Chapter 2 - The Path Is Your Manifestation!
It is so wonderful to have you back here again Richard! It feels like we just had the previous conversation (in Book 1) yesterday.
Yes it certainly does, and that is because we ended on a very high note. I can even feel the vibration of that book as we speak, which I’m sure many of our readers picked up on as well while they were reading. When you think about a particular topic and leave it on a “high note”, it will continue “vibrating” at that high level each time you revisit it. So now, as thousands of readers around the planet continue adding on to these broader intentions we have set for this book, the associated vibrations will be elevated to an even higher level… which means this book will go on to benefit even more people.
I have to smile as I hear you giving this explanation, because you very rarely use such esoteric explanations! But it is nice that you jump right into it in our second book. Can you give us a practical application of this “vibrational” stuff? How does one make sense of all of it?
You know, when I was doing my postgraduate studies, we were involved in very abstract and theoretical stuff. Most of the doctoral students could not see the immediate relevance of what they were doing and as a result became extremely disheartened and frustrated by the whole process. They had entered the program hoping to make a change to the world, hoping to win the next Nobel prize… only to find themselves stuck in the abstract world of statistics and numbers-crunching! One day, I met a very brilliant senior professor who shared with us the words of Kurt Lewin, a famous social psychologist. Lewin had said, “There is nothing as practical as a good theory.” In that moment, everything just came together for me! I started finding purpose in my work. I realized that all these theories we were creating formed the fundamental basis of everything we would do in practice.
And so you just reminded me of this with the question you just asked. Most of us struggle to see how all these would relate to our manifestations. Some of us struggle to see how these esoteric or spiritual truths can relate to our daily lives… when in fact they form the underlying basis of our daily lives! We are energetic beings, and it is only through a realization of our true nature that we can become effective manifestors and creators.
To reframe what I said earlier in terms of manifestations, suppose that you are trying to manifest a particular sum of money in your life. How you think about that money each time you think about it matters . It makes all of the difference. Suppose that you feel a sense of worry and desperation each time you think about money. As such, that is the level which you are vibrating at with regards to money. That is the level which the topic of money is vibrating at for you . Therefore, each time you revisit and think about money, you pick up from the previous point which you have thought about the subject, which is a very low point on the vibrational scale. If you constantly worry about money each time you think about it, if your thoughts about money are predominantly of a negative nature, then money is unlikely to manifest for you because your vibrations are totally contrary to the feelings of abundance which you are trying to attract.
How does someone in this situation attract more money into his life then?
Of course, this applies to anything we are seeking to attract in our lives, not just money. But let’s use money as an example because it is something that is close to our hearts. The key to effective and fast manifestations is to raise the vibrations of a subject each time you think about it. It would be helpful to ask yourself whether you are doing so each time you think about a subject. For example, if I can find a way to feel good about money, if I can find a way to feel hopeful about money… I would have raised the vibration about the subject beyond where it previously was.
Give us an example. For example, someone starts off by feeling worried about whether they can pay their bills. That is obviously a very low vibrational level.
That’s a low vibrational level because it is vibrating at the level of worry, fear and lack. They are worried about not having enough money to pay their bills. All our negative emotions and feelings are on the lower end of the vibrational / emotional scale, while all our positive emotions are on the higher end of the same scale. If you want to attract the good things in your life, then you must allow your inner state to correspond to the higher end of the emotional scale most of the time. That is when you will be bringing yourself people, events and circumstances that will bring more of these positive emotions to you.
Let’s suppose that an individual worries about money whenever they think about it. They are not making any progress on the vibrational scale with regards to the subject of money. Each time they think about money, they are vibrating at the “worry” point, which makes it difficult for their outer realities to be any different.
But let’s suppose that this individual comes into contact with these teachings and starts making a deliberate effort to turn things around. He starts finding creative ways to make the inner journey. So he thinks, “Hmm… although I do not have money to pay my bills right now, I’ve always had the money come to me in the end. Money always finds its way to me.” Can you feel the difference in that thought?
Yes, now it seems more hopeful than worrisome.
That’s exactly right, and “hope” is higher than the vibration of “worry” on the emotional scale! We have moved from worry to hope. This is what we mean by making progress and increasing the vibrations of a particular subject. If this individual will continue thinking at the new level of “hope” each time he thinks about money, then he would have made progress on the subject. The manifestations would start happening for him.
Now let’s suppose that he has vibrated at the level of “hope” for a few days. As a result of these higher vibrations, he now has access to thoughts and feelings that were not available to him previously . He now sees new possibilities whereas before, he only saw obstacles and dead ends. This is the primary reason why we should try to consciously and deliberately raise our vibrations as much as possible. It allows us to gain access to new worlds that we previously have not been able to reach.
This is amazing. Everyone talks about “feeling good” so that outer manifestations can happen. But what you are saying here is that when we feel good, we literally gain access to more good-feeling thoughts and information!
That is exactly right. It is a very important point and certainly not one to be glossed over. It is also the reason for the subtitle of this book: The path is your manifestation! Most people are so busy looking outside of themselves for the stuff and physical evidence of their manifestations. They do not realize that in the beginning, evidence of their manifestations will come in the form of better-feeling thoughts and possibilities that will occur to them. These thoughts and information were previously not available to them because they vibrated at a level that did not allow themselves to receive them. Now, by deliberately changing the way they feel, they are finally allowing themselves access to this information.
I have seen this happen so many times, not only in my own life but also in the lives of others. For example, an individual who feels hopeful as opposed to worried now has access to a whole new world of information. He now has money-making ideas and possibilities that have never occurred to him before. He may start making the much-needed connections in his own mind. He may say, “Perhaps I should try this !” or “I am inspired to try this!” The Universe is trying to nudge us in the right direction all the time by giving us these impulses.
This is where I’m having a bit of trouble myself. When do we know whether we are getting ahead of ourselves by taking action, and when are we supposed to take action?
That’s a good question. I have often cautioned against taking action in desperation to speed things up, just for the sake of taking it. The “action” I am talking about here is best described as inspired action. Along with the impulse to take that action, you’ll feel a sense of lightness and a sense of flow… as if everything is lined up so clearly for you. The path literally lights up for you and you are being told (shown) what action to take. That is the kind of action we are going for here. It feels like the most natural thing in the world to do, without a single strand of self-doubt or resistance within it. It is effortless action. If you need to second-guess yourself and question whether you should do something, it is probably not inspired action. This means we are not ready yet on the inside. 
In other words, the path will be shown to us.
That’s right. The path will be shown to us by the Universe when we are ready, and this path is actually part of our manifestation! This is the part so many people miss. They think that only the physical stuff is evidence of their manifestations, when in fact the path is also something we have manifested. We have manifested it by coming into alignment with what we are asking for and by maintaining our own inner states. It is by following this path that we are led to our greater good.
So let’s suppose that we receive no nudges or impulses after we have asked for something. What are we supposed to do?
We covered a similar question in the first book, and the answer is always to work on yourself in the meantime . Let us go back to the earlier example of the individual who is worried about money. Initially, his thoughts about money are all worry-related thoughts. Now suppose that something happens and he deliberately changes his thinking. He has then successfully moved from a vibration of worry to hope. Maybe the vibration of hope is still not enough for outer manifestations to occur, so what he should do is to keep raising his vibrations deliberately.
When most spiritual teachers speak of “raising our vibrations” or “raising our consciousness”, they usually do so in esoteric terms and not in everyday step-by-step language. As such, most of us do not really know what it means. How do we translate it to physical steps? What does it mean to raise our vibrations? Simply put, raising our vibrations means changing the way we think about a certain subject . It means moving ourselves (and our inner state) up the vibrational / emotional scale. We raise our level of consciousness by transcending lower energies to higher energies, moving from negative emotions to positive emotions.
So in the case of this individual, he can go higher than the vibration of hope. He can move gradually to optimism. He may think, “Things have always happened for me in the past. I should just relax and let the Universe take its course.” If he successfully reaches this point in his own thinking, he has moved up the vibrational scale once again with regards to money. He has moved to optimism and positive expectation or positive belief about something. This forward momentum is a very powerful state to be in because we are literally moving towards and into our desired realities.