Chapter 5 - Is Belief Necessary for Manifestations?
I am starting to realize how true this is for myself as we speak, especially with regards to all my “stuck” intentions that have not manifested yet.
I always teach that the moment you become aware of something, you bring it to light and can start taking the necessary steps to change it. Therefore, something very significant has just happened here for all our readers in similar situations. You have just identified a major block standing between yourself and one of your “big” manifestations. Now that the block has been identified, we can start working around it.
What you have to realize is that there are infinite ways through which your desires can come to you. When I was asking for that particular sum of money, I did not really question why
I wanted that money to come to me all at once. It was just a preference I had by default. So day after day, I kept asking for that particular sum of money while noticing that there was no opportunity that could bring it to me yet!
Most people ask for one million dollars (or any other amount), and they expect that some miraculous event happens to bring them that million dollars. That is certainly possible, but why stack the deck against yourself in this way? What they do not realize is how they have set up their own thinking such that they do not really believe it is possible. They have never made one million dollars before, much less come into possession of a million dollars through a single event or a single deal. Therefore they are asking for something which they do not even believe can happen, and that is making things unnecessarily difficult for them.
Which brings me to my next question. Is belief necessary in the manifestation process?
This is the interesting part. Abraham-Hicks have explained repeatedly that belief is not necessary in the manifestation process. In other words, something can manifest for you even if you do not believe in it fully. This was certainly the case for me when I asked for some of the “big” stuff. I did not believe I could have them, especially in the beginning. But I kept asking for them, and my wanting became so “pure” that I finally had them in my experience. Even after I had them in my physical reality, I was still going, “I can’t believe this happened to me! It’s too good to be true!” That’s what Abraham-Hicks mean when they say belief is not a crucial component of the manifestation process.
Of course, belief is a nice thing to have. If you have even some
belief and some
positive expectation that your physical manifestations will happen for you, it will make the whole process much easier. However, you can also manifest something in your physical reality without believing in it… although that often works against most people. It is really quite a subtle point here which warrants a more detailed explanation. When Abraham-Hicks explain that belief is not a necessary component, there is a greater explanation behind it.
Suppose you have asked for one million dollars while not believing that you can have it. Deep down inside you believe that it is not possible for this million dollars to come to you through that one single deal, or that one single lottery ticket. While it is true that the Universe can fulfill your request without your belief, look at the odds against you. Each time you think about that one million dollars, what will you be focused upon? What will you be thinking about? This goes back to what we were discussing at the beginning. An individual is more likely to focus on the difficulties and perceived challenges in getting that one million dollars, rather than the ease and flow of it.
In other words, when you do not believe in something, you usually believe in an alternative. Your belief in that alternative, that it is difficult for you to get that thing you are asking for, is what causes most people to stumble. It is what causes the wanting to be less-than-pure and contradictory in the first place.
He focuses on the absence of what he is asking for, rather than the presence.
There you have it! So while we say that belief is not necessary in the manifestation process, the lack of belief often causes individuals to focus somewhere else. This “focusing somewhere else” is what causes their manifestations to be delayed and held apart from them… not their lack of belief.
So here’s the good news — Suppose that you have no, or a very low level of belief that something you are asking for is possible. That’s alright! You can continue to keep that belief so long as
your level of wanting for that item is pure. This means that if you keep your focus on the presence of the item more often than on the absence of the item… it will come true in your physical experience very quickly. All that is required here is your mental (inner) focus. That’s all we are talking about. You choose what you want to place your focus upon and hence dictate the way which you feel on the inside. That’s all there is to it! If I were to summarize the whole manifestation process into a few words, it would be “focus on what you want until you get it”. The issue is that it has to be continued
focus. And what do you focus upon? You focus and place your attention upon the good feeling thoughts and feelings that arise when you think about what you are asking for.
That’s a very powerful explanation. I too have heard of similar sayings, for example, “You become what you think about”… but I did not understand their full significance.
It was the late Earl Nightingale who popularized that saying, “You become
what you think about most of the time.”
When you think about a desired object, you can either be thinking about its positive or its negative aspects. Some of the positive aspects include the good feelings you have when you admire the object, the good feelings you get when you use the object, the good feelings that the object evokes within you. Those are all the positive aspects. The negative aspects are the bad feelings you get when you realize the object is not here yet, the bad feelings you get when you wonder why it is taking so long, and the bad feelings you get when you worry about how
that object is going to come to you!
Same object… but totally different aspects to focus on! Here’s one of the biggest “secrets” — Most people focus by default on the negative aspects
all day long. That is what is causing their manifestations to be stuck and slow, or not come at all. They are indeed “thinking” about what they want all day long, but they are thinking about all the negative aspects of what they want all day long… which means negative (or no) manifestations!
How does a person know if he is thinking about the positive or negative aspects of an intention?
I love how everything comes back to the basics and fundamentals of what Abraham-Hicks has taught. Your positive and negative emotions let you know whether you are focused upon something wanted or something unwanted.
When you are thinking about what you want and feel positive emotions, you are focused on the positive aspects of it and you are moving closer in the direction of your ultimate physical manifestation. Conversely, when you are focused on the negative aspects of it, you feel negative emotions and hence are creating negatively.
I can’t tell you how many times I heard that from Abraham-Hicks but just glossed over it. I thought it was something so painfully obvious! I did not realize it can be applied to our manifestations in this manner.
That is in fact, the whole art of manifestations! If thinking about something or keeping your focused attention on something makes you feel bad, then why keep doing it? Why allow yourself to dwell at that place? I can tell you most people would give lots of valid reasons why they would want to dwell at that bad-feeling place, and righteousness is one of them. They feel that they are in the right
, and therefore have the right
to remain angry. These individuals do not realize that all these bad negative feelings are only hurting themselves and their own manifestations in the end. They are creating negatively by allowing themselves to stew in those endless negative feelings.
Here’s a scenario most of us should be familiar with. We are driving along and let’s say someone cuts into our lane. They express no signs of apology or thanks for us letting them into our lane. Some people would stew in those angry feelings for a good 15 minutes! But why do that? Those negative feelings are certainly not hurting the other driver… they are hurting you and your manifestations! That is something very important all of us should realize.
In fact, all our negative feelings (even if they are about someone else) have never been about that person. They have no effect on the other person. The greatest detrimental effect is to ourselves, and yet we do not realize it.
This is another powerful nugget. I did not realize that these negative feelings we unconsciously hold on to for a long time can affect our manifestations.
They absolutely do. Anything that affects your inner state affects your outer manifestations, regardless of the topic or reason. Therefore you may be stewing about your neighbor, or someone who just cut into your lane… you may be feeling jealous that your neighbor just came into contact with a huge inheritance. Guess what? Those negative feelings of jealously are not hurting your neighbor, they are hurting you! When you realize this truth, you become very careful with the way you feel on the inside. You give it all up and realize how ridiculous it is to let others dictate your inner state (and therefore your outer results).
Have you noticed how awful you felt when holding on to one of those negative emotions? Be it the emotion of anger, jealously, criticism, sadness and so on? They made you feel so bad and awful! That’s a signal from your body telling you that it’s not in its natural state of love and peace. It is vibrating at a very low level that is far away from how it is meant to operate. What you have to do is to let those feelings go and be restored to your natural state, which is a state of love and peace!
Something which you said earlier now makes sense for me. Earlier you talked about letting go and not trying so hard, so actually when we let go, we let go
our natural states of well-being.
You have understood it perfectly. When we let go of all the strive and struggle on the inside, we do not just end up with nothingness. Instead, we end up with our natural feelings of well-being, love, ease, flow and peace. These are the feelings that flood our inner state and our awareness without us even trying
. When we do nothing, those are the feelings that permeate our consciousness. However, when we try hard to do something, for example, to hold on to those negative angry feelings… everything becomes a struggle.
If it feels so bad, why do so many people still allow themselves to hold on to negative feelings?
I would say there are two main reasons. First, most people are not students of this material and do not know the negatively creative power of their thoughts and feelings. They do not believe that every thought and feeling immersed in has the power to create their current and future reality. They see it as non-consequential. Probably the only consequence they see is that it “feels bad” for them and that’s it! If only they can see the full picture!
The second reason is what I described in my book “Playing in Time and Space”. We default to those negative feelings because they feel so familiar to us, such that in a perverse way… they actually feel good
. It is some sort of an addiction to bad feelings, like the “high” you get when you watch those television dramas. You end up getting caught up in all the drama of the characters and feeling happy, angry, or sad for them. But who is the person affected by all these feelings? Certainly not the actors, they are all just acting. The person who has to bear the consequences long after the show is over is the viewer!