Chapter 3 - Your Stuff Will Pile Up!
I believe it was Abraham-Hicks who came up with this emotional guidance scale you are talking about. When I first read about the scale, I could not really see the relevance to my own manifestations. I thought they were just talking about good versus bad emotions!
Yes. When I first learned about the emotional guidance scale, I also thought nothing much about it. I thought they were illustrating which emotions led to positive manifestations and which emotions led to negative manifestations. While that is certainly one of the uses of the emotional guidance scale, the actual significance goes way deeper than that…
The greatest value is derived from this scale when we deliberately move ourselves up the scale
. That is the inner journey we need to take. In fact, it is the only journey
we will ever have to make with regards to all of our manifestations. When the individual has successfully moved from an emotion of worry (which is quite low on the emotional scale) to a vibration of positive expectation and belief… he has made tremendous progress. This is when things will start happening for him.
Therefore, the greatest value of the emotional scale is not in identifying where we are on the scale. It is in identifying where we are and then taking steps to move up
the scale.
So what you are saying is that when someone is at “worry” with regards to money, he will not be able to receive thoughts / information about money compared to someone who is at a level of “positive expectation”.
That is exactly what the Law of Attraction is about. The vibrations of positive expectation are very different from the vibrations of worry. Therefore, you cannot expect to feel worried all the time and be able to attract thoughts similar to those of positive expectation. The feeling of abundance which we are moving towards are very high on the emotional vibrational scale, and worrying will never get you there. However, once you reach a higher level on the emotional scale, say one of enthusiasm… then you are closer and in the vicinity of where you want to be.
The reverse is also true of course. When you are vibrating at high levels on the emotional scale, then you are so far away from the vibrations of worry that you do not worry at all. You would have forgotten how to worry because you are so far away from the vibrations. You have become incompatible with the worry vibrations.
I like how you phrased it: forgetting how to worry. That’s certainly how I feel like most days after applying these techniques. It is like I am so far apart from those worry feelings.
If you look at everything with this framework, then we can quickly see that “worrying” is not the real problem. You can worry all you want as long as you can take the consequences of it, which is more things to worry about. Most people, when told not to worry, tell me that they like doing it… that it makes them feel safe and secure. These individuals do not know the full significance, or rather the actual physical consequences which their worries are creating! If they knew the full significance and impact of their worrisome thoughts… if they could literally see all the negative manifestations they were putting into action… they would never think another worry thought again! But of course, unless someone is self-aware, they are seldom able to link the eventual manifestations to their initial thoughts.
This is the reason why we must deliberately move away from the lower vibrations on the emotional scale. Worrying is one of the more pervasive vibrations where we end up getting stuck most often. Some people spend almost their whole lives there. I should know, because I spent a third of my life there being trapped at that stage. I willingly remained at that level because I did not realize how destructive my worrisome thoughts were. I thought I was being concerned and planning for my own future, not realizing that I was manifesting all those undesired outcomes at the same time.
What happens when someone starts making the deliberate effort to move up the emotional scale and vibrate at a higher level is this: They start building a positive, virtuous cycle. With each small step they take, outer reality responds. When outer reality responds, it again reinforces the good feelings which they feel on the inside, which goes on to create more positive outer manifestations. And so this spiral of good feelings and good manifestations continues until they reach a very good feeling place within themselves. The catch is that the reverse is also true in all of this. You can easily substitute “upward” for “downward”, and “positive” for “negative” in my above example and make the same point. The Universe does not dictate whether we go up or down, it only helps us along.
I am beginning to see the significance of what we are discussing here. An individual who manages to change the way he thinks about money, moving from a vibration of “worry” to “positive expectation” has actually shifted his inner state considerably.
That is correct. And if he continues to maintain this inner state of positive expectation, it is when the outer path may light up for him. This is when money will start flowing to him, causing a change in his fortunes and a change in the tides. This is when we start undoing all the negative conditioning that has been built up over such a long period.
Is this why when manifestations happen, they usually happen very quickly for a person? This seems to be what I’ve personally encountered and read.
Yes, you have hit the nail on its head. The effect of doing the inner work is exponential.
Initially, it will seem as if nothing is happening because we are working against the cumulative effect of our past negative thoughts. We are trying to change the tides. We are going against the flow of the negative spiral that is trying to draw us down. However, if we remain persistent at it, if we do not give up, we start creating an upward spiral instead. The faster we go, the faster we go! Think about driving your car. The engine has to strain and get it moving in the first gear, but by the time we are in the fifth gear, there is so much positive momentum that the weight of car just keeps it moving along! We need much more braking power at this point to stop the car.
It is the same with our physical manifestations. At first, it will seem as if nothing is happening. However, as we engage in more of the inner work and as we raise our vibrations, it becomes easier and easier to do so. Moving out of worry into hope was difficult and took lots of effort, like shifting into first gear. But moving from hope to optimism is easier because we already have so much momentum going for us. It’s like shifting from fourth to fifth gear. When we do all of this inner work, we are harnessing the momentum. We are setting things into motion that will result in outer manifestations. When we have set so many things in positive momentum, the corresponding physical manifestations will be fast and pleasing too.
Back in my early days, I heard Abraham-Hicks say (and I’m quoting loosely here) that if you will tend to your inner vibrations and be in the Vortex often, then the money has to pile up!
When I first heard them say this, I remember thinking, “That sounds good! I wonder if they are using it figuratively or do they mean it literally!” You can probably infer my inner state from my response back then!
I recall that Napoleon Hill (author of “Think and Grow Rich”) had a similar saying. He said, “When riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years.”
I remember that statement fondly too. In fact, I read Napoleon Hill before I came to know about the Abraham teachings… so when I heard the statement about “money piling up”, I immediately made the connection between what these two great teachers said. What a lot of readers will ask (either Napoleon Hill, Abraham or myself) is whether these teachers are just saying so to encourage their readers. Are they just meaning it metaphorically? Are they saying this to make their readers feel better… or do they really mean it?
That’s what a lot of our readers will want to know too!
I can assure you that they meant it literally.
Wow. So when Abraham-Hicks says the money will pile up, or when Napoleon Hill wrote that the riches will come quickly… it is all true?
All of it is true — every single word in fact. I am able to say this with so much certainty here today because I experienced it personally for myself. After years and years of asking for money with very little happening, suddenly I reached an inner tipping point where everything just happened for me. It was like everything I had asked for and more came flooding into my reality all at once!
Did you wonder where the riches were hiding all those lean years?
I did not exactly ask that question, but I remember telling and thinking to myself when all of it happened, “I finally know what Napoleon Hill and Abraham-Hicks are talking about. They were telling the truth.” It was a very surreal and indescribable feeling to be right there at that moment, making that realization. I had the proverbial goose bumps all over me.
Napoleon Hill was really talking about the exponential power of doing all the inner work! His book, Think and Grow Rich, is really about doing the inner work and getting lined up on the inside. While he did not exactly use metaphysical terms, his teachings are all about developing a positive expectation that we will get what we want… and thinking about our goals vividly and frequently. He was actually getting individuals to vibrate at the level of positive expectancy, which as we have discussed earlier, is a high level on the emotional scale.
I remember reading about how Napoleon Hill’s editors forced him to remove a lot of references to spirit in his book Think and Grow Rich.
I have heard about those too, but I have not been able to personally verify it for myself. I am definitely not surprised if this was the case, because success always has a spiritual side to it. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs and businessmen of our times are actually very spiritual. They may not consider themselves so, but they had a particular way of thinking and doing things. By acting in this manner, they were actually putting themselves in line with their highest good. They were aligned to receive the good that was lined up for them.
Some of the most successful people I know in every field are extremely clear-minded about what they want. When they have made up their minds, no one can persuade them otherwise. Once they have identified a worthy goal, nothing can sway them from it. No one will be able to talk them round! Of course, this also applies to individuals whom we consider to be “greedy” or “capitalistic”, like those on Wall Street. These people have the single-minded goal of making money, and they often do. These individuals have the ability to tune out all the chatter from everyone around them that does not matter. They have somehow stumbled on the secret of success without knowing it.
Do you consider this ability to tune out the mental chatter a prerequisite to manifestations? Is this something we are born with, like a talent some people have and are better at than others?
We all have the ability to place our focus anywhere, and it is certainly a crucial aspect of manifestations. One must have the discipline to place their continued focus on a desired reality until
it manifests. They must have the determination to keep their focus there despite the outer circumstances and outer evidence. Incidentally, persistence is one of the mental qualities emphasized by Napoleon Hill as well, so we are starting to see a pattern here.
I believe some people do it better than others. Some people have the ability to tune out distractions and the opinions of others better. I have worked with many students over the years, and some do a better job tuning out all the extraneous bits that detract them from their goal. However, there is a downside to this ability as well, and it is this: Ultimately, one has to be focused on the right
things. For example, if you are trying to manifest a particular intention in your life, then you must place your undivided focus on an imagined reality where that item is already manifest
. Some people use their focusing abilities the wrong way, and place all their attention on the current reality. That will only result in a perpetuation of their stuck states.
So putting two and two together, I would say that while some people can naturally focus better than others, we still have to learn what
to focus upon
. This is where the value of all these inner spiritual teachings become apparent.