It’s weird ’cos Wesley’s never mentioned that condo behind Bishop Fledding Industrial Estate since that night last month. Neither have I.

It’s a bit like Wesley reckons me and him have made some sort of secret pact to move in together which we totally haven’t ’cos I totally didn’t say yes at all. All I said was, “Mmmm, dunno, Wes. That’s a lot to think about.” Then I made him drive me home quick ’cos my mother wanted to borrow his superplunger to unblock hair from the upstairs sink.

I wasn’t lying. It IS a lot to think about. And believe me, the last thing Shiraz Bailey Wood needs right now is something else that makes her have to think ’cos her brain is bloody FULL up with other stuff like flipping AS-Level Critical Thinking.

OH MY GOSH that whole course is one ginormous headbend. Basically you get a question that is totally easy like, “Should pedophiles go to jail?” which is a proper no brainer ’cos the answer is “YES, RIGHT AWAY” but then you have a “debate about morals and ethics” then suddenly it’s not so straightforward no more and before you know it you’re sounding like you’re the one bloody sticking up for pedophiles and everyone in the class has fallen out and the bell goes and you’ve got a sore throat from shouting and a pain behind one eye and some homework to do for 9AM tomorrow. BRILLIANT.

Today we talked about cars and pollution. Joshua Fallow started arguing that all cars should cost double the price to stop road congestion. Saf and Manpreet told him to shut up and stop being a tree-hugger. Then Joshua went a bit further and said he would ban all modded cars with rims and stupid extra-loud chavvy stereos to stop chavsters from making fools of themselves. Everyone started laughing well loud then and I could feel my cheeks go hot ’cos my Wesley has got glowing wheel arches and they do look a bit silly though I’d never tell him.

Then Joshua said when he is Prime Minister he’s bringing in long jail sentences for anyone caught attending Dagenham car meets in a souped-up Golf with munter girlfriends who keep flashing their norks to get in Super Street car magazine. And by this point everyone in the class was proper howling INCLUDING me ’cos Wesley’s ex-bird Dee Dee used to go up to Dagenham looking like a right old hoochie with her schnockers out like cow’s udders.

Joshua Fallow is bare jokes sometimes. If Joshua said come and live in a condo behind an industrial estate with me forever I’d probably say OK, ’cos he’s not just well choong to look at, the conversation would be exciting too.

10PM—Oh God. I can’t believe I just wrote that. See that’s what Critical Thinking does to your head. IT MAKES YOUR BRAIN PLAY TRICKS ON YOU.