
I’d like to acknowledge the following sources and my indebtedness to their authors for providing some of the concepts in this novel.

To Jorge Luis Borges for his reworking of the Aleph myth, as depicted in his short story ‘The Aleph’ published in A Personal Anthology (Pan, 1972).

To Professor Edmund Leach for the study of semiology in his fascinating book Culture and Communication: An introduction to the use of structuralist analysis in social anthropology. (Cambridge University Press, 1976.)

To George Sassoon and Rodney Dale for their interesting and thought-provoking article Deus est machine? in the 1st April, 1976, issue of New Scientist; also for their translations from The Book of Splendours, the Kabbalah Denudata and the Kabbalah itself.

And not least to the authors of the Judaeo-Christian Bible, King James version, which has got to be the greatest work of science fiction ever written.