Anton jogged out to the huddle.
His heart thumped in his chest as he ran, thinking about the situation.
The play Coach Benson had just given him called for him to get the ball.
It was the first game of the junior varsity season, and it was fourth down.
Anton’s team, the Giants, only had one more chance to make a play.
The Giants were trailing 23–19. They needed to score a touchdown to win the game.
There were only six seconds left on the game clock. The ball was 20 yards from the Dolphins’ goal line. Anton knew the Giants’ chances weren’t good.
Twenty yards. One play.
Anton liked the play the coach had called. It was 23 fake flat right.
Anton had to fake taking a handoff from his team’s quarterback, Malik.
Then Anton would scoot out of the backfield to the right.
Malik would fake a long pass down the middle, and then dump the ball off to Anton on the right side.
With blockers out in front of him, Anton would use his running ability to get the rest of the way to the goal.
The Dolphins had a very big, tough defensive line, but Anton wasn’t worried. He didn’t do his best running up the middle anyway.
He was better on the outside when they pitched him the ball.
Out there, he had some running room. Out there, he would be able to fake out the defense.
Anton was doing well in the game so far. He had scored two of his team’s touchdowns. Malik had scored the other one on a quarterback sneak.
As the Giants huddled, Anton whispered the play to Malik.
It was Malik’s job as quarterback to tell the rest of the team the play their coach had called.
“Got it, Malik?” Anton asked the quarterback.
But Malik wasn’t looking at him.
In fact, Malik’s eyes weren’t even on the field.
Malik was looking over to the sideline. Anton glanced over too. He saw that a tall, athletic man wearing sunglasses was standing there, watching the game.
Anton thought the guy looked familiar, but he wasn’t Malik’s dad. Anton wasn’t sure who he was.
The man was pointing toward Malik and jogging in place. It looked like he was pretending to run with the football.
Malik shook his head. Then he turned back to the huddle.
“Okay, guys,” he said. “This is it. Last play. Everybody make sure you get your blocks. Give it all you’ve got on this one!”
All the players nodded. “Yeah, let’s win this!” one of them shouted.
Malik stood up straight.
He looked over to the man on the sideline again.
Then he bent back down into the huddle. “Okay, here’s the play,” he said. “23 fake … ”
He paused. Then he started over. “No, no,” he said. “54 option right. On two.”
“What?” Anton yelled. “That’s not what the coach called!”
“That play won’t work,” Malik said. “We’re using the 54 option right instead.”
“You can’t change what the coach says,” Anton said. He looked around. The other players seemed nervous.
Malik didn’t listen. He started marching up to the line of scrimmage.
Anton knew he had to do something. “Time out!” he yelled to the referee.