“Guns have their uses.” Billy strapped on his gun belt and twirled the Colt from its holster. He spun it forward several times and spun it backward several times, then shifted on the balls of his feet, cocked the hammer, and shot Hiram Bradshaw through the right knee.
The burly farmer toppled, clutching his leg, his teeth clenched against the pain.
Red mist spurted from between his fingers.
For a few seconds Maude was too shocked to speak or move. Then she let out with a screech and vaulted from the wagon with an agility and speed her years belied. “Hiram!” Dashing past Billy, she dropped to her knees. “Dear God, no!”
Billy saw the husband look at the Sharps and he quickly took it and placed it on the seat, well out of their reach. “Now, then. Suppose we get this over with.”
Tears glistened on Maude’s cheeks and her lips were quivering. Groaning, she gripped one of Hiram’s hands in both of hers. “How could you do this after we were so kind to you?”
“Your husband was right, lady. You can’t trust anyone in No Man’s Land.”
Billy took a few steps to the left so he had a clear shot at the husband. “Fork over your money and I’ll make this easy.”