Cultural Memory in the Present

Alexander Etkind, Warped Mourning: Stories of the Undead in the Land of the Unburied

Denis Guénoun, About Europe: Philosophical Hypotheses

Maria Boletsi, Barbarism and its Discontents

Sigrid Weigel, Walter Benjamin: Images, the Creaturely, and the Holy

Roberto Esposito, Living Thought: The Origins and Actuality of Italian Philosophy

Henri Atlan, The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 2: The Atheism of Scripture

Rüdiger Campe, The Game of Probability: Literature and Calculation from Pascal to Kleist

Niklas Luhmann, A Systems Theory of Religion

Jean-Luc Marion, In the Self’s Place: The Approach of Saint Augustine

Rodolphe Gasché, Georges Bataille: Phenomenology and Phantasmatology

Niklas Luhmann, Theory of Society, Volume 1

Alessia Ricciardi, After La Dolce Vita: A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi’s Italy

Daniel Innerarity, The Future and Its Enemies: In Defense of Political Hope

Patricia Pisters, The Neuro-Image: A Deleuzian Film-Philosophy of Digital Screen Culture

François-David Sebbah, Testing the Limit: Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the Phenomenological Tradition

Erik Peterson, Theological Tractates, edited by Michael J. Hollerich

Feisal G. Mohamed, Milton and the Post-Secular Present: Ethics, Politics, Terrorism

Pierre Hadot, The Present Alone Is Our Happiness, Second Edition: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson

Yasco Horsman, Theaters of Justice: Judging, Staging, and Working Through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo

Jacques Derrida, Parages, edited by John P. Leavey

Henri Atlan, The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 1: Spermatic Knowledge

Rebecca Comay, Mourning Sickness: Hegel and the French Revolution

Djelal Kadir, Memos from the Besieged City: Lifelines for Cultural Sustainability

Stanley Cavell, Little Did I Know: Excerpts from Memory

Jeffrey Mehlman, Adventures in the French Trade: Fragments Toward a Life

Jacob Rogozinski, The Ego and the Flesh: An Introduction to Egoanalysis

Marcel Hénaff, The Price of Truth: Gift, Money, and Philosophy

Paul Patton, Deleuzian Concepts: Philosophy, Colonialization, Politics

Michael Fagenblat, A Covenant of Creatures: Levinas’s Philosophy of Judaism

Stefanos Geroulanos, An Atheism That Is Not Humanist Emerges in French Thought

Andrew Herscher, Violence Taking Place: The Architecture of the Kosovo Conflict

Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, On Historicizing Epistemology: An Essay

Jacob Taubes, From Cult to Culture, edited by Charlotte Fonrobert and Amir Engel

Peter Hitchcock, The Long Space: Transnationalism and Postcolonial Form

Lambert Wiesing, Artificial Presence: Philosophical Studies in Image Theory

Jacob Taubes, Occidental Eschatology

Freddie Rokem, Philosophers and Thespians: Thinking Performance

Roberto Esposito, Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community

Vilashini Cooppan, Worlds Within: National Narratives and Global Connections in Postcolonial Writing

Josef Früchtl, The Impertinent Self: A Heroic History of Modernity

Frank Ankersmit, Ewa Domanska, and Hans Kellner, eds., Re-Figuring Hayden White

Michael Rothberg, Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization

Jean-François Lyotard, Enthusiasm: The Kantian Critique of History

Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal, and Carel Smith, eds., The Rhetoric of Sincerity

Stéphane Mosès, The Angel of History: Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Scholem

Pierre Hadot, The Present Alone Is Our Happiness: Conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson

Alexandre Lefebvre, The Image of the Law: Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza

Samira Haj, Reconfiguring Islamic Tradition: Reform, Rationality, and Modernity

Diane Perpich, The Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas

Marcel Detienne, Comparing the Incomparable

François Delaporte, Anatomy of the Passions

René Girard, Mimesis and Theory: Essays on Literature and Criticism, 19592005

Richard Baxstrom, Houses in Motion: The Experience of Place and the Problem of Belief in Urban Malaysia

Jennifer L. Culbert, Dead Certainty: The Death Penalty and the Problem of Judgment

Samantha Frost, Lessons from a Materialist Thinker: Hobbesian Reflections on Ethics and Politics

Regina Mara Schwartz, Sacramental Poetics at the Dawn of Secularism: When God Left the World

Gil Anidjar, Semites: Race, Religion, Literature

Ranjana Khanna, Algeria Cuts: Women and Representation, 1830 to the Present

Esther Peeren, Intersubjectivities and Popular Culture: Bakhtin and Beyond

Eyal Peretz, Becoming Visionary: Brian De Palma’s Cinematic Education of the Senses

Diana Sorensen, A Turbulent Decade Remembered: Scenes from the Latin American Sixties

Hubert Damisch, A Childhood Memory by Piero della Francesca

José van Dijck, Mediated Memories in the Digital Age

Dana Hollander, Exemplarity and Chosenness: Rosenzweig and Derrida on the Nation of Philosophy

Asja Szafraniec, Beckett, Derrida, and the Event of Literature

Sara Guyer, Romanticism After Auschwitz

Alison Ross, The Aesthetic Paths of Philosophy: Presentation in Kant, Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy

Gerhard Richter, Thought-Images: Frankfurt School Writers’ Reflections from Damaged Life

Bella Brodzki, Can These Bones Live? Translation, Survival, and Cultural Memory

Rodolphe Gasché, The Honor of Thinking: Critique, Theory, Philosophy

Brigitte Peucker, The Material Image: Art and the Real in Film

Natalie Melas, All the Difference in the World: Postcoloniality and the Ends of Comparison

Jonathan Culler, The Literary in Theory

Michael G. Levine, The Belated Witness: Literature, Testimony, and the Question of Holocaust Survival

Jennifer A. Jordan, Structures of Memory: Understanding German Change in Berlin and Beyond

Christoph Menke, Reflections of Equality

Marlène Zarader, The Unthought Debt: Heidegger and the Hebraic Heritage

Jan Assmann, Religion and Cultural Memory: Ten Studies

David Scott and Charles Hirschkind, Powers of the Secular Modern: Talal Asad and His Interlocutors

Gyanendra Pandey, Routine Violence: Nations, Fragments, Histories

James Siegel, Naming the Witch

J. M. Bernstein, Against Voluptuous Bodies: Late Modernism and the Meaning of Painting

Theodore W. Jennings Jr., Reading Derrida / Thinking Paul: On Justice

Richard Rorty and Eduardo Mendieta, Take Care of Freedom and Truth Will Take Care of Itself: Interviews with Richard Rorty

Jacques Derrida, Paper Machine

Renaud Barbaras, Desire and Distance: Introduction to a Phenomenology of Perception

Jill Bennett, Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art

Ban Wang, Illuminations from the Past: Trauma, Memory, and History in Modern China

James Phillips, Heidegger’s Volk: Between National Socialism and Poetry

Frank Ankersmit, Sublime Historical Experience

István Rév, Retroactive Justice: Prehistory of Post-Communism

Paola Marrati, Genesis and Trace: Derrida Reading Husserl and Heidegger

Krzysztof Ziarek, The Force of Art

Marie-José Mondzain, Image, Icon, Economy: The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary

Cecilia Sjöholm, The Antigone Complex: Ethics and the Invention of Feminine Desire

Jacques Derrida and Elisabeth Roudinesco, For What Tomorrow . . . : A Dialogue

Elisabeth Weber, Questioning Judaism: Interviews by Elisabeth Weber

Jacques Derrida and Catherine Malabou, Counterpath: Traveling with Jacques Derrida

Martin Seel, Aesthetics of Appearing

Nanette Salomon, Shifting Priorities: Gender and Genre in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painting

Jacob Taubes, The Political Theology of Paul

Jean-Luc Marion, The Crossing of the Visible

Eric Michaud, The Cult of Art in Nazi Germany

Anne Freadman, The Machinery of Talk: Charles Peirce and the Sign Hypothesis

Stanley Cavell, Emerson’s Transcendental Etudes

Stuart McLean, The Event and Its Terrors: Ireland, Famine, Modernity

Beate Rössler, ed., Privacies: Philosophical Evaluations

Bernard Faure, Double Exposure: Cutting Across Buddhist and Western Discourses

Alessia Ricciardi, The Ends of Mourning: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Film

Alain Badiou, Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism

Gil Anidjar, The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy

Jonathan Culler and Kevin Lamb, eds., Just Being Difficult? Academic Writing in the Public Arena

Jean-Luc Nancy, A Finite Thinking, edited by Simon Sparks

Theodor W. Adorno, Can One Live after Auschwitz? A Philosophical Reader, edited by Rolf Tiedemann

Patricia Pisters, The Matrix of Visual Culture: Working with Deleuze in Film Theory

Andreas Huyssen, Present Pasts: Urban Palimpsests and the Politics of Memory

Talal Asad, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity

Dorothea von Mücke, The Rise of the Fantastic Tale

Marc Redfield, The Politics of Aesthetics: Nationalism, Gender, Romanticism

Emmanuel Levinas, On Escape

Dan Zahavi, Husserl’s Phenomenology

Rodolphe Gasché, The Idea of Form: Rethinking Kant’s Aesthetics

Michael Naas, Taking on the Tradition: Jacques Derrida and the Legacies of Deconstruction

Herlinde Pauer-Studer, ed., Constructions of Practical Reason: Interviews on Moral and Political Philosophy

Jean-Luc Marion, Being Given That: Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness

Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment

Ian Balfour, The Rhetoric of Romantic Prophecy

Martin Stokhof, World and Life as One: Ethics and Ontology in Wittgenstein’s Early Thought

Gianni Vattimo, Nietzsche: An Introduction

Jacques Derrida, Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 19711998, edited by Elizabeth Rottenberg

Brett Levinson, The Ends of Literature: The Latin American “Boom” in the Neoliberal Marketplace

Timothy J. Reiss, Against Autonomy: Cultural Instruments, Mutualities, and the Fictive Imagination

Hent de Vries and Samuel Weber, eds., Religion and Media

Niklas Luhmann, Theories of Distinction: Re-Describing the Descriptions of Modernity, edited and introduced by William Rasch

Johannes Fabian, Anthropology with an Attitude: Critical Essays

Michel Henry, I Am the Truth: Toward a Philosophy of Christianity

Gil Anidjar, “Our Place in Al-Andalus”: Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab-Jewish Letters

Hélène Cixous and Jacques Derrida, Veils

F. R. Ankersmit, Historical Representation

F. R. Ankersmit, Political Representation

Elissa Marder, Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert)

Reinhart Koselleck, The Practice of Conceptual History: Timing History, Spacing Concepts

Niklas Luhmann, The Reality of the Mass Media

Hubert Damisch, A Theory of/Cloud/: Toward a History of Painting

Jean-Luc Nancy, The Speculative Remark: (One of Hegel’s bon mots)

Jean-François Lyotard, Soundproof Room: Malraux’s Anti-Aesthetics

Jan Patočka, Plato and Europe

Hubert Damisch, Skyline: The Narcissistic City

Isabel Hoving, In Praise of New Travelers: Reading Caribbean Migrant Women Writers

Richard Rand, ed., Futures: Of Jacques Derrida

William Rasch, Niklas Luhmann’s Modernity: The Paradoxes of Differentiation

Jacques Derrida and Anne Dufourmantelle, Of Hospitality

Jean-François Lyotard, The Confession of Augustine

Kaja Silverman, World Spectators

Samuel Weber, Institution and Interpretation: Expanded Edition

Jeffrey S. Librett, The Rhetoric of Cultural Dialogue: Jews and Germans in the Epoch of Emancipation

Ulrich Baer, Remnants of Song: Trauma and the Experience of Modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan

Samuel C. Wheeler III, Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy

David S. Ferris, Silent Urns: Romanticism, Hellenism, Modernity

Rodolphe Gasché, Of Minimal Things: Studies on the Notion of Relation

Sarah Winter, Freud and the Institution of Psychoanalytic Knowledge

Samuel Weber, The Legend of Freud: Expanded Edition

Aris Fioretos, ed., The Solid Letter: Readings of Friedrich Hölderlin

J. Hillis Miller / Manuel Asensi, Black Holes / J. Hillis Miller; or, Boustrophedonic Reading

Miryam Sas, Fault Lines: Cultural Memory and Japanese Surrealism

Peter Schwenger, Fantasm and Fiction: On Textual Envisioning

Didier Maleuvre, Museum Memories: History, Technology, Art

Jacques Derrida, Monolingualism of the Other; or, The Prosthesis of Origin

Andrew Baruch Wachtel, Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation: Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia

Niklas Luhmann, Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy

Mieke Bal, ed., The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation

Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo, eds., Religion