Chapter 10 - Setting Manifestative Intentions
I can’t help but notice how incredibly good, peaceful and light I feel while in heartspace!
This good feeling is the relief you feel from “letting go”. What are we letting go of here? We are letting go of our fears, insecurities and worries that plague us during most of our waking moments. Recall that the conditioned mind, if left to itself, will automatically default to worrying and fear thoughts intended to keep us “safe”. We mistakenly believe that thinking about our problems and ruminating over them will keep us safe and secure in this world. However, this form of persistent negative thinking actually has the opposite effect on our well-being and on our manifestations.
When someone lets go of all their negative thoughts and feelings and enters heartspace, they are coming from a place of love and peace. No longer do you feel a need to worry about things or fix problems. No longer do you perceive lack and limitation (as strongly). In other words, you are coming into a greater recognition and realization of the nature of your own being. When you are in heartspace, you realize the nature of your true being as a creator who can truly be, do and have everything which you want.
I get it now. What you’re saying is that the ability to feel good and manifest is our natural state, but our negative thoughts and feelings cloud all of that.
Yes, and it is a concept which is not immediately intuitive to most people in our culture of “doing”.
Imagine a piece of clear glass with the highest optical quality, meaning that all the light can pass through it without any distortion. This is your natural state when you perceive through the eyes of the Universe. But for most people, this piece of glass is tainted with fingerprints and smudges which distort their vision. The smudges refer to our faulty beliefs and our negative feelings which cloud our perception. All they need to do is to polish the glass and wipe away all the fingerprints for their vision to be clear again.
It is a subtraction, a dropping of negative thoughts as opposed to the addition of something. Moving into heartspace is a wonderful way for us to drop all these ego-centric, fear-based thoughts. A lot of people try to “pile on” one technique after another. That would be like trying to draw on the clear glass with a marker in an attempt to make it “clearer”. The glass is already clear and pristine. Anything that you add onto it can only be a distortion.
I remember the late Lester Levenson, creator of the Sedona Method, teaching that “every thought is a limitation.” He goes on to say that “every thought must be limited.” Each thought that you have is like drawing on that piece of already clear glass. When you drop all your thoughts and all your negative mind chatter, you perceive clearly from the eyes of Source. You see right through the clarity. But how do we even drop those negative thoughts in the first place? How do we move into a place where we can perceive more from a Universal perspective? That’s where dropping into heartspace is a useful exercise for us.
Once we drop into heartspace, are we supposed to stay there?
When you drop into heartspace, you’ll find (as pointed out) that it is a very spaced-out state. It is a feeling as opposed to a thinking state. Most people find it difficult to do any form of thinking or work in that state. So let’s say if I’m trying to type an email or trying to get a report done, it may be difficult to do so from heartspace because our reasoning faculties are not as engaged. This does not mean that we cease to perceive, it simply means that we perceive differently.
So I don’t usually drop fully into heartspace if I have to get work done. Instead, depending on the task, I am usually midway between heartspace and head-space. This allows me to be in touch with both sides of myself at the same time. If I do not have to get work done, if I am simply going about my day and running my errands, I usually live more from heartspace.
There is actually something more powerful about being in heartspace, and that is the setting of intentions. Being in heartspace allows us to set intentions with more clarity and intent, which is something useful for our physical manifestations.
How should we set intentions while in heartspace?
First, what you want to do is to drop into heartspace. Once you are there, you will get a feeling of expansiveness and connectedness. You will find yourself relaxing and easing into the flow of things. That is when you are in a non-resistive state.
Once there, there are a few things which you can try. You can either set intentions through the use of a statement, for example: I intend ___. Or you can think about something which you desire very much and appreciate all the good and beautiful aspects of it. For example, if I am trying to manifest a new computer in my life, then I may bring it to mind (while in heartspace) and imagine myself using the computer, while at the same time feeling myself appreciating the various aspects of my new computer — how fast it is, how well-built it is, how gorgeous the design looks, how good it looks in my room and so on. That is another way of setting intentions, through our feelings of appreciation and preference for something.
Most people set these intentions in head-space instead of heartspace.
That’s where a key difference arises. When you set such intentions in head-space, you often have to deal with critical and intrusive thoughts. For example, if I were to intend a physical object while in head-space, my critical mind will be engaged and it may throw up all sorts of objections or worry feelings, the most common of which is, “How are you going to afford that ?” That is a common objection we are all familiar with! The advantage of setting intentions in heartspace is that you disengage the critical, reasoning mind. You quiet it for a moment, long enough for you to focus on the intention that matters. That would allow someone to set intentions more effectively and dwell on their intentions more purely, without the barrage of interrupting thoughts which we discussed at the start.
I remember this was the issue we were talking about at the start… how to think about our intentions without also bringing up spontaneous worry thoughts. This is a wonderful way to do it.
When you are in heartspace, you are vibrating at a level which is closer to love and peace, far away from the negative vibrations of worry or desperation. Therefore if you start by being in heartspace and then think about your intentions (or intend) while you are there, you have a much easier time than trying to do things in reverse.
Most people try to do it in reverse, which is to intend or focus on what they want despite all their fear and negative thoughts. That’s starting at a very low vibrational place and hoping that their thoughts of the things they want will make them feel better. But it rarely works that way because of the Law of Attraction. When we are vibrating at a rather negative place, all we will attract are more negative thoughts even though we are thinking about what we want. That is why all the obstacles and challenges, the seeming impediments to our manifestations become so obvious to us when we intend in head-space. That’s also doing it the hard way because we cannot expect our physical manifestations to flow while also holding on to all our worry and fear thoughts. The key is just to reverse the procedure — Get into a good-feeling place first, then intend. You’ll be putting the horse before the cart and not the other way round.
This is a valuable piece of advice. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to make myself feel better by deliberately thinking about my intentions when I was feeling down.
When the flow of negative thoughts are very intense, the Law of Attraction is working to bring you more negative thoughts. Therefore to try and go against the flow and think positive at once is going to be an uphill task. If you try to think about your desires in that state, then it becomes even more difficult because all you will be able to access are negative thoughts related to your unmanifest desires!
So all it takes is a simple switch. Get into heartspace first, and then intend.
That’s right. Whatever intentions you set in heartspace are very powerful. They’re powerful because you set them very purely, with no contradictory vibrations and counter-intentions. And you may know from reading my other books that a pure intention is more-than-halfway there already. This means that if you will not think anything that is counter to this pure intention which you have set… your desires have to become manifest in physical reality very quickly!
Therefore be mindful of the intentions that you set in heartspace. The heartspace is an extremely manifestative state.
What should we do after we have set our intentions in heartspace?
After you have done so in heartspace, just let the intention go. Release it from your consciousness completely and immerse yourself in the good-feelings of just being in heartspace. Savor the deliciousness and the richness of being in that space. What I have found is that the intentions I set in heartspace tend to come true for me very quickly, and even faster if I give up any insistence on the path it will take. If only I will keep an open mind and stop interfering in the process, then the physical manifestations happen very quickly for me. But if I keep dictating that they come in a certain way, then the manifestations will invariably get delayed.