in broad dayliGht black victims looked gagged

q. What are the consequences of silence?


silence is a lynching

of things the world already knows about you

but still

needs to choke from your throat

silence is a cloak

draped over a body

of lies

has the world thinking you are safe//whole

something worth listening to

because everything is

the truth

once you believe it

silence is not just deadly

but the weapon itself

left at the scene of the crime

used to extinguish


of black mental health issues

because black people don’t have

time for exhaustion//depression

we will do our work//massa’s work//

& still have time

to be slaves to our own


silence is blinding

the reason i look for children

the way no one looked for me

is deafening

how no one heard my cries for help

or cries to sleep


how we cannot break


my depression

The consequences of silence will leave me lying in traffic on 42nd Street

Believing the only imprint i’ll have on the world is what’s left after the cars stampede over my body

is a drug

i was so strung out

no one knew i wished to die

until I had a stomach full of pills

& when i woke up

still trapped on this bridge

between heaven & hell

silence rendered me speechless

i had no song to sing

silence is no apology

no thank you

my mother,

didn’t know

how to

welcome me to the

world a second time

pessimism is trying to kill myself

optimism is living afterward

i have silence beaten into my body

i exist in this constant state of rage

when my hands don’t know

when my mouth can handle it

and so sometimes my tongue

swings before my fist do

& vice versa

& sometimes they wild out

at the same ga’damn time

no one wants to be a victim out of love

they do it out of threat

of whip




silence does not make a victim out of me

predators do

silence means i never tell my mother

i was molested

because he is family

because he is bigger than me

because i should have known better

silence means i don’t tell my friends i was abused

because she was a woman

because she wasn’t bigger than me

because i should have known better

i say nothing

because defending myself is

seen as an attack to my attacker

i say nothing because doing nothing is

seen as an attack on myself

i use silence for safety

they think me strong

think I can take it

because I’ve been witness

to my own murder

& still ain’t said shit

i am teaching myself

how to peel back the layers of silence

when the only undressing

i’ve known has been

in front of those who never deserved

to see

silence is not always a choice

it can be

a protest

the thin line

between danger

& safety

saying nothing

doesn’t mean everything’s all right

saying nothing can mean everything

is all wrong

but it doesn’t make it any less real

saying nothing means look at me


& hard

my whole body

is a language—

& i’m begging you

learn it