The elephant was standing in the special clearing watching the fluffy white cloud come lower and lower out of the sky. He felt mildly more agitated than usual and was wondering how he would approach God this time, for this query seemed far more foolish than any of his previous ones. Yet, God seemed to have an inexhaustible patience, and the elephant reasoned that any Deity who could put up with the incessant chatterings of the monkeys day in and day out could put up with anything. The cloud’s shadow was shading the elephant’s face when he cleared his throat.
“Ah, hello,” said the elephant.
“You know,” said God, “any sound of life gives me pleasure. That’s why the monkeys don’t bother me.”
“Really?” The elephant was taken aback. “All that noise?”
“It isn’t noise,” said the cloud. “It’s glorious life. I hear you breathing,” added God, “and it soothes me.”
“Really?” repeated the elephant, far less apprehensive than before. “I can do that for you?”
“Yes,” said God. “You please me even with your questions; so what is it this time?”
The elephant looked stupidly at his dirty feet and then looked back to the cloud. “I’ve been feeling awfully content about things lately, and …,” he paused. “And it worries me.”
“You’re worried about feeling too good?”
“Yes,” answered the elephant. “I’m sorry.”
“I could give you a toothache,” said God.
“I’m serious,” insisted the elephant.
“Worry is an extreme I never meant to be,” said God. “Caution, yes — I think you should be careful. And preparation, yes — you should have some interest in what’s going to happen and be ready to make the most of whatever befalls you. But I never thought these would be taken to an extreme and create worry.”
“I’m sorry,” said the elephant.
“Another extreme,” responded the cloud. “You’re lucky I’m not much for brimstone, or you might get a fiery swat on your big behind.” The cloud chuckled a moment. “Although I suppose it would hardly sting.”
“You did give me a tough hide,” reminded the elephant.
“Another expression is ‘thick skin,’” said God.
“Am I to take a hint from that?” asked the elephant.
“Take the hint,” said the cloud as it rose back into the sky. “And take your muddy feet, the warm sun, your full belly, the beautiful day, the joy of life, and my good blessings; and savour them and everything else down there totally until it’s time for you to croak.” The cloud was high and moving rapidly. “Now get going,” said God.
The elephant took the hint.