloody hell.

Luther’s gang is totally wack. My nan and Clement could beat them up.

The whole thing would be bare jokes if I wasn’t in charge of it all. We’re performing to Year Seven on Monday! I hope I get squashed by a bus before then so I won’t have to do it.