adoption, 166, 198–201, 208–9, 219–21

apocalyptic destruction, 62, 94, 113–14

Aquinas, Thomas, 257, 268, 291, 293

Aristotle, 78

ascension, 115, 123–25, 131–36, 147–50

See also Christ

Athanasius, 37–38

Augustine of Hippo, 17, 40, 75, 149, 264–65, 269–70, 291–92, 305–6, 312, 318–19


of Christ, 99–100, 146–50, 192

“filling” and, 196–201

with Holy Spirit, 170–201, 272–83

of repentance, 152, 193–98

“sealing” and, 196, 198–201

separate baptism, 192–93

water baptism, 200, 273–79, 298, 303

Barth, Karl, 178, 298–99, 301, 303

Basil, 17, 23–24, 38, 277

Bauer, F. C., 250

Bavinck, Herman, 40, 306–7

Berkhof, Hendrikus, 70

Bernard of Clairvaux, 207


of Christ, 81–104, 132, 187, 231–33, 263, 281–82, 289–321

incarnation and, 95–104

preparing, 81–104

redemption and, 81–104

revelation and, 84–93

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 261

Boniface VIII, Pope, 292

“breath of life,” 54–56, 77, 82–84, 107, 115, 150, 181–82

bride, 63, 135–37, 212, 282, 289–321

Brown, Raymond, 133

Bucer, Martin, 266

Bulgakov, Sergei, 277, 290–91

Bullinger, Heinrich, 263, 272

Burnaby, John, 292

Burpo, Todd, 13

Calvin, John, 18–19, 39, 52, 61–62, 97, 152, 191, 207–8, 212, 252–53, 259–72, 285–87, 298, 305–6, 312

Canlis, Julie, 271

Chafer, Lewis Sperry, 267

chaos, 48–59, 88–90, 119–21, 225, 245, 318


ascension of, 115, 123–25, 131–36, 147–50, 203, 211, 226–31, 268–72, 286–97

baptism of, 99–100, 146–50, 192

body of, 81–104, 132, 187, 231–33, 263, 281–82, 289–321

church and, 282, 292, 295–99

coming of, 42–43, 131, 146–48, 240, 265

conception of, 62–63, 96–98

differences with Holy Spirit, 36–37, 55–56, 125–37

Eucharist and, 281, 296

identity of, 29, 112–13, 136–37, 145

incarnation of, 34, 70, 95–104, 291, 314

as Lord, 39, 104, 136, 206

as mediator, 24, 32–39, 44–45, 78–80, 97

ministry of, 103, 129–36, 144–59, 206, 233, 258–59, 270–71

obedience to, 178–79, 203–8, 213–18, 256–57

resurrection of, 43, 55, 80, 94, 102, 113–14, 122–37, 146–50, 179–89, 207, 213, 221–22, 228, 243, 273–75

role of, 36–38, 43

union with, 27–30, 127, 189–92, 207–8, 219–22, 267, 270, 285, 292, 305, 314

victory of, 128, 173, 187, 217, 226–33

witness to, 42, 149–50, 160–61, 165, 228, 239, 317

Chrysostom, John, 242, 264


assimilation to, 290–98

as body of Christ, 282, 292, 295–99

building, 165–66

consummation of, 301

depersonalization of Spirit in, 23–25

depiction of, 134, 139, 246, 282, 289–321

Eucharist and, 251

ex opere operato view of, 255–58

extroverted church, 318–21

growth of, 257

Holy Spirit and, 23–25, 63, 127–28, 289–321

judgment of, 127

as kingdom, 311–18

ministry of, 18, 231–38, 242, 246, 300, 317

separation from, 298–303

as witness to Christ, 165

Clayton, Philip, 73

cleansing, 42, 110–11, 218, 227

conception, 62–63, 96–98

Congar, Yves, 18, 55, 63, 251–52, 259, 277–78, 291, 297, 304

consecration, 171–88, 210, 268, 293


of church, 301

of creation, 77

in future, 113, 121

by Holy Spirit, 29, 34–41, 80, 107, 189, 204, 287, 310

immanent consummation, 21

of union with Christ, 270


of grace, 37, 84–85, 139–45, 172, 218–19, 280

of promise, 145

of works, 139–48, 218–19

Cox, Harvey, 310

creatio continua, 52


by God, 48–56, 67, 77

Holy Spirit and, 47–51, 59–64, 86

narratives, 108, 171

preparing body and, 82–84

Cyril of Alexandria, 151–52

Dabney, D. Lyle, 20, 74

Davies, W. D., 105

de Lubac, Henri, 291


in churches, 23–25

of Holy Spirit, 21–28, 69–75

reasons for, 25–26

Dillard, Raymond, 116

distinctness of Spirit, 29–32, 35, 69–70

See also Holy Spirit

divine witness, 107–10, 130

Dodd, C. H., 105

Douglas, Mary, 171

dualism, 51–56, 64–68, 72–73, 97, 179, 246–50

Dulles, Avery Cardinal, 301–2

Dunn, James D. G., 30, 182

Ebeling, Florian, 247

Eck, Diana, 311–12

Eckhardt, Meister, 66–67

end-time sanctuary, 42, 45, 93, 139, 146, 159–60

end-time scenarios, 62–63

epiclesis, 293, 305

Erasmus, Desiderius, 18–19, 265–66, 270


body of Christ in, 281, 296

church and, 251

epiclesis and, 305

Holy Spirit and, 123, 251–56, 263–72, 281, 296, 303–5, 313–14

importance of, 123

sacramental body in, 281

ex nihilo creation, 48–49, 51–56, 67, 77, 86


act of, 190, 199, 213, 218

gift of, 222–24

repentance and, 123, 138, 198, 205–11, 217

Farel, Guillaume, 19

farewell discourse, 122–37

Farrow, Douglas, 133, 269, 293, 296–97

Ferguson, Sinclair, 98, 131, 135, 147, 155, 188, 229, 241

fiat-word, 51–54, 86, 96, 178, 206, 211, 216, 239–40, 244

“filling” concept, 196–201

Finger, Thomas N., 65, 247

Finney, Charles G., 256

“flame of love,” 74–75

forgiveness of sins, 114–23, 141–54, 189–91, 274–75, 290, 311–15

Franck, Sebastian, 247

“fruit of the Spirit,” 43, 216–24, 242–44, 253, 318

Gaffin, Richard, Jr., 167–68, 235

garden of Eden, 41, 48, 90–93, 107, 172–75

Gaybba, Brian, 18, 264

“generic Spirit,” 21–23


of faith, 222–24

of God, 17–18, 123–25, 271–72

of Holy Spirit, 39, 160–65, 190, 202–45, 274–75

of love, 222–24

of salvation, 202–27

sign-gifts today, 235–43

spiritual gifts, 39, 160–65, 190, 202–45, 274–75

glory cloud, 42, 109–110, 115, 129, 138–40, 144, 160

Gnosticism, 22, 64–65, 133, 297, 301


completeness of, 34

creation by, 48–56, 67, 77

external works of, 16, 36–41, 44–45

gift of, 17–18, 123–25, 271–72

glory of, 37, 53–54, 117–19, 157–58, 186, 197–98, 206, 284–88

grace of, 173, 191, 201, 249, 303

kingdom of, 50, 121, 147, 154, 175, 194, 216, 275, 294–95, 308–12, 317

ministers of, 173, 231–34, 239–40

role of, 36–38

universal fatherhood of, 22

wind from, 31, 53, 107–9

word of, 31–32, 51–53, 86, 100, 164, 192, 231–42, 248, 253–55, 259–81

Goethe, 67


covenant of, 37, 84–85, 139–45, 172, 218–19, 280

of God, 173, 191, 201, 249, 303

means of, 244–81

Great Commission, 194–95, 232, 256, 314

Gregory of Nazianzus, 38, 84, 102

Gregory of Nyssa, 38, 260, 296

Grenz, Stanley, 73, 106, 249

Grudem, Wayne, 237

Harnack, Adolf von, 250, 309

Hegel, G. W. F., 21, 67, 72, 294, 300, 309

Heidelberg Catechism, 19, 146, 213–14, 257, 279

Hilary of Poitiers, 17

Hippolytus, 319

Hoffman, Melchior, 97

holy conception, 62–63, 96–98

Holy Spirit

age of, 138–69

assimilation to church, 290–98

baptism with, 170–201, 272–83

bride and, 289–321

church and, 23–25, 63, 127–28, 289–321

cleansing through, 42, 110–11, 218, 227

coming of, 109, 138, 146–48, 155–58, 168, 236–40

consummation by, 29, 39–41, 80, 107, 189, 204, 287, 310

creation and, 47–51, 59–64, 86

“dark side” of, 106–8

depersonalization of, 21–28, 69–75

differences with Christ, 36–37, 55–56, 125–37

distinctness of, 29–32, 35, 69–70

as divine witness, 107–10, 130

doctrine of, 15–17

envisioning, 105

essential attributes of, 35–36

Eucharist and, 123, 251–56, 263–72, 281, 296, 303–5, 313–14

farewell discourse and, 122–37

fruit of, 43, 216–24, 242–44, 253, 318

“generic Spirit” and, 21–23

gifts of, 39, 160–65, 190, 202–45, 274–75

glory and, 284–88

grace and, 244–81

immanentization of, 22–23

indwelling Spirit, 25–28, 31–32, 44–46, 58–59

judgment by, 105–21, 127–28

kingdom of, 247, 307–18

as life-giver, 29, 39–41, 56, 71–78, 135–39, 150–52, 180, 213, 226–83

as Lord, 29–46, 61–62, 139–40, 206, 211–13

ministry of, 18, 47–48, 85, 98, 117–19, 126–32, 155, 163, 190, 209–10, 222–25, 241, 251

mission of, 27–29, 47–50

in New Testament, 108, 130, 139–58, 167–68

obedience and, 118, 148–49, 207–8, 217–18

in Old Testament, 113–18, 139–58

perfecting, 41–44

personal attributes of, 35–36

in personal lives, 26–27

power of, 25, 101–2, 105–21, 175–77, 200, 268

promise of, 88–95

prophecy and, 88–96, 100–101, 108, 116

in providence, 57–64

in redemptive history, 82–90

reflection on, 13–14

renewed interest in, 17–20

revelation and, 84–93

role of, 16–17, 36–46, 106–8, 202–4

salvation and, 201–25

Scripture and, 27–32, 36, 50–52, 86–88, 304

separation from church, 298–303

uniqueness of, 29, 41–42

unity of, 27–33

universalization of, 21–23

of wisdom, 90, 161, 197

word and, 259–281

Humphrey, Edith M., 217

Hunter, James D., 257

Hutchinson, Roger, 76


of Christ, 34, 70, 95–104, 291, 314

consecration and, 178–79

preparing body and, 95–104

redemption and, 95–104

sacrifice and, 81–84

individualism, 178, 261, 303

indwelling Spirit, 25–28, 31–32, 44–46, 58–59

See also Holy Spirit

Irenaeus, 103, 264–65, 269–70

Jenson, Robert, 296

Johnson, Luke Timothy, 159


of church, 127

by Holy Spirit, 105–21, 127–28

latter-day judgment, 105–21

salvation and, 106–8

justification, 206–19, 223

Kant, Immanuel, 309–10

Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti, 14, 18, 71, 251, 253, 264

Käsemann, Ernst, 178

Kasper, Walter Cardinal, 297, 305

katartismon, 231–32


church as, 311–18

of God, 50, 121, 147, 154, 175, 194, 216, 275, 294–95, 308–12, 317

of heaven, 102, 301, 314

of Holy Spirit, 247, 307–18

Kline, Meredith G., 109, 115, 273

Küng, Hans, 301

Kuyper, Abraham, 16, 19, 41, 48, 58–59, 79, 84, 98, 153, 184–85, 204, 248, 254, 307–8

Lasco, John à, 97

latter-day judgment, 105–121

See also judgment

Leo XIII, Pope, 263

Levenson, Jon D., 227–28

Levering, Matthew, 302–3, 311

Levison, John, 138, 160, 181–82, 197, 198–201

liberalism, 22, 63

life, breath of, 54–56, 77, 82–84, 107, 115, 150, 181–82

life-giving Spirit, 29, 39–41, 56, 71–78, 135–39, 150–52, 226–83

See also Holy Spirit

Lindsey, Hal, 62

“living being,” 40, 56, 82, 107, 135, 150, 180–84

“living sacrifice,” 82

Loisy, Alfred, 307

Lord, Christ as, 39, 104, 136, 206

Lord, Holy Spirit as, 29–46, 61–62, 139–40, 206, 211–13

Lord’s Supper, 123–24, 159, 174–76, 245–49, 257–83

love, flame of, 74–75

love, gift of, 222–24

Luther, Martin, 18, 82, 207, 252, 259, 265, 268, 285, 286, 306, 312

Macchia, Frank, 15, 310

McBrien, Richard P., 310

McDonnell, Kilian, 15

McFague, Sallie, 69, 72

McKnight, Scot, 308, 317

mediator, 24, 32–39, 44–45, 78–80, 97

ministers, 173, 191, 231–40, 246, 259


of Christ, 103, 129–36, 144–59, 206, 233, 258–59, 270–71

of church, 18, 231–38, 242, 246, 300, 317

of condemnation, 117, 145

of death, 117, 145

of Holy Spirit, 18, 47–48, 85, 98, 117–19, 126–32, 155, 163, 190, 209–10, 222–25, 241, 251

of righteousness, 117–18, 145

mission of Holy Spirit, 27–29, 47–50

See also Holy Spirit

modalism, 23–24, 33, 75, 295

Möhler, Johann Adam, 294, 297

Moltmann, Jürgen, 47, 61–63, 70, 72, 186, 310

moral chaos, 52

moralism, 105, 156, 258

Mühlen, Heribert, 297

Muller, Richard, 76

Müntzer, Thomas, 66, 246–47, 252, 309

mysticism, 26, 64–67, 105

natural chaos, 52

naturalism, 57, 60, 62

Neoplatonism, 21–22, 64, 180, 265, 292

nephesh khayyah, 56, 82

Nestorianism, 101, 266, 267, 270

new creation, 114–21, 130–43, 170–89, 202–10, 220–25

Newbigin, Lesslie, 302, 304

Nicene Creed, 16, 20, 29–30, 87–88

Nichols, Aiden, 297

nishmat khayyim, 54–55, 82


to Christ, 178–79, 203–8, 213–18, 256–57

covenantal obedience, 88, 172–73

faithful obedience, 148–49

Holy Spirit and, 118, 148–49, 207–8, 217–18

importance of, 88, 172–73

national obedience, 143

repentance and, 214–17

sacrifice and, 81–82, 88

suffering and, 97–99, 178

O’Collins, Gerald, 311

Origen, 37, 103, 125–26, 246, 265–67, 291, 295

Osiander, Andreas, 286

“other languages,” 160–65

See also tongues

Owen, John, 13, 19, 46, 54–55, 60, 100–102, 122, 156–57, 203, 217–18, 262, 281–82

Packer, J. I., 23, 26, 264

Packull, Werner O., 66–67

paganism, 22, 49–52, 60–61, 222

palingenesia, 178, 186–88

panentheism, 21, 66–69, 72–78, 133, 297

pantheism, 21, 66–67, 70–72, 77

Paraclete, 38, 125–26, 131–33, 209

Pelagianism, 188, 215

Philo of Alexandria, 180–82

piety, 15–16, 23–25, 64, 98, 170, 249, 257–65

Pinnock, Clark, 20, 74–75, 106, 299–300

Plato, 160, 254, 318

Platonism, 21, 64, 180, 265, 291

Plotinus, 270, 318

Plutarch, 160

pneumatology, 14–17, 27–28, 69, 103–4

prayer, 169, 224, 237, 245, 287


goal of, 165–67

Holy Spirit and, 88–96, 100–101, 108, 116

sign-gifts and, 235–43

Radner, Ephraim, 303

Rahner, Karl, 300

Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal, 305

Rauschenbusch, Walter, 308–9


application of, 17, 35, 47–48, 62, 170–71, 184, 204, 286

Holy Spirit in, 82–90

incarnation and, 95–104

preparing body and, 81–104

redemptive history, 82–105, 150–57, 164, 170–71, 182, 188, 196–97, 230, 240, 265

regeneration, 152–57, 178–92, 204–21


baptism of, 152, 193–98

faith and, 123, 138, 198, 205–11, 217

forgiveness of sins and, 152, 315

obedience and, 214–17

resurrection, 43, 55, 80, 94, 102, 113–14

See also Christ

revelation, 84–93

revivalism, 19–20, 170, 256

Ridderbos, Herman, 170

Ritschl, Albrecht, 105, 308–10

Roof, Wade Clark, 249

ruakh’elohim, 31, 53, 107–9

ruakh khokmah, 197

Sabellianism, 33

sacrifice, 81–84, 88

Sadoleto, Cardinal, 253


gift of, 202–27

history of, 184

Holy Spirit and, 201–25

judgment and, 106–8

sanctification, 203–4, 207–20

Sanders, E. P., 105

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 33, 67, 105, 295, 309

Schweitzer, Albert, 159, 309–10

Schwenkfeld, Kasper, 97


Holy Spirit and, 27–32, 36, 50–52, 86–88, 304

inspiration of, 84–88, 251

narrative of, 29, 45–46, 51–53, 79–80, 108, 171, 240–47

nature of, 87–88

prophecy of, 235–43

“sealing” concept, 196, 198–201, 204

Sheehan, Thomas, 310

sign-gifts, 235–243

See also gifts

Simons, Menno, 97

sins, forgiveness of, 114–23, 141–54, 189–91, 274–75, 290, 311–15

Socrates, 160

soteriology, 106, 127, 207, 215, 286, 312

speech acts, 51–54, 86, 96–97, 205–6, 216

“Spirit of wisdom,” 90, 161, 197

spiritual gifts, 39, 160–65, 190, 202–45, 274–75

Stephens, W. P., 265

stoicism, 21, 180, 319

Stott, John, 154–55, 191, 193, 196, 236–38

Strabo, 160

subordinationism, 33, 234, 308

synergism, 133, 215, 217, 232, 297

Ten Commandments, 213–14, 229

Tertullian, 264

theism, 21, 67–69, 78

tongues, 156, 160–65, 179, 193–95, 221–22, 234–42

totus Christus, 290–97, 305–6

transfiguration scene, 102, 219

transubstantiation, 229, 251–52, 268–69, 293–95, 304

tree of life, 58, 107, 174–75


concerns about, 20–30

distinction in, 33–34

external works of, 29–30, 34–41, 127, 135, 226, 244

renewed interest in, 20–21

understanding, 13–14, 20–30, 33–35, 44–45

tritheism, 33

Turretin, Francis, 285

unity of Holy Spirit, 27–33

See also Holy Spirit

universalism, 21–23, 133, 297–300, 311

Verduin, Leonard, 98

Vermigli, Peter Martyr, 77, 266–68, 272

victory of Christ, 128, 173, 187, 217, 226–33

See also Christ

Vos, Geerhardus, 170

Wallace, Mark, 69–72, 78, 106

Ward, Graham, 295–96

Warfield, B. B., 18, 41, 264

water baptism, 200, 273–79, 298, 303

See also baptism

Webster, John, 211, 302–3

wedding feast, 312–14, 320

Welles, Orson, 62

Wells, H. G., 62

Westminster Larger Catechism, 64, 260, 262

“wind from God,” 31, 53, 107–9

wisdom, Spirit of, 90, 161, 197


to Christ, 42, 149–50, 160–61, 165, 228, 239, 317

church as, 165

divine witness, 107–10, 130


of God, 31–32, 51–53, 86, 100, 164, 192, 231–42, 248, 253–55, 259–81

Holy Spirit and, 259–81

ministers of, 173, 231–34, 239–40

Wright, N. T., 83

Zizioulas, John, 103, 202

Zwingli, Ulrich, 263, 265–70, 285, 298