Glossary of Kurdish Terms
(In alphabetical order)
Azadi: Freedom or liberty
Basaqa: Darling
Bashi: Are you okay?
Brinj: Rice
Choni: Hello. It can also mean ‘How are you?’
Daya: Mum
Dishdasha: A long robe with long sleeves, can be worn by women and men
Fasoliya: White bean stew served with either lamb or beef
Kichim: My daughter
Kooba: A side dish made with lamb or beef, they are usually rolled into a ball and filled with spices
Koorim: My son
Mam: Uncle
Mastaw: A traditional Kurdish drink made from yoghurt and water
Niskena: Lentil soup
Sar Chopi: A person who leads the traditional Kurdish dance known as Halparke
Shifta: Shifta is the Kurdish equivalent of a burger: a bite-sized, herby, tomatoey, well-seasoned burger that’s packed full of flavour
Taegeshti: Do you understand?
Yaprakh: Stuffed vine leaves