

If you’ve stayed with me till now, then you should have a sound knowledge of the tools required to play jazz. Although there are still a few loose ends to pick up, my main focus in this book is on the practical side of playing.


There is no substitute for getting out there and interacting with other musicians. The chapters ‘playing with other musicians’ and ‘working with singers’ offer advice and tips for communicating with fellow band members. How is a tune counted in? How will it end?


Although your repertoire is largely up to you, there are a number of frequently played tunes that you should know, and know well. By this, I mean that you should memorize these tunes. In the chapter ‘building a repertoire,’ I group some of these compositions into categories.


The chapter ‘recommended listening’ is based on one of my old iTunes audio podcasts. Although these recommendations are subjective, I believe that there are jazz musicians and styles that you should be aware of, even if they are not particularly to your taste.
