Ego first, second and last with a Leo. If only they’d stop to realize that the world doesn’t quite revolve around them as much as they think it does. They are so full of themselves that others are taken in and they can build up quite a following of sycophants and hangers-on. This only helps bolster their already over-inflated sense of worth. They think any job they have is a career. They fail to notice how bad their lovers are because they’re so busy watching their own performance – and that’s what it is, a performance.
They like to think that they are at their best in a noisy restaurant, being the centre of attraction, holding forth at the top of the table. But watch them slink away when its time to pay the bill. Not your most generous of signs this one. They bring white and drink red, and they drink far too much.
Holding forth is probably their best position. They do love to tell everyone else what to think. They are bossy, dogmatic, opinionated and conceited. Trouble is, their opinions are always biased, subjective, unfair, based entirely on their own experiences, and short on facts. They have poor taste in clothes, as they think yesterday’s fashions are still today’s. Who’d have the nerve to tell them though?
* They do love to tell everyone else what to think. They are bossy, dogmatic, opinionated and conceited
And what is that thing they have about their hair? It is invariably messy, tangled and bushy and needs a good cut. They think they look like a lion, how wrong can you get?
They claim they only see the big picture, they paint on a wide canvas. They don’t pay attention to detail. And do you know why? Lazy, that’s why. They don’t do detail because they can’t be bothered. They are so stuck up they think the whole world revolves around them – there’ll always be an underling to do the filing for them. They are distinctly below-average at everything. They know this and suffer terrible self-esteem problems. Good.
When they get old they get terribly depressed and make the mistake of thinking we care. They witter on about how much they could have done, how successful they once were. They progress to this stage as mutton dressed as lamb.
Their teeth are often yellow because they smoke too much and drink too much coffee.
* Their teeth are often yellow because they smoke too much and drink too much coffee
What a showy little dog this one will turn out to be. A Leo in love, God protect us. This one will run and run – for about a week. You see the Leo is destined to be hurt in love, nay tortured, dismembered, torn apart. They bring it on themselves. If they could learn to keep their trap shut for five minutes they might just hang onto a lover. But they don’t. They do love to change, to criticize, to tidy up, to argue with and finally, to drive away. It’s in their nature. It’s in the genes.
* Leo in love, God protect us. This one will run and run – for about a week
They seek a white knight in shining armour who will rescue them from their current love affair which has invariably gone horribly wrong. Then when you do saddle up they’ll play it all frosty and tell you that you’ve arrived at the wrong time, wrong place, or with the wrong colour armour, or that you’ve ridden the horse all wrong. You’d think they’d be grateful to have someone to be rescued by. Not a bit of it.
They won’t go anywhere quietly. They can’t sit through a play without talking or a film without being an unpaid highly vocal critic. They get shushed a lot in cinemas. Doesn’t that tell you everything? They make bossy office managers.
* They seek a white knight in shining armour who will rescue them from their current love affair which has invariably gone horribly wrong
They can be tigers or pussy cats, indifferent or over-demanding, turned off or turned on – you don’t get any in-betweens with them. They are either ripping your clothes off or leaving them well alone. They either want sex ten times a night or not at all.
* They are either ripping your clothes off or leaving them well alone
Their idea of a good night of sex is you worshipping them, looking after their needs, servicing them, satisfying them, performing for them. Notice anything missing there? Good, because they won’t have.
They’ll pounce on you when they’re in the mood and get incredibly angry with you if you do the same. Best wait until you’re asked. They like to think they are raunchy, daring, slightly dirty sorts of lovers. Truth is they are tame, boring and un-adventurous.
* They have no staying power, no endurance, no money and no ideas
Like the lion that they are named after, they are fat and indolent, cowardly and very lazy. They think they are good at business but how could they possibly be? They have no staying power, no endurance, no money and no ideas.
In business, as in everything else, they like to be in control. God knows why, they’re hopeless at it all. They make lousy parents as well as lousy business people, entertainers, singers, dancers and PR people. They make good show-offs, though.
* They like to be in control. God knows why, they’re hopeless at it all
If you are resolved to employ one make sure everything is nailed down or insured or replaceable or retrievable or expendable or disposable. They break stuff. They don’t understand technology and cause all of their devices to crash. They deny this.
They like to run the show, but they lack any skills to do it. If only someone would tell them how bad they are at everything perhaps they’d go away and leave us to make some money. They make a lot of mistakes. All of which they try to cover up or blame someone else for.