I slid my hand over the sheet, feeling the cool wrinkled linen. Outside, I heard gulls crying. I sat up, wincing at the soreness between my legs. Across the room, the bedroom door stood open and my brown dress spilled across a white chair. Coop’s shirt lay beside a black dresser.
I sighed. My moral debauchery was complete. Bing was dead and I’d just slept with my lawyer. Worse, I was glad.
T-Bone trotted into the room and flashed me a look, as if to say, Don’t even think about getting rid of me.
“I can share,” I told him.
His head swiveled when Coop stepped into the room carrying a paper bag.
“I went to the store while you were sleeping.” He tossed the bag onto the bed. “You can’t visit Isle of Palms unless you own a swimsuit. It’s a law.”
“Thanks, O’Malley.” I smiled.
He started to kiss me, but T-Bone began spinning in circles, growling at his tail. “T-Bone, slow down, buddy. You better get used to Teeny.”
A thrill shot through me. The dog must have sensed it, because he showed his teeth and growled under his breath. Coop clapped his hands. The dog loped to the French doors that led to the deck. Then he stood on his hind legs and pressed his front paws against the glass.
“Aw, buddy,” Coop said.
The dog lifted one paw and tapped the glass.
“He’s relentless.” Coop patted my leg. “Let’s hit the beach.”
The dog let out a deep bark, then dropped to all fours and trotted out of the bedroom door. “See you outside,” Coop told me.
I opened the bag and pulled out a white two-piece. It was a size smaller than I normally wore, but it slipped right on. When I stepped onto the deck, his eyes swept up and down, and he grinned. We walked down to the beach, with T-Bone racing ahead. Gulls wheeled above us as we crossed over a wooden walkway, then trudged through warm, ankle-deep sand. Coop found a flat place above the surf line. He hooked a leash to T-Bone’s collar.
“Leash law,” he said. “Dogs can only run free before 8:00 a.m.”
We spread a quilt on the sand. The beach was deserted on both sides, except for a cluster of umbrellas toward the pier. The wind was flecked with salt, sweeping the surf line into curves and valleys like a woman’s cleavage.
Cooper was stretched out on the quilt and propped up on his elbows, reading Advanced Indoor Gardening. T-Bone lolled beside him, his paws stretched out like tree limbs.
“Tide’s falling.” Coop pointed. “See that dark streak in the water? No waves are breaking. That’s a rip current.”
I nodded, thinking that sea currents weren’t the only things to watch out for. I sat next to Coop and watched a man in a red swimsuit jog by. The man did a double take at T-Bone and picked up his pace.
“I can’t stop touching you.” Coop leaned forward and tucked a curl behind my ear. “I remember our first date. You wore a red polka-dot bikini. The wind was blowing, and your hair fluttered around your shoulders. I thought I might pass out. I’d never seen anyone that beautiful. You’re even more beautiful now, if that’s possible.”
Then he drew his finger along my chin and moved up, tracing my lips. He slipped his finger into my mouth and grazed my teeth.
“What if somebody sees us?” I asked.
“Sees what?” He smiled. “An innocent kiss?”
“Define innocent, counsel.” I put my arms around his neck.
“I submit exhibit A.” He took off his sunglasses. We kissed so long, we fell sideways and landed on the quilt. My hair fell all around him, throwing his face into shadow. “And exhibit B,” he said. He kissed the edges of my mouth while his hand slid inside my bathing suit.
A shadow passed over the blanket, and T-Bone barked.
“Yodelayheehoo, Boss,” said a gritty, masculine voice. “Hey, you gonna represent this girl or suck face? ’Cause you can’t do both.”
Coop and I broke apart. I looked up at a stumpy man in tiny round sunglasses with green lenses. He grinned, and his brown moustache stretched into a flat line over small teeth. His hair was chin length, brassy blond, with violently dark roots that screamed home dye job. He swept a lock off his forehead, then ran his hand down his frayed shorts. They stopped just below his knees, revealing broad, hairy calves. He gave me a hard stare and brushed a thick finger over his moustache.
“Don’t let me interrupt the lovefest,” he said and shuffled his feet. He wore tennis shoes with the tips cut off, showing splayed hairy toes.
“You’re early,” Coop said.
“Yeah? Seems I got here in the nick of time.” He scratched his chest, and his nails scraped into his cotton t-shirt with COLDPLAY printed across the front. T-Bone nuzzled his hand, and the man absently patted the dog’s head.
“Hey, you old monster,” he said, then glanced at me.
“Teeny, this is Red Butler Hill. He’s a private detective.”
“Pleasedtomeetya,” the man said, looking anything but pleased.
“Nice to meet you, too, Red.” I extended my hand but he ignored it.
“It’s Red Butler to you, girlie.” He rubbed his nose. It looked boneless, without a smidgen of cartilage, as if it had been broken multiple times.
“What’s with the Beach Blanket Bingo shit?” He pointed to the quilt. The sun glinted off a diamond cluster ring.
“We’re just sitting here,” Coop said.
“Right. And I’m Jesus come down from heaven. Can we go inside?”
Coop got to his feet. Mustering as much dignity as I could, I grabbed a towel, draped it around my shoulders, and stood. T-Bone stepped back as Red Butler Hill picked up the quilt. Sand flew all over everybody, but he didn’t seem to notice. He tossed the quilt over his shoulder.
The wind picked up as he strode ahead, past the dunes, toward the raised wooden walkway. All around us, the sea oats clucked their disapproval. Red Butler reached the end of the walkway and jumped off. T-Bone’s tail wagged as he waited for Coop and me to catch up. When we got near the end of the walkway, Coop took my arm.
“Come on, Boss. No PDA.” Red Butler winked at me. “That’s public display of affection, girlie.”
Coop laughed. “You’re a detective, not my mother.”
“The dunes have eyes, man.”
We slogged through the deep sand and walked single-file up the stairs to the deck. Red Butler dropped the quilt on an Adirondack chair. His tennis shoes clapped over the wooden planks. He reached down for a paper sack and pulled out a six-pack of Coors Light.
“Refreshments,” he said and opened the door with his free hand. The dog shot into the house. The men hung back, doing their “ladies first” thing. I went inside. Red Butler headed to the kitchen.
“Be right back,” I told Coop.
“He’s okay, Teeny.” He caught my hand and squeezed it. “He’s always grumpy.”
I was tempted to keep holding his hand, but I broke away and walked to the bedroom. I peeled off the bikini, changed into the brown dress, then went back to the living room. It was empty except for T-Bone, who lay in a patch of sunlight. His ears perked forward, and a moment later Red Butler walked through the dining room holding a beer. He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. His eyes were a clear, sharp topaz rimmed with stubby gold lashes. The upper lids were flat and straight, as if drawn with a ruler, making him seem alert.
“Where’s the boss?” he asked.
“Don’t know.” I sat at the far end of the sofa.
Red Butler burped. He lifted the bottle and took a long swig. I couldn’t believe this rough man was a detective. He seemed like he’d be more at home at a racetrack, placing bets on my guilt or innocence. Ten dollars says the filly killed her boyfriend.
T-Bone’s ears slanted, and he let out a muffled woof. When Coop emerged from the hall, he was tucking a pale green shirt into cutoff khakis.
“Beer’s in the icebox.” Red Butler lifted his bottle. “Get you one?”
“Maybe later.”
“Suit yourself.” Red Butler shrugged. “After I tell you all the shit I found out, you’ll need the whole six-pack.”
“What’d you turn up?” Coop sat down beside me.
A smile flitted across Red Butler’s rumpled mouth. He swaggered to a leather chair and sat down so hard the cushion squeaked, then took a long pull from the bottle. “It’s been a wild morning. The coroner ruled Mr. Jackson’s death a homicide.”
The room began to spin. I leaned back, trying to remember where I’d put my handbag. I opened my mouth and gulped air. Coop put his hand on my leg. “You okay?”
“I need my inhaler.”
He patted my leg and got up. He disappeared into the bedroom. Red Butler tilted his head. “Why you need an inhaler?”
“A cousin of mine has that,” Red Butler said. “She’s a nervous Nellie, too.”
“Whatever,” I said, but he’d hit a nerve. When I’d lived on the farm, I’d stashed inhalers everywhere, the way drug addicts hide pills.
“Sure, it’s physical.” He laughed.
Coop returned with my manila envelope. I dug out the Ventolin, shook it, and depressed it. I held my breath, grimacing as my throat filled with bitter vapors.
“Don’t get all wheezy on us,” Red Butler said. “I saw the preliminary autopsy report. Mr. Jackson died from a gunshot wound to the chest. Official cause of death is exsanguination. You know what that means, girlie?”
I gave silent thanks to Law & Order and nodded, but I couldn’t say the words: bled to death. “You sure he wasn’t shot in the head?” I asked. “It was bleeding.”
“A postmortem wound.” Red Butler took another swig. “That means the dude was dead before he hit the ground. A scalp wound would gush like a motherfucker, but only if the motherfucker was alive.” He shrugged. “Dead, not so much.”
Coop lowered his eyebrows. “Anything else?”
“I’m just getting started.” Red Butler took a sip of beer. “The deceased had a woman in every zip code. Over in Edisto, a shrimper’s twenty-year-old daughter says Bing Jackson is her baby’s daddy. So your girlie isn’t the only one with motive.”
“Bing fathered a child?” I cried. “Is there a woman in South Carolina who hasn’t slept with him?”
“Prolly not,” Red Butler said.
“Where is my dog?” I asked, not caring if I sounded heartless.
“It’s at the humane shelter,” Red Butler said.
“Oh, Lord.” I drew in a breath. “They aren’t going to put him to sleep, are they?”
“Hell, no.” Red Butler cracked his knuckles. “Not unless you don’t claim him.”
“Coop, I need to go.”
“Sure, I’ll drive you,” he said.
“Not today, you won’t.” Red Butler glared. “The shelter is closed. You can fetch the pooch tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry, Teeny.” Coop touched my hair. “He’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know about you peeps, but I ain’t fine,” Red Butler said. “I need something stronger than beer. Where you keep the hard stuff, Boss?”