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Library and Archives of Canada, Ottawa.

MG1. Fonds des Colonies. Série C11A. Correspondance générale; Canada. Microfilm Rolls F-48, 49, 51, 66, 67, 69, 71, 74, 77, 79, 80, 85, 89, 93, 95, 97, 118, 119, 120, 123, 197, 198, 201, 202, 414. Some of the documents on these microfilms have been scanned and are available, in varying quality, on the Library and Archives of Canada website,

MG2. Fonds de la Marine. Service hydrographique de la Marine. Sous-série 3JJ. Microfilm Roll F-475. “Mémoires de Mr. Le Sueur.”

Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Map Collection.

G4042.M5 1702 .L5 Vault. Carte de la rivière de Mississipi : sur les mémoires de Mr. Le Sueur qui en a pris avec la boussole tous les tours et detours depuis la mer jusqu’à la rivière St. Pierre, et a pris la hauteur du pole en plusieurs endroits / par Guillaume de L’Isle geographe de l’Academie des Sciences. 1702. Online:

Minnesota Historical Society.

M30. Joseph Nicollet Papers.

M35, M35-A. (Taliaferro journal) Lawrence Taliaferro, Manuscripts. As part of this project a scanned version of the Taliaferro journal was prepared using optical character recognition software from typed transcripts done in the 1930s and 1940s by MHS staff. Although the transcript contains many errors, it allowed for extensive use of the journal.

M89. Sir Frederick Haldimand Papers.

M105. Selected letters and other documents relating largely to the St. Peters Indian Agency.

M164. Henry H. Sibley Papers, Microfilm.

M330. Jacob V. Brower Field Notebooks.

P489. Manuscripts Relating to Northwest Missions.

P763. Frances Densmore Papers.

P849. Montreal Merchants Collection.

P1100.9. Fred Pearsall. Sioux Geographic Names.

P1301. Daniel Greysolon Duluth, Letters, 1679, 1685.

United States. Office of Surveyor General of Minnesota, land survey field notes, 1848–1907.

National Archives, Washington, DC.

NAM M234, Rolls 757–64. Letters Received. St. Peters Agency.

NAM M668. Ratified Indian Treaties.

NAM T494. Documents Relating to the Negotiation of Ratified and Unratified Treaties with Various Indian Tribes. Many treaty negotiation journals have been scanned and are online at

NARG 75. Office of Indian Affairs.

NARG 217. General Accounting Office. Second Auditor. Entry 525. Indian Accounts.

National Archives and Records Administration, Kansas City, MO.

NARG 75. Pipestone Indian School and Agency Records.

Newberry Library, Chicago. Map Collections.

Ayer MS map 61. Cours du grand fleuve Missisipi : depuis sa source jusqu’a son embouchure avec toutes les rivieres qui y tombent ou est compris la decouverte du Sr. le Sueur qui se rent sur les pays et nations del l’est et de l’ouest de ce fleuve à prendre depuis la Riviere Ouisconsing en montant jusqu’a la source du même fleuve. Tracing made ca. 1850 by historian Pierre Margry from 1697 manuscript by French royal geographer Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin.