Suggestions for Further Reading
Boulby, Mark. Hermann Hesse: His Mind and Art. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1967. [Demian, 81–120.]
Casebeer, Edwin F. Writers for the Seventies: Hermann Hesse. New York: Warner, 1972. [Preface 19–22 passim. This interesting little book barely touches Demian but mentions the novel among a galaxy of works that define Hesse’s reputation as part of the counterculture in America during the sixties.]
Cornils, Ingo. A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2009.
Cornils, Ingo. “From Outsider to Global Player: Hermann Hesse in the Twenty-First Century.” In A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse, 1–16.
Crooke, William. Mysticism and Modernity: Nationalism and the Irrational in Hermann Hesse, Robert Musil and Max Frisch. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2008.
Field, George W. Hermann Hesse. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1970. [Chapter 4: “Demian and Symbols of Transformation,” 41–61.]
Freedman, Ralph. The Lyrical Novel: Studies in Hermann Hesse, André Gide, and Virginia Woolf. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1967. [Demian: “The Symbolic Hero,” 57–71.]
———. Hermann Hesse: Pilgrim of Crisis. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. [Chapter 5: “From Crisis to War,” Demian, including Hesse’s breakdown and cure by Dr. Lang, 183–93.]
Gullatz, Stefan. “Demian and the Lacanian Gaze.” In Ingo Cornils, ed., Hermann Hesse Today, 173–85. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2005.
Michels, Volker. “Hermann Hesse and Psychoanalysis.” In Ingo Cornils, A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse, 323–44.
Mileck, Joseph. Hermann Hesse: Life and Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. [Demian: Emancipation and Quest, Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, Psychoanalysis and Literature, 88–108.]
Robertson, Ritchie. “Gender Anxiety and the Shaping of the Self in Some Modernist Writers (Musil, Hesse, Hofmannsthal, Jahnn).” In Graham Bartram, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Modern German Novel, 46–61. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Rose, Ernst. Faith from the Abyss: Hermann Hesse’s Way from Romanticism to Modernity. London: Peter Owen, 1965. [“The End of an Era: Psychoanalysis and Demian,” 47–56.]
Seidlin, Oskar. “Hermann Hesse: The Exorcism of the Demon.” In Ziolkowski, Hesse: A Collection of Critical Essays, 51–75.
Solbach, Andras, “The Aesthetics of Ritual: Pollution, Magi, and Sentimentality in Hesse’s Demian (1919)” In Ingo Cornils, A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse, 81–115.
Stelzig, Eugene L. Hermann Hesse’s Fictions of the Self: Autobiography and the Confessional Imagination. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1988. [This book includes many important references to Demian. They are coherently presented in “Demian and the Decline of Europe,” 150–54.]
Tusken, Lewis W. Hermann Hesse: The Man, His Myth, His Metaphor. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1998. [Demian: Chapter 7: “Demian’s Rebirth,” 84–97.]
Wilson, Colin. Hermann Hesse. New York: Village Press, 1974. [Demian, 29–31. Brief comments by the author of The Outsider who first described Hesse as a leader of the counterculture during the fifties.]
Ziolkowski, Theodore. The Novels of Hermann Hesse: A Study in Theme and Structure. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965. [Chapter 7: “The Gospel of Demian,” 87–145.]
———. Fictional Representations of Jesus. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1972. [The figure of Demian is one of these representations.]
———, ed. Hesse: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1973.
———. “The Quest for the Grail.” In Ziolkowski, Hesse: A Collection of Critical Essays, 134–52.
If the War Goes On. Trans. Ralph Manheim. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1971. [Includes Hesse’s essay, “Self-Will” (1919).]
Autobiographical Writings. Trans. Denver Lindley. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972.
My Belief: Essays on Life and Art. Trans. Denver Lindley. Ed. Theodore Ziolkowski. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1974. [Includes Hesse’s essay “Artists and Psychoanalysis,” 1918.]
Reflections. Trans. Ralph Manheim. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1974.