
Life is a wonderful thing. Sometimes when I’m alone on a beach or some other special place, I think about what’s ahead and where I’ve been. It’s not easy, and for some almost too hard.

Don’t judge or be too quick to criticise because we all have our goods and bads.

Be the light in someone’s distance, say the word that brings the smile. Be the rock in the pond that spreads the ripple of happiness far and wide.

I haven’t led a privileged life. My family has felt joy and pain like all families. We’ve learnt to choose life, to press forward, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes. Don’t take anything too seriously because there’s far too much fun to be had.

I dedicate this book to the goers in life, the people who will not be beaten, who get back up, dust off and choose laughter as the best option.

Love much

Nick (and Mark)