OK—it’s sort of mad ’cos I honestly don’t really know how this whole thing with Wesley Barrington Bains II has started happening again, but it just sort of has.

Well, to be honest, I’m not sure it really has but everyone else in the world seems to think so, including Wesley and both of our mothers, who will have plenty to discuss on their next rendezvous in the Food Lion aisle.

I don’t remember agreeing to anything. All I said in my text was that I’d go out for a pizza with Wesley just for a chat and a laugh, just like friends would ’cos that’s what we are, good friends.

So I’m in my bedroom tonight ironing my hair and putting on lip gloss when all of a sudden there’s a right fuss going on downstairs, so I know Wesley has arrived to pick me up. Straightaway my mother is up opening the front door and my brother is outside looking at the new spoiler Wesley’s put on the car and my dad’s outside on the path looking as happy as happy can be.

And by the time I come down Wesley’s sitting in the lounge, with his feet up on the special leather ottoman that my mother bought in the DFS Furniture Showroom May Sale that’s only to be used for special occasions and he’s got a cup of tea in one hand and a handful of Cadbury’s animal crackers in the other. Everyone turned to smile at me when I walked through the door like something genuinely amazing was happening. We were only going for a pizza at Pizza Junction, not to the Registry Office!

“Ooh, Wesley’s just telling us about his condo he’s buying!” my mum was saying, “Just down the road it is! You could walk there in twenty minutes from here!”

“Mmm, I know,” I said, putting in my gold hoops.

“Well, that’s such a sensible thing to do with your money, Wesley,” my mum was saying. “Your dad would be very proud. So is it a ground-floor apartment or upstairs? I mean… could you have kids in it if you wanted at some point?”

“Come on, Wesley,” I said, dragging him out of the door.

We arrived at Pizza Junction and then we sat in the green racing car which is Wesley’s favorite ’cos when you honk the buzzer for service it plays the tune “Yankee-Doodle-Dandy.” We talked about his plumbing NVQ and some tracks he’s been laying down with Bezzie that are up on their MySpace and some big car meet that they’re both going to next weekend in Southend that I can go to if I want. We had a good time really, I suppose. And when he drove me home to Thundersley Road we sat outside for a bit and chatted and when he leaned over to give me a kiss I didn’t push him away or nothing I just let him kiss me on the mouth. It didn’t feel funny or nothing, it just felt like it always used to.

Just like we’d never ever split up.