in broad dayliGht black descendants look gall

a saturday

betwixt the chin-high grass

hot enough to scald a lizard

beneath the mason dixon

a single home in a field of trailers

the big house

we dancing

the floorboards creak

the howl of a billion souls unfree

the record spins

the beat repeats

you still away,

steal away


where your grands’ grands will belong to no one

’cept themselves

steal away to own your own body

what is it about learning you have a body that makes having a body so damn complicated?

joy is an impossible thing to remember

to forget

to know yourself as your own, but still a descendant of theft

joy to be free in vain

as a result of someone else’s captivity

two black women

egos the top rung of a ladder

trapped in the body of a ditch

but we wobble

atop a warehouse of stolen caskets

the dance floor shimmys back

sayin’ g’head girl, this joy is yours