Interim memo


The Harlan Ellison Recording Collection mentioned in this column not only still exists, it has grown like The Blob. There are now over 1500 more-or-less satisfied customers who’ve bought recordings of yr. humble svt. and in 1983 the HERC recording of “Jeffty is Five” was nominated for a Grammy in the Spoken Word category. I mention all of this in hopes that each of you who have been told, to this point in the book, not to write for free samples of this’n’that, or to express your displeasure with something I’ve said, will join the HERC. This, as opposed to idle freebies or expressing opinions, is commerce. And as we know, having been told by both Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan, this is important because: “The business of America…is business!” So be a Good American: join the Harlan Ellison Recording Collection, send me money, go broke, sell your children or your heritage (whichever come first) for a mess of pottage!