in broad dayliGht black stars look like gyrochronology

astronomers can decipher the age of a star by their spin rate

the scientific term for this is gyrochronology

Gyros meaning rotation

Chronos meaning age

Logos meaning study

A study of age through rotation

my first tattoo was a star

a branding of sorts

something to tell my body apart from the others

My flesh akin to ruin

akin to loss

the study of age through rotation

                 a preteen

a toy

                 a gun

a boy

                 a bullet

a barrel

                 a trigger

a finger

                 a cell

a trash bag

                            a backyard

a playground

                a car

my resolve

every nigga is a star

meant for shooting

        not for target.

q.  how do you tell the age of a dead body?

a.  you check for blackness. if no blackness the body will still be breathing.

b.  you pluck a star from its mouth.

c.  the more massive the star, the faster it burns up its fuel supply, and the shorter its life.

d.  the most massive stars can burn out before they finish high school.

corpses in crosswalks

rising to the hudson surface

swinging from trees

you can’t metaphor modern-day lynchings

when there are actually modern-day lynchings

bodies buried beneath me whisper run

to my ankles                between cackles

I am always weeping

my love asks why i cry at night.

Like the stars,

my tears are most visible in the dark.