I’ve made hundreds of these eye-catching pieces over the years, and even though each one is slightly different, the diagonal design of the plants remains a constant. Because the bracelet base is bold and significant in size (I prefer a 4 in [10 cm] length), I like to balance the strength of it with a slim, diagonal, slightly more feminine arrangement of plants; this breaks up the visual weight of the hefty jewelry piece and creates an interesting marriage of strength and softness. I used the rosary vine to add interest to the focal area and the string of pearls to add the perfect tapered finish to the design’s outer edges.



STEP 1: Trim all the succulents from their stems.

STEP 2: Gently remove any dirt, spent leaves, or roots from the succulent florets.

STEP 3: Trace a diagonal line across the surface of the cuff with a fine layer of glue.

STEP 4: Select single threads of moss and press them firmly onto the glue line. Try pressing and rolling the base onto a piece of cardboard or sheet of waste paper to make sure the moss is firmly locked in place.

STEP 5: After the moss is securely attached, add another fine layer of glue on top of the moss.

STEP 6: Select the succulent florets you plan to use. Choose one special, slightly larger floret for the center of the piece and 2 slightly smaller florets of a different plant variety for either side. Add glue to the undersides of all 3 florets and wait 15 to 20 seconds to allow it to get tacky.

STEP 7: Press the central floret into the base and hold for 20 seconds. When this feels secure, add the 2 supporting florets, one on either side. Press each one down and hold for 20 seconds.

STEP 8: Start adding smaller florets to either side, adding glue to the underside of each before pressing it into place. Be sure to alternate plant varieties. Select plants by size, decreasing in size as you work your way across to the edges of the cuff. Alternate plant types and orientation to create a mosaic of elements that looks finished from all angles.

STEP 9: Complete the piece with delicate finishing elements such as string of pearl tendrils and rosary vine.
