My mother always stressed to me that the most important words in the English language are please and thank you. With that in mind I would like to thank some of the folks that I have been blessed to have in my life and also helped me with the most challenging task of attempting to write this book.
My first thank you is to the team at Gardner Rich & Company (GRC) who allowed me the time, space, and emotional range of motion required to look back while they looked forward. I especially want to thank Collene Carlson, president of GRC, for covering my back and balls for the last twelve years.
I’ve got to give a shout out to my girl Lynn Redmond at ABC’s 20/20. It was Lynn’s passion for a portion of my life’s journey that has made so many blessings and opportunities become a reality. I’ve also got to thank Bob Brown of 20/20 as well. Bob took “getting into his subject’s head” a bit further. Bob and I have the same barber!
Quincy Troupe once paid me a backhand compliment by telling me that I was as crazy as his previous subject, Miles Davis. I’ll definitely take that as a compliment! It was Quincy who helped me open up all the doors in my mind that I had tried to keep closed.
Mim Eichler Rivas helped me to open up my soul. Quincy put down what happened—Mim put down how what happened felt. If there is any sense of feeling, passion, or dreams here, it is all due to Mim.
Also vital to this book was Dawn Davis of Amistad, my brilliant editor, who knows nothing about my garments and cares even less. I knew from the second that we met that she was “the one”—no doubt, never a second thought. When we met, the book she had last published was on its way to winning a Pulitzer Prize. Like I said, no doubt! And thanks to the other hardworking folks at Amistad: Rockelle Henderson, Gilda Squire, Morgan Welebir, and the production and design teams.
I am forever grateful to Will Smith. The boy is the REAL DEAL! It was to Will that I expressed any concerns during the filming of The Pursuit of Happyness. I continue to be amazed at his grace, humility, and talent.
The guys from Escape Artists: Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, and Steve Tisch. Again, I knew from the very beginning that these were the guys to go with. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mark Clayman, your vision continues to astonish me. None of this could have happened without Mark’s vision.
Thanks to Jennifer Gates, my agent at Zachary Schuster Harmsworth Literary Agency, for believing in me, guiding me, and allowing me to be afraid.
Nothing in this life or the next will ever mean as much to me as my two children. With a whole lot of help, they were raised into absolutely fabulous young people: my son, Christopher, and my daughter, Jacintha. My greatest blessings. Thank you for being who you are, even when I wasn’t who I should’ve been.
To H., my love forever. Your support through the process made it all possible. To Madame Baba, my muse, thank you.
Thank you to the family that I was born into, and just as important, thank you to the family that adopted me: my father Bill Lucy; my big brother Reggie Weaver; my badass cousin Charles Ensley; my big sister Anne Davis; my “granddaddy” Rev. Cecil Williams; the godfather, the Original Big Will; my godmother Charlene Mitchell; and Willie L. Brown.
And a most heartfelt thank you to my mentor, Barbara Scott Preiskel.