Floral adhesive doesn’t bond well to nonporous metal, so starting with a moss base layer gives the plants a sturdy platform to attach to. For my design I chose hardy hens and chicks (sempervivum or Jovibarba heuffelii); sedeveria ‘Blue Elf’, slightly smaller than the focal floret; Corsican stone-crop (Sedum dasyphyllum ‘Major’); lamb’s tail (Sedum morganianum); and string of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus).



STEP 1: Trim all the succulents from their stems. Add a fine layer of glue to the ring base and wait 10 to 15 seconds for the glue to get tacky.

STEP 2: Press fine threads of moss firmly onto the ring base.

STEP 3: Add another fine layer of glue on top of the moss.

STEP 4: Trim your largest, focal succulent flush, add a bit of glue to its underside, and press it onto the base, slightly off-center.

STEP 5: Add glue to another plant, nestle it next to the focal plant, and press to secure it into place.

STEP 6: Add a third floret with a bit of stem length to add a little height variation and a more interesting composition.

STEP 7: Finish and perfect your design by adding small flourishes of string of pearls.
