in broad dayliGht kinky black girls look g-spot

If I had a dollar for every time someone said I remind them of their ex when they really meant they wanna fuck me with no strings …

Thank God/the music was so loud/whispers echoed our spines/we laughed/right into a memory/the whole time/we danced/you were somebody else’s/in front of everyone/in the back/forgot your heartbeat/not/my common sense/got lost/in someone else’s back seat/i accepted/your gossip/nontransferable invite to your pity party/hotel suite/tv was fast and furious/like you/time melted/into sex/sleep/I never undressed/in the sheets as pale/as your skin bitch face/told me everything/i knew was wrong/before you/no one had ever asked/to kiss me/like i belonged/to me/you tasted like something/i wanted/’til the sun/tiptoed through the blinds/you mentioned the unmentionable/cast me as the scholar/asked me of the younger/all the reasons/she can’t know/now I’m your secret/the only difference/between prey and predator/is how wide/you can open/your mouth