Chapter 9 - Shifting Into Manifestation Mode
What I just realized is that we can get out of our head-space at any time, not just when we are in the shower.
Most people only allow it to happen to them in the shower by default . But we can actually go into shower mode with a conscious decision to do so, at any point of our day. In fact, this state is so powerful that I should call it manifestation mode. This is the inner state in which a person is non-resistant and focused away from all his problems, issues and worries. That is when all the manifestations can happen.
So let’s recap the steps to get into manifestation mode (or out of head-space) once again. You do so by gently softening your gaze, by diffusing your focus. Relax your eye muscles and not look at things as hard. Next, move your conscious awareness down from your head (where it usually is) down into the area of your heart. If you have trouble doing this step, imagine yourself taking a shower and just “switching off”, having a good and relaxing time. That relaxed feeling is what we are going for here.
Now since we are trying this exercise outside of the shower, some readers may be tempted to fall asleep because it feels so relaxing and good! That’s because we usually have invigorating hot or cold water to keep us awake in the shower, while we do not have that benefit here. So some readers may feel like falling asleep once they stop operating out of head-space.
This reminds me of meditation, where some people start falling asleep once they meditate.
It is interesting that you bring this up, as the underlying reasons are the same. When we meditate, we try to stop or reduce the flow of conscious thoughts. We are turning down all the mind chatter. Similarly in moving out of head-space, we are also reducing the numerous thoughts we have about the things going on in our lives. Our conscious, reasoning selves have come to associate “thinking” as part of our “being”. In other words, it thinks (or we wrongly believe) that we are our thoughts! That’s why when we try to quiet the flow of thoughts, the mind perceives that there is nothing there to perceive and shuts down… it goes to sleep.
So if someone is trying this exercise and having a hard time staying awake, should they try to stay awake… or just go to sleep?
Sleep is essentially a state of non-resistance. When we go to sleep, we momentarily let go of all our resistive worry and fear thoughts. Therefore there is great value in going to sleep. However, one drawback of sleep is that you lose your conscious awareness and the ability to focus. Now you cannot choose what to focus upon, and therefore according to Abraham-Hicks, you cannot create in your sleep.
I would not encourage an individual to try very hard at staying awake while doing this exercise. Just let it come naturally. The more you do it, the easier it will be for you to stay awake. Also, it helps if you are doing it in a fairly well-rested state. I have found that all these spiritual and inner exercises become much easier if you have sufficient sleep and are well-rested! If your body is fighting for sleep or sleep-deprived and you pile on all these exercises, then you’re really straining on your body and trying to get it to focus when it is tired.
So get a good night’s sleep and try out all these exercises. That’s what I always do nowadays and a point which I will return to later. But for now, gently try and stay awake during these exercises. It is only when you are awake that you can consciously and deliberately choose what to focus upon. It is only when you deliberately focus upon something that manifestations happen. Therefore, if someone is able to stay awake while being in heartspace without dozing off, it will be very powerful to them. They would have mastered something important.
This is wonderful. So the key here is not to strain but just to relax and let things happen gently.
Yes, if you find yourself dozing off… that’s fine. Simply repeat the exercise some other time. If you find yourself dozing off due to a general lack of sleep, then get well-rested and repeat it some other day. Either way, you have lots of time to have fun with this stuff so there is no urgency at all.
All we have done up to this point has not really touched on heartspace yet. We have not entered heartspace yet. All we did was to move out of head-space such that the focus was less on the head. Now I’m going to take the readers through how to enter heartspace.
Before we do so, I would like to use the brain waves that we discussed earlier for reference. We know that in normal waking consciousness, in head space, our brain is producing predominantly beta frequencies. When we move into heartspace though, our brain produces less of these beta frequencies and it seems like the sharp edge of the knife is taken off. We feel less edgy and stressed. Our focus is more diffused. As we move from head-space into heartspace, we start producing more alpha brain waves. Alpha thinking is more scattered and diffused, so you will find it difficult to engage in pointed, rational thinking in the alpha state. I’m not saying that you will lose your abilities to think, function or respond to the world around you. You’ll still be fully alert, awake and able to do so… but just notice the differences that exist as you move from a beta waking consciousness to an alpha state. Most people have never experienced living in this manner before so it does take some getting used to.
Great I’m excited! How do we start?
To enter heartspace, I find it helpful to use a phrase adopted by many spiritual teachers — that of dropping down into heartspace. To understand why we are “dropping down” into heartspace, it is helpful to use the earlier analogy. Most of us are operating in head-space most of the time. Our conscious waking awareness and all our focus is placed on the area of our head and eyes. When we drop down into heartspace, we literally shift that focus downward into the area of the heart. That is “dropping down” into heartspace.
What we have done earlier through the shower analogy was to enter into a space somewhere between the head and the heart. So all we have to do now is to push that conscious awareness lower and “act as if” we are operating from the area of the heart. Move that conscious intent and focus even lower to the center of your chest near the area of your heart. It may be easier to move out of head-space into shower mode first, before attempting to move lower into heartspace.
I am going to pause here to let our readers try this out.
I am getting a very spaced-out feeling.
That’s a very good description of heartspace. Notice how you are able to read and have this conversation with me even as you are in heartspace. It does not mean that we totally lose or suspend our abilities to think or reason. It just simply means that we are operating from an inner state that is less resistant, and one built on peace and love instead of competition. The spaced-out feeling that you are experiencing is the result of operating from heartspace. Some may describe or feel it as an expansive feeling, like being at one with everything in the Universe and at one with nature.
Yes I am feeling that too. There seems to be a sense of universal love or compassion.
Isn’t it amazing how these feelings arise spontaneously once we move out of head-space and drop down into heartspace? Just by making this simple shift on a conscious level, we actually experience all the good that we are meant to experience. We experience manifestations of our basic nature, as love, goodness, compassion, kindness and oneness with all. Notice how natural it all feels for you here. There is no strain or struggle. You do not have to strain or struggle to conjure up those good feelings! This is probably the most powerful experience one can go through to experience our natural good!
The longer you stay in heartspace and live from heartspace, the more exquisite feelings you’ll experience. For example, you’ll feel further apart from your worry and fear thoughts that usually plague you. I like to call this state of mind one in which you literally “forget how to worry”. The worry and fear thoughts, basically all the negative thoughts, have trouble finding you because you are vibrating so far apart from them in the vibrational scale! You have disengaged from them completely. Your conscious thoughts slow down, and this is what causes the feeling of sleepiness in some people. However, if you are aware, you’ll also notice the general good feeling that exists in this state. This is the state of your true being, your natural connection to the Universe.
I notice that I feel happy in this state without even doing much at all. Previously in head-space, I always felt happy about something. There was always an external reason for which I felt happy. But now in heartspace, the best way I can describe this is a sense of… spontaneous happiness!
That is such a wonderful description. The sense of ease and well-being that you feel is your natural connection to the Universe. You are totally aligned with Source now, and this is the alignment which so many spiritual teachers speak of. By consciously disengaging from the constant chatter of self-projected thoughts in your head and moving to the space of the heart… you have “let go” and allowed yourself to experience your natural goodness. You may even feel goose bumps all over your body. I experience it as a general sense of expansiveness, like I am connected to everything else and everything else is connected to me. You literally become the Universe in this state, because the Universe is everything there is! You become one with all-that-is. This is such a powerful place to be in.
This is so fascinating. I never knew a simple exercise like this would be so powerful. I always thought we needed years of spiritual practice to achieve a state like this.
Practice will help in that you drop into heartspace more easily and are able to stay there longer even as you go about your daily life. However, notice how you have been able to get into heartspace easily even with just a little practice.
The ego mind always perceives ourselves as separate from everyone else on the planet. That is why it operates from lack and limitation, from the viewpoint of scarcity. It perceives resources as scarce precisely because of its faulty viewpoint that we are all separate from each other. Therefore we must shore up and accumulate as much good stuff for ourselves before others do. It is a “I win and you lose” mentality, a zero sum game.
But the Universal truth is that we are all one and connected to each other. We are all connected to the Universal mind. There is no separation between all of us. This has been taught by some of the greatest religious teachers throughout the ages. Dropping into heartspace allows you to realize this teaching for yourself. When you move out of your ego-driven states into an alpha state, you no longer perceive yourself as separate from everything else. There is a sense of Universal oneness. You get a sense that you are part of creation, and part of all-that-is. You are literally a part of this wonderful Universe! When you have this sense of identity that you are really a part of everything else and connected to everyone else in the most beautiful way possible, then it is only natural that you’ll feel a sense of spontaneous joy in your being.
Once we get into heartspace, what are we supposed to do?
For a start, just practice dropping into heartspace and staying there. Notice how good it feels. Notice how different it feels from your normal waking consciousness. Notice how you seem to be less edgy, less resistant and pushing less hard against all the things that are coming at you in life. You seem to have a different perspective of them now. All your usual worrisome thoughts seem so far away and foreign to you. You may even appreciate the humor in them! These thoughts have now been replaced by spontaneous feelings of love, peace, ease and well-being. This is a very powerful inner state to be in as it allows the good you have always asked for to finally come into your life. You are literally creating an opening for the good to come, instead of pushing so hard against them and worrying about them.
Don’t try to deliberately “do” or achieve anything while in heartspace, although we certainly can and that is what we will be discussing next. When you drop down into heartspace, seeming miraculous things can happen - spontaneous healings, physical manifestations and serendipitous circumstances that open up for you in your life. But that is not the reason for dropping into heartspace at all. You practice dropping into heartspace because it is your natural state of being. This is how you have been meant to live most of the time.