Playing without the dots.
Why you should memorize tunes
Sheet music is just information, it's not the music itself. The more you read what's in front of you, the less headroom you'll have for creativity. Playing without the dots opens up your ears!
Which tunes should I learn?
This, of course, is very much up to you. But I've chosen the following 12 songs for the following reasons:
1. They are easy to learn.
2. They are popular and likely to come up when playing with other musicians.
Your list should contain well known standards, at least one in 3/4, a blues, a ballad, a Latin tune in straight time and a song form that follows the Rhythm Changes structure.
12 songs to learn
1. Autumn Leaves
This is the first standard I give to my students due to its simple construction.
Usual key: Bb major
Form: AB = 16 bars
Very easy to learn as it just flips between II –
V – I major, and
II – V – I
relative minor.
2. C Jam Blues
This is a very simple blues to learn; so simple, in fact, that the melody only contains two notes!
Usual key: the clue is in the title!
Form: 12 bars
Map: Can either be played with the 3 basic dominant 7th chords or with an added II – V at bars 9 and 10.
3. I Got Rhythm
The chord sequence known as ‘Rhythm Changes’ is based on this Gershwin song. See book 2, chapter 5.
Usual key: Bb.
Form: AABA = 32 bars.
Map: The A section is mostly a I – VI – II – V turnaround but with a move to the subdominant (IV) at bar 6. The B section consists of 4 dominant 7s that follow the circle of 5ths.
4. Blue Bossa
This simple sequence has a Latin feel and is played in straight 8s.
Usual key: C minor
Form: 16 bars repeated.
Map: Only 2 keys to learn: it's mostly in C minor, but bars 9 -12 flip to Db major.
5. All Of Me
A very well known standard, often sung.
Usual key: C major
Form: AB = 16+16
Map: Remains in original key with a foray into the relative minor.
6. Bye Bye Blackbird
A traditional 'sing-along' but listen to the Keith Jarrett version for inspiration.
Usual key: F major
Form: AB = 16 + 16
Map: The
A section remains in original key. The B section contains
II – V's.
7. Fly Me To The Moon
Often sung, and popularized by Frank Sinatra.
Usual key: C major
Form: AB = 16+16
Map: III – VI – II – V – I – IV as in All The Things You Are, but then moves to the relative minor.
8. Satin Doll
An Ellington standard: Ramsey Lewis recorded a very accessible version.
Usual key: C major
Form: AABA = 32 bars.
Map: Opens with a pair of ascending II – V's. B section modulates to F major.
9. What Is This Thing Called Love?
This is another popular standard, containing a conventional AABA structure.
Usual key: C major.
Form: AABA = 32 bars.
Map: Unusual in that the A section starts with a minor II – V – I in F minor.
The B section modulates to a new key: Bb major.
10. Yesterdays
This Jerome Kern song is traditionally played as a ballad. It’s in a minor key and contains a circle of 5ths.
Usual key: D minor.
Form: AB = 16 + 16
Map: After staying in D minor for a while, it then moves though a circle of 5ths from bar 9 – 12 before returning to its key signature.
11. Beautiful Love
Here’s another tune in a minor key with an AB structure.
Usual key: D minor.
Form: AB = 16 + 16
Map: Sets out with a II – V – I sequence in D minor, then switches to its relative major.
12. Some Day My Prince Will Come
Here's your opportunity to play in 3/4 time. This tune is a Bill Evans special.
Usual key: Bb major.
Form: AB = 16+16
Map: Stays in the same key but throws in some diminished chords.
Now that we’ve explored repertoire, it’s time to investigate the musicians that played these songs.