Cava-Sue and Lewis have changed their travel plans. They were going to fly to Vietnam on December 1st then stay there for the magical festival of Moonyflunkcock (I reckon that’s what she said, I was earwigging on her cell phone call). Then they’re moving on to Thailand afterward to check out some waterfalls and temples. Cava-Sue says she needs to leave Britain so she can really “challenge her Western world ways of perception.”

After Thailand they’re going to Australia to meet their mate Pixie ’cos apparently the pubs there are great.

What’s messed all this up is that Lewis’s mother, Vera, has told them she won’t be able to give them a loan as planned ’cos the profits in her pub ain’t up to much at the moment. Cava-Sue has been ringing around for a credit card but no one wants to give her one. Cava-Sue says they’ll have to put back their departure date to February now.

My mother says that’ll give Cava-Sue and Lewis time to “travel” to the Ilford job center and “check out the magical festival of cold hard work.” We all laughed for ages when she said that except for Cava-Sue, who burst into tears.