in broad dayliGht black dykes look gomorrah

megaphone Jesus says I am the abomination

when I pass his tribe on 149

With his Israelite robe and sparkly headdress

said my denim jeans were ungodly.

One minute I come from Kings

The next I’m the devil’s plaything

both royalty and meant to bow

to those that won’t rise for me

at least not in my time of need

at least not if I don’t bend knee

and that’s just it

I was Nubian a moment ago, y’all

Right up until i ain’t wanna guzzle his kids

even tho I’m so good at doing what i don’t want

like making men erect

but can’t make a man erect a statue

in my honor

fuckable until proven dick free

He ain’t even tryna know my name

Let alone say it

His god and mine suffer a language barrier

How you create your own sect

and still manage to worship a god that’s more involved in my sex than my safety

How you preaching the word of your lord

and cussing me in the name of your crotch

Oh yeah,

you believe the seed comes from the father?

in Hebrew seed is Zephra

which translates to semen.

is that what you spittin?

or you been swallowing so long you don’t know whose shit you eating?

Flex, then!

Oh, you think I’m scared?

Nigga I crossed the grand concourse without the light

I still love Kanye

I still got white friends

I’ve been to hell

Trapped inside my own mouth

a scorching of things I was afraid to say aloud

You think calling

me an abomination makes me forget you still wanna fuck me?

silence a truth, erase a fault.

do you hear church bell sirens?

ordain me

a wannabe

man hater

man herself

Name me anything but beautiful.

first you pray I’ll call

then you’ll call me prey

Today, I renounce my god

Like Peter

Like Judas

Like Longinus

I renounce my Black

Like OJ

Like Tiger

Like Raven

Today I’m just a vessel

that eats pussy

Even then, someone wants me dead

in the name of the father

who reigns when he pleases

& here I go with the audacity to keep on living

I’m into going against the grain

Lord knows I want you to stay

Pray a roof over your head

Pray every Dylann Roof away from NYCHA

that your brother remains your keeper

Wish your flesh be armor

I’ll be miscreant


the darkness

and still be the baddest bitch in the plaza