If it weren’t for the damned new highspeed maglev trains, he’d never have known. Vasily was emphatically not a fan—but the old trains were being steadily replaced, like it or not. The ride was not just quicker, but smoother, for most everyone else, and as a result the cars were frequently crowded. The worst thing about them, though, was that the morphic docking spots for people floating on g-skips or using other mobile aids had a tendency to slip; something about the new trains’ stronger magnetic fields interfering with the resonators.
That’s what had happened: in a too-crowded train, on a too-fast section of track, the resonator gripping his g-skip had cut out. Vasily went sailing off into the bodies around him. He tried to tug his arms into position fast enough to grab a rail, but his fingers slipped off and past. They caught on the arm of a fellow passenger, instead—or should have. His hand hit the man’s coat-sleeve, and slowed, but did not stop. The fabric provided no more resistance than water, and Vasily’s fingers sank into it, and below, into what ought to have been the flesh of the man’s arm. It wasn’t till his grasping hand wrapped around a little metal post, there in place of bone, that Vasily made sense of it: a hard-light hologram, in place of a prosthetic.
In that split-second of slip and grasp, there wasn’t time to wonder about it. He slipped, flailed, was caught by other passengers; the man with the projected arm didn’t notice till Vasily touched its true core, and in that moment he turned and winked, before slipping further into the crowded car.
Vasily’s curiosity overcame even the terror of slipping weightless into the crowd. He was intrigued, rather than shaken, and kept replaying the memory as he made his way home. Slip. Grasp. Fall. A green woollen coat-sleeve, broad round shoulder, substantial but nonexistent bicep. He could still feel the texture of the post in his fingertips, its smooth curve and tiny threads; otherwise he might think he had imagined it. And then the face of its owner, dark broad cheekbones, densely curly short dark hair, warm brown eyes, that fleeting wink. The wink that had seemed to say welcome to our secret—but with no fear of reprisal.
Hard-light holograms were heavily licensed technology, and had never been cleared for prosthetic use, Vasily was sure; a quick web search confirmed. There’s no way that had been a sanctioned use—but where would you even get such restricted technology? And then: to wear it so flagrantly! Anyone could have knocked into his arm on that train!
The thought was still tumbling through his head the next morning. His resonators worked in sequence, pulling fabric around his floating body, implant-chrome and his skin and its art all slowly disappearing. (Who had that man been? Government? Hacker? Just a rich playboy?) His tattoos were plain ink, decoration only, no augments. All the same, he liked having them close and covered, private. The resonators let him dress much more efficiently and stylishly than he could have managed alone, these days, and their effortless, infinitely configurable fabrics still felt like the most indulgent of luxuries. (Where would you go, to get projection tech? Why would you want it, and not a functioning prosthesis?) He was in a layered frame of mind and went for outward layering, too: full-length soft stretch jersey base layers, wrap pants, loose vest, scarf, armwarmers, all in shades of ruby and chestnut. The g-skip’s gentle fields settled him comfortably upright, on a little cushion of suspension and warmth. (How had he been so confident? Cheeky, even.) He checked his reflection in the wall-mirror: blue eyes shining out amidst the layers of browns, sharp cheek and jaw bones softened by the drape of fabrics and his shoulder-length curtain of auburn hair. (Who was he?) It would work. He went out.
Vasily kept his eyes open for the man with the arm that wasn’t. He looked for brown, and for green, and for any strange clipping errors in reality; he jostled up against strangers far more often than was strictly necessary, rather than letting the g-skip buffer him in crowded places. He sought out mezzanines and upper windows to look out on the people below, though what he’d do if he saw the man from afar he didn’t know. At public computer stations he searched for as much as he dared: shape-shifter stories from the tabloids, boilerplate tech regulations, obscure licensure loopholes, scientific publications on hard-light advances.
Heading past the washrooms at the library, his eyes flicked habitually over the doors. Morphic-enabled doorhandles to the women’s and men’s, first. Then, this close to the center of town, the restricted fob-tap to the androgynes’ room, as alluringly enigmatic as ever—and with that he jolted a little, internally. If his winking stranger was using contraband projection technology for one part of his body, what else might be projected? How much of what Vasily had seen had been physically real? He didn’t have the look of most androgynes, far too broadly masculine for that, but if he was using hard-light projecting for one out-license purpose already… it might be reshaping the rest of him, too.
This thought only fed his obsession: if there was a way to shape-shift yourself, even just a glamour, without going through the governmental demands and scrutiny involved in aesthetic licensure or authorised gender alteration, he wanted to know. He ached for it.
It was the trains that did it, once again. Vasily was on the same green-line ultrafast, but late at night; the car was nearly empty. He’d docked, buffers up and strong, and had a hand at the wall toward the nearest rail, just in case. Trains were not to be trusted.
The door between cars opened, and Vasily got a brief glimpse at the person who stepped through—tall, dark, broad shoulders, warm browns, reds—before the lights flickered out. The power had gone, somehow, though the train still moved and light still glowed from the previous and following cars. It was cut only here. And that meant the morphic point was unpowered, too, and he was sliding, again, slick as oil on water across the car…
He scrabbled in the darkness, caught only air, shrieked a little without meaning to. He hit something solid, but soft, and hands caught him.
“Hello again, Vasily Lewandowski.” The hand on his right shoulder was warm, smoothly curved. The hand on his left was cool and unyielding, dense.
He twisted in the g-skip’s embrace, looking for a face in the shadows. “How do you know? Who are you? What are you?!”
“You weren’t subtle. Searching for information at the public library instead of at home is a good start, but the logging technology is too good. And we wondered if we might hear from you, so we were watching more than usual.”
“Who’s ‘we’? You aren’t—” he faltered “—Teeth, are you?”
“Not Teeth. Not Hands, either, no pun intended.” He wriggled his prosthetic fingers, this time apparently solid, against Vasily’s thin arm. “No, I am not the government’s man. But you’ll have to take my word for that.”
“Then… what? What are you?”
“I can’t tell you.”
Vasily huffed, put out. “Then why all this! Why follow me, why talk to me? Why do—whatever it is you’ve done to the train?”
“Despite what I’ve done with the train, it’s not entirely safe to talk here. But if you need to know more, this will reach me, securely.” He pressed a little hard plastic square into Vasily’s hand, and gently nudged the ’skip back towards the dockpoint. “Just press. It’s a resonator, I’ll know, and I’ll come to you. Stay put at home, after. We’ll have to flash your block.”
Vasily shook his head, trying to clear it. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“I know! Out of time. Catch you later, kiddo.”
“But—who are you? What’s your name? Why does this—”
The man interrupted: “Call me Ammon.”
And the lights came back on, and Vasily was safe in the dockpoint’s grasp once again, and Ammon was gone.
The calling-card Ammon had given him was no more than a thin dense wafer of plastics. One side was smooth, gently translucent with veins of thin wiring showing through. The other side had a nubbled edge surrounding a central square of pale blue mesh. If Ammon was to be believed, it was some kind of resonator key; it must have a matching morphic output, somewhere.
He studiously ignored it for four whole days. He wouldn’t call. He didn’t want to know; it was dangerous.
The card watched him from its spot on the shelf by the door. He felt as if it had eyes on him, tracking his every move. He hid it in a little box of wood-inlay. It didn’t help.
He shouldn’t call. A stranger with out-license tech: a preposterous proposition.
And yet.
He lasted another three days. Early that morning, home alone, he asked his resonators to fetch it down. He held it in his palm, released, turned it over and over, spinning it in the ’skip-field. Such a little thing—most folks would be able to crush it without a thought. He reached for it, trembling, brought his fingertip into contact with the mesh. It yielded immediately; his finger sank into it, deeper than the chip ought to have allowed. The translucent materials glowed gently, with a warmth like amber, and stayed ghost-lit even after he took his hand away.
He waited, stared at the little glowing cardlet. He tried not to panic; he breathed deep for a while, shaking, wondering what he’d launched, if he’d just dropped himself into trouble’s maw. Government watchlists, anarchist plots, identity theft, black-market body-runners: what else? He wondered if he’d done anything at all, or just been taken for a fool.
It just glowed softly at him, silently. Nothing else happened.
Two hours later, the power went out. His heart leapt in his throat and his breathing sounded loud, so loud, as the constant passive hum of his resonators faded into the blackout. His blood thundered in his ears, almost drowning out the next sound: three quick raps on the door.
The building was usually shaped to his needs by morphic technology; with a full power cut (why hadn’t the backup generators come on?), he was a fish out of water, though thankfully the g-skip carried its own charge. He fumbled at the doorknob, grip slipping. He swore briefly, bitterly, and got a better grasp. It came open.
Ammon was there, apparently two-armed once again. He wore a nondescript black jacket, messenger bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hello, Vasily. Sorry for the inconvenience. Give me a moment, and I’ll explain.” He edged carefully past Vasily’s floating fields to the middle of the room. It was mostly bare; there was a heap of cushions and quilts in one corner, a built-in dresser-like repository for resonators and clothing materials, a few shelves for books and knick-knacks. There was the mirror on the wall, and a standing-height desk with a screen (dark now) and soft silver touchpad. Ammon crouched in the middle of the floor and opened his bag, taking out a little spindle and stand. He stroked it to life and it threw a shower of amber lights across floor, walls, and ceiling, like a star-projector. “That should give us some time. Half an hour or so, if the rest of the team do their part. We can speak without being overheard.”
“What is that? What did you do to my building?” Vasily floated nearer the field projector and felt his implants hum with a gentle heat.
“This?” Ammon gestured at the spindle. “Think of it like a sort of Faraday cage, maybe, or like sound-absorption panels, whichever is more familiar to you. It just keeps any signals from being sent out of here to anyone who might want to be listening in. As to your building, and the rest of your block,” he shrugged, apologetically, “I really am sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s vital no one know I was here. The generator didn’t kick on, by the way, because it can’t tell the power is out. My team are good at their work. Now. What would you like to know?”
Where to begin? The thousand-thousand questions of the last two hours, and the week prior, bubbled up at once and Vasily struggled for words.
“Are you a body-runner?” Well. Not the most elegant beginning.
“Depends. What do you think a body-runner is?”
“Someone who does… augment stuff, on the black market?”
“Yeah, then, arguably yes. Nothing exploitative, though; we try to liberate, not to trap.”
“Who’s we? Are there more of you? Who are you, really?”
“Well, those are complex questions… let’s do the easy one first: yes, there are more of us. We’re mostly called shifters. What that means, who we are, that’s the complicated part. We’re only sort of an ‘us’. It’s loose. Like I said, we’re into liberation, bodily liberation. Some of us are androgynes, some just have unusual aesthetics, some are into augmentation—adaptive or superhuman or both. It’s a little different for everyone. But we help each other when we can.”
Vasily paused, digesting. “Am I in danger? Because of you?”
“You? No. No one should know this has happened, unless you decide to tell them, which I’m trusting you won’t.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I saw the look in your eye—call it a gut feeling, a hunch, if you like. Fleshed out by your search strings. I thought you could use someone like us. And, hey, you passed your background check.”
“My searches?! Background check? You read my stuff!”
“Of course. Basic safety precaution.” They sat with that for a moment, a dense silence.
“How do you keep from being arrested, anyway? With all this out-license gear! Where does it come from?”
“The ‘black market’, as you so astutely surmised. We also make a lot of it. The starfield damper is one of mine. DIY helps keep us under the radar, and we’re also just careful. Background checks, sensors, that kind of thing. We’re taking a risk on you, actually.”
“Why? I don’t—why are you here? Why me?”
“A hunch. I trust my gut.” Ammon smiled, and his eyes softened. “If you’re not interested, I can go. No hard feelings.”
“No! No. I am, I always wondered… I don’t even know where to begin. I always wondered if there were… other ways. To be different.”
“Yes. There are. Ways and means.”
“How do I start?” Vasily tried not to sound eager; failed.
“We clean you. That’s why this,” he waved his right arm through the image of his left, “isn’t here. We hacked my original biomech arm years ago, cleaned it, so it’s probably safe, but I didn’t want to risk being wrong. It’s at home in its cage. All licensed tech tracks and broadcasts, and that won’t do at all.”
More information to digest. Vasily hadn’t thought about what his implants might be telling the world; he knew morphic point usage was aggregated, but it was supposed to be anonymous. There had been a licensure agreement, of course, but he’d signed it so many years ago. “They track me.”
“Constantly. And monitor how you use what you have.”
“Shit.” He rocked back in the air, skin crawling. “Shit, shit. Okay. But. I can get out?”
“Yes. We can scrub you; I have the tools with me. It doesn’t take that long for just a cerebellar-sacral ’skip clean—that’s what you have, right?” Vasily nodded. “You’ll have to power down, I’m afraid, but from there it’s simple. Just open and patch.”
Vasily chewed his lip, as his stomach churned. With the resonators out of commission, if he powered down the g-skip he’d be utterly helpless, ground-bound and weak. Alone, with a body-runner.
Ammon could see the hesitation. “It’s a lot to take in all at once, I know. I remember how afraid I was when I first handed Xerxes my arm. I can come back, someday, if you aren’t ready.” He spoke gently, respectfully.
Vasily shook his head. “No.” He summoned up his courage, the same courage that had taken him on high-speed maglevs late at night; he asked it to grow. “I want this. I want to know. If that means—I want to try.” He drifted to his jumbled nest of cushions, and lowered himself onto them. He forced himself to take a long, slow breath. “Ready when you are.”
He waited a few long seconds, watching Ammon rummage in his bag, before he sent the command to power down. He was so accustomed to the constant low hum of the ’skip that its absence felt like shaking. The cushions were angled strangely, pressing into his flanks. He sagged.
Ammon had got out something little and shining—a tuning fork, it looked like—and some even tinier electronic implement with little conduits and wires exposed below a rounded handle. “I’ll need to get to both your implants, at your neck and your sacrum. Can you move at all?”
“No, it’s—you’ll have to help me turn. And with my shirt, I guess.” Ammon slipped his broad arm behind Vasily’s back, working the hem of his shirt up past his shoulderblades with his fingers. Soft, deep green fabric slid up past his web of ink. Ammon’s hard-light fingers couldn’t grasp the delicate material, but with a combination of one warm hand, the resistance of the cushions, and Vasily’s little shivers, they freed him. Vasily shook from the effort as he fell back into Ammon’s shoulder. “I usually have the resonators for this… Sorry.”
“Hey, I’m the one who cut their power, I should apologise. Are you ready to roll? Need a minute?”
“No, go ahead—put me down. I can rest there.”
Ammon’s body weight pressed against Vasily’s shoulder, shifting him sideways. He wrapped his right arm—the solid one, warm and strong—around Vasily’s narrow chest and shoulders, and bent them both forward from his waist, to roll Vasily onto the cushions, belly-down. A combination of lifts and nudges, tucked against Ammon’s broad chest, got him settled comfortably, or at least as comfortable as he could be on solid ground, and Ammon released him. The spindle’s amber starlights played over Vasily’s back, glinting off the chromed surface of the exposed implants.
“Okay, Vasily. I have the frequency here to open your implants, and I’ll be sending them a bit of new information, physically and digitally. We’ll start with your sacrum.” He touched the shining metal there, curved and blood-hot. The implant itself had no sensory capacity; Vasily couldn’t feel the touch, though he could see Ammon’s movement from the corner of his eye.
There was a tiny metallic ting as Ammon struck the tuning fork. It didn’t ring audibly after that, but the pressure of the frequency could be felt, prickling in the eyes and the ears, tickling the back of the brain. Ammon set its base against the chrome of Vasily’s sacrum. It was answered by the quiet hum of tiny servos, different from the ones that operated the ’skip. Vasily could feel the thrumming and tickling through his hips and up his spine. Slowly, the metal split along an invisible crack, exposing its inner circuitry and data-stores. Ammon switched the fork for the little wiry interlocutor tool, and it began its work, scouring out report routines, soldering a few key points.
“I like your tattoos,” Ammon said. Vasily’s back was webbed with geometric lines and curves, circled with little egg-shaped nodes. Framed in the center, in an open oval like a cameo, was an exquisite little bird, hovering mid-flight. Its body was that of a shimmering, flamboyant hummingbird, in tones of emerald and sapphire and amethyst. Its head was that of a young woman, with a pale face and blue eyes reminiscent of Vasily’s own—but yet not him, not a true self-portrait. Her auburn hair drifted above her, wind-feathered, like a crest. “Is she someone you know? Family, maybe?”
He’d lied to the tattoo artist, told her the face was his sister’s, as a memorial. “You could say that. She is, after a fashion…” Not family; no one real. The design truly was a memorial, though. He continued a little too briskly, a little too brightly. “The bird though, that’s all myth, old as the hills. She’s a gamayun.” He told Ammon about the gamayun, the girl-faced bird of folklore, a creature of wisdom and beauty. “Usually she’s drawn as a bigger bird, but—I have a soft spot for hummingbirds, the way they shimmer and float. They do it better than I.”
The interlocutor tool had done its job. Ammon struck the tuning fork again, and closed the sacral implant. “There’s one done. The next one—won’t be as pleasant. It’s kept a lot deeper down, and opening it won’t be very nice.”
Ammon brushed Vasily’s hair away from his neck, carefully, meticulously. He struck the fork and set it to the base of Vasily’s skull, against the coin-sized disc of shining chrome visible there. It made Vasily’s teeth hum, and his sinuses felt like they were ringing. Then the disc began to move: the center slid free, sliding slowly from his neck, releasing a finger-long curving spike that had nestled inside his cerebellum for years. It felt wrong. It didn’t hurt, exactly, but it felt like someone had reached a finger up his nose and down his throat, somehow to wetly stroke his spinal column. He gagged. “Easy, easy, you’re doing well, just a moment longer now,” and it stopped, and Vasily could breathe properly again.
The interlocutor got to work. “You know,” said Ammon, with deliberate nonchalance, “we have all kinds, among the shifters. Licensure, for adaptive or androgynous or any other augmentation purposes, is one route. But it isn’t the only route.”
Vasily bit his lip, and said nothing. The interlocutor finished, and the spike slid back in, with agonising slowness; it left him coughing, wracked and goosebumped. Ammon got him sitting upright, till he could breathe again, and helped him with his shirt.
“One last thing,” Ammon said. “After a reset like this, the implants are designed to need a full re-charge. It’s designed as a ‘safety’ feature, so they can discern tampering as quickly as possible, keeping you locked down till the Hands can work out how to solve you, or collect you. Doesn’t work that well, though. Where do you keep your tail?”
“It’s just here. See the blue blanket? Beneath.” The plugless recharging cable for the ’skip was coiled up, half-hidden. Ammon fished it from the cushions, and brought out from his bag a little bit of perforated waxy paper, studded with tiny metallic circuitry. He popped the cover from the recharging surface—just held with magnets, like everything else these days—and slid the paper over the conduits before closing the unit back up.
“That’s all. Now your tail won’t rat on you, either.”
Vasily was too exhausted to be surprised any further; if his implants could track him, why couldn’t his cables as well? Maybe everything did. Of course. It made sense: dockpoints, transit, doorfobs, charging stations, augmented folks’ entries to restricted housing. Of course someone would be collecting all this data. Reading it. Shaping it. Ammon joined Vasily up to the tail cable, and the g-skip hummed back into life, buoying him up from the floor. His body settled, at last his face relaxed.
Ammon pulled another calling-card from his bag. “When you’re ready for the next step, you know how to be in touch.”
Vasily nodded, wearily.
“Anything else you need? Questions? Power should be up as soon as I clear the block.”
“How much of you is real?”
Ammon laughed, dark eyes sparkling, face creasing into well-worn laugh-lines. “Oh, all of me!”
“I meant… solid. I guess. Made of matter?”
“Ah, well, 80% at least. Hard light’s just this arm, I promise. Anything else?”
“No, I just—I need time to figure out what just happened, I think.”
He nodded. “It’s a lot to process, I know. I remember. Do you still have my previous card?”
“Yes, on the bookshelf…”
Ammon nosed around till he found it, and crushed it swiftly between finger and thumb. It crumbled surprisingly fine. “There. Traceless. Be in touch, Vasily.” He scooped up his spindle and stand, the amber lights fading from the walls, and was gone.
Vasily panicked.
He pretended he didn’t, of course, but he panicked nonetheless. He didn’t leave his room for two days straight, keeping the curtains drawn, the door locked tight. If anyone called, he was “just tired”, and he hung up as quickly as possible. He ignored his mail. He stared hard at his implants with mirrors, worrying: was there a crack there, or just a hairline shadow? Was this the way they used to feel? What kind of fool had faith in a slip of waxed paper in his electronics?
Eventually, he had to go out, if just to the kitchen. The building lobby felt like enemy territory; the open air beyond, outside, was too enormous to contemplate. He started at little sounds, eyes flicking back and forth and up and down. He crouched in the kitchen, zipped as quickly as possible along the halls. He avoided the windows and shivered passing the doors. The coat rack looked like someone lurking, skulking. The groceries his housemates had left in the kitchen were an obvious trap. He sweated and shook.
Over the following days, though, his paranoia gently ebbed. He wasn’t arrested. His implants still worked. No Teeth came for him in the night, save for in dreams, where the questions they grilled him with were nonsensical: how many feathers had he shed this year? Which star was he named after? How long had his sister been invisible? Where did the library go? The waking anxiety turned to chuckles (oh, silly me, spooked by a dream…). He couldn’t shake the looming spectre of the omniscient government—after all, it certainly seemed true—but he remembered also the amber stars of silence, and the contrasts in touch between Ammon’s solid and hard-light hands. They were real, too.
It took three weeks, this time, before he held the calling-card again, pressing one slender finger into its improbable mesh.
This time, the power didn’t go out.
Ammon collected Vasily from his apartment, and they took a train: a slow one, ancient and buzz-shaken, running to a nondescript corner of town. He wouldn’t say where they were going, just that there was someone Vasily needed to meet. They walked past run-down, crumbling concrete buildings, and Ammon stopped at one that was little more than a shell: roof gone, weeds growing out of what once were floors. Under a little bit of lingering overhang was a door, metal and scratched but intact, padlocked.
Vasily shifted in his fields, feeling conspicuous hovering in navies and purples here in this ghetto. “Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.” Ammon touched his thumb to the padlock, which shimmered open: not a true physical lock, then, but a morphic one. The door swung in and revealed a dank basement stairway, air moist and stale, walls slimy—but with a subtle dockpoint at the top of the stairs, to let a ’skipper glide down in safety. Curiouser and curiouser.
At the downstairs landing was another door, sturdier-looking than the last. Ammon knocked a simple skittering pattern, and it opened inward. The basement was cramped, low-ceilinged, all rough-stubbled concrete. Fluorescent light from a bare bulb caught its jags. The man who had opened the door looked strangely at home here underground. He was short, stout, and bristling with dark hair. It peeked out from his shirt-cuffs and dusted his knuckles; his beard and brows were bushy, and the hair on his head shaggy. He was dressed in nondescript dark colours, utilitarian fabrics. He nodded to Ammon. “This the new one?”
Ammon smiled and made introductions. “Yes. This is Vasily, no other designator of yet. Vasily, this is Kvedulf, our sensor.” Kvedulf nodded to Vasily, in turn, and made a gruff hello.
Vasily tilted his head to Ammon: “Censor?”
“Sensor, like senses, sensory function, not censor like limiter or redactor—though it does kind of work like that, sometimes. If you don’t check out, if you might be dangerous, you won’t make it past him.” He turned to address them both equally. “But I scrubbed Vasily myself and you’ve seen the background check, Kvedulf, so I’m sure you’ll be alright, Vas.”
The hairy man harrumphed, darkly.
“Kvedulf really only trusts his own senses, though. No offense meant,” Ammon added. “Despite the outstanding quality of my work, I’ll have you know, and my being such a fine judge of character.”
“I thought you had the… star-thing? To be sure.” Kvedulf was circling Vasily, peering, nostrils flared. The hair on his head seemed to have a life of its own, the ends floating and drifting in a little cloud around him.
“Oh, this room has an actual built-in damper mechanism, it’s in the walls, but still: safety measure. This is the last bar of clearance before you can access the rest of us. Kvedulf keeps us all safe.”
Vasily’s skin tingled as Kvedulf probed the g-skip’s fields; he tightened them in as low as he dared, to make it easier. The hairs on Kvedulf’s knuckles danced as he prodded the air around Vasily. He made several more circuits, crouching below the ’skip, then beckoning him to lower down so he could swirl the air above his head as well, before he seemed satisfied. He nodded to Vasily.
“They’re alright, Amm.”
“See? Told you, Vasily, you’re fine. Let’s go meet the family.”
Kvedulf stepped aside, and tapped the wall opposite the door. The jags of concrete suddenly seemed to make sense, to resolve, as an irregularly-edged, heavy door opened out, onto a low, arched brick hallway, dimly lit. Vasily followed Ammon along it, to a simple wooden door. Vasily paused before they reached it.
“Why did he call me a ‘they’?”
Ammon’s smile shone in the dim light. “Remember, I said we have all types? You can be—anything you need to be, here. It’s your choice, and no one else will make it for you.”
Vasily’s heart seemed to skip a beat, several beats. “Oh.”
“Anything. Man or woman, or neither, or little blended gamayun-bird, Vas, anything.”
“I can’t—I don’t—” Vasily choked on the words. “I never dared. I only dreamed—barely dreamed—I never told anyone.” And how could he? Certainly someone like him would never meet the criteria for sanctioned androgyny, or for any change like that; the mandate was mutually exclusive with adaptive licensure. He couldn’t. “I don’t think I can.”
Ammon rested his warm hand on Vasily’s shoulder, squeezed it gently. “You don’t have to choose today.” His smile seemed to bring a bronze glow to the russet colours of his skin. “Ready to say hello?”
Vasily nodded.
Ammon rapped out another short, skittering knock. This door opened into another low-ceilinged room, though it was larger than Kvedulf’s antechamber, and lit warmly. The bricks were hung with richly-coloured cloths, and there were couches, chairs, cushions on the floor: all filled with the most amazing array of individuals Vasily had ever seen. At first glance alone he spotted scaled heads, many-jointed legs, glittering eyes, outlandish prostheses, blended sexes. He gaped in wonder, then tried not to stare and look the yokel, then gaped again. A few folks waved, called hellos to Ammon, who cleared his throat theatrically.
“Everyone—could I have your attention? Everyone. We have a newbie!” There was some hooting, some applause. Ammon turned, said softly, “Vas. You don’t have a shifter name yet, I know, but,” he turned back to the crowd, spoke out clearly, “here you go, this is everyone. Everyone, please give them welcome!”
The cheer that greeted him was so full-throated and genuine it felt like it rocked him backward on the ’skip. Ammon’s voice, soft though it was, rumbled warmly beneath.
“Welcome to the shifter family, little gamayun.”