



Resisting a wince, I scroll through my phone with my left hand as Reggie rubs annoying circles with his gun along my right shoulder. I’m at the point where I’ve been sitting here for two hours and am feeling restless. The pain keeps me alert, but the constant back and forth of the needle filling in color is grating on my nerves. I should have thrown a couple of shooters into my purse before I left to help me relax.

Or a couple of gummies. Those stink, though.

I untense and let out the breath I’ve been holding when Reggie lifts the needle off my skin and wipes it with a cool cloth.

“We’re done, just had to finish up a few lines of the flowers back here,” he says, squirting water from a squeeze bottle onto the cloth and wiping me again. The relief is indescribable.

I love these tattoos, but man, am I a baby while I’m getting them done.

“Sounds good. Then when I forget about the pain, I’ll come back and do the rest of the arm.”

He chuckles, the piercing on the bridge of his nose squishing with his laugh. His black hair is lacquered up in messy spikes and not an inch of his pale skin isn’t covered with ink.

Reggie offers me a hand mirror and has me stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirrors of the shop so I can examine the work. The roses look amazing and blend into the front of the arm where a large sugar skull sits at the top.

I hand him back the mirror. “That looks amazing. Great job as usual, Reg.”

He then tapes a large, white surgical bandage over my shoulder and hands me an aftercare sheet, which he knows I don’t need since this isn’t my first tattoo rodeo.

I tip him two twenties and go to the front to pay with my card. As I’m leaving, my phone dings with a text.

Eric: We still on for tonight?

I smile at the text. Eric is constantly worried he’ll be stood up. We’ve gone on a couple of dates since last month when we met, but they’ve been casual. It’s like he has some kind of paranoia he’ll get ghosted.

He has a lot of paranoias, actually. I would too if I spent six years in prison around a bunch of degenerates.

I get into my little BMW and reply to his text.

Me: Of course we are, handsome.

I include a wink and kissy-face emoji. I have this constant need to feel like I have to validate him. I’m not crazy about it, but he’s so fucking hot, I just get over it.

Eric: Great, see you tonight, gorgeous.

I giggle like a damn schoolgirl at his reciprocated flirtation and start up the car, headed home to get ready for my date.



I wash the tattoo area with antibacterial soap and slather a light layer of Aquaphor on it after getting dressed. A glance in the mirror tells me I chose the right outfit. Red dress and strappy black stilettos. These are my favorite shoes, and it’s nice that even with these on, Eric’s still taller than me. One last swipe of red lipstick and I hustle into my garage to head out on my date.

On the drive, I think about Eric and how excited I am to see him. Since my best friend Taryn introduced us a few weeks ago, we’ve been on a few dates. He doesn’t open up to me very much, which I understand. Still, I’m making it my mission to see that he can trust me and not everyone he meets is a liar just out for themselves. I can’t imagine what he went through in that place, and I never ask him to talk about it, though I admit to some curiosity. I wonder what he went through behind bars for all those years, and being that I have heard the reasoning why—in great detail, mind you from my best friend—I would love to hear it from his lips. His beautiful, full lips and that scruff of a beard that I want rubbing between my thighs.

But we haven’t gone there yet. I plan to change that tonight. I mean... the guy’s gotta be needing some lovin’ after all those years down, right?

Maybe he’s already hooked up with someone?

I shake my head at my silliness. Even if he has... it’s none of my business, and in fact, who could blame him?

As for me... it’s been a long, hot minute. At twenty-seven, I’m over the clubs and bars... the online dating... even the set-ups from well-meaning friends and family. I crave that symbiotic and electric connection, that one person who has eyes only for you, and you for them. Those hot nights in the sheets. Always having a date for occasions. Someone to come home to. Eric is the only one who comes to mind when I picture those things. I don’t know what his financial situation is like after being gone so long, but I find that I don’t care. From what Taryn told me through our conversations, he seems to be doing okay. She had to sell his townhouse so I’m sure he has money from that somewhere.

I shudder at the chilly Colorado December night air as I arrive at six on the dot and enter through the front door of Denver’s most popular seafood restaurant. I’m not a huge fan of food from the sea, especially here in my landlocked state, but this place has a great reputation with other selections as well.

“Hello, gorgeous.”

I turn to see Eric standing in the corner, blending in with the rest of the patrons. In a black button-down shirt rolled to the elbows and jeans, he holds his jacket, and I want to climb him like a tree, he looks so hot.

“Hi,” I say, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

“Eric, party of two,” the hostess calls out.

“Just in time,” Eric says with a smile on those perfect lips, those bright white teeth on display. He grabs my hand and we follow her to the table.

After setting down menus and water, she leaves, and Eric looks at me. “How have you been?”

I bite back a smile. We text almost every day, but don’t physically see each other that often. “I’m good. Just glad it’s Friday. It’s been hell week at work.”

“Oh, really? A lot of criminals?” he asks with a smirk, but there’s stress behind his gaze.

“Just a lot of cases, and I doubt you want to listen to all that boring stuff. What about you?” I change the subject because I can tell anything criminal-related makes him uncomfortable, and being a paralegal, that’s all I see all day, for the most part. I should go find myself a job with some ambulance-chasing car accident lawyer instead of a team of defense attorneys—a few I cannot stand because they’re so fucking sleazy.

“Just learning the job. You’d think after two weeks, I’d get the hang of it better.” He lifts his water glass and stares at me.

“So, it’s not like just riding a bike?” I ask with a lippy smile.

He shakes his head. “No. First, my state physical therapy license was expired, and I had to apply to get that back. They denied my doctoral license because of the... incident, which I figured would happen, so I applied for physical therapy assistant, and that got approved. I took the state test, and I aced it. I’d ordered books to study while I was down, and I knew it all like the back of my hand—not that it was hard. Same stuff, just at a lesser capacity. In practice, though, much different. Technology is different. New machines and medicines and things like that.”

“Totally understandable.”

The server comes up and we place our orders, though I barely looked at the menu. I only like shellfish, so I told her I’d just like whatever the popular shrimp dish is. We also place drink orders.

Eric reaches forward and grabs my hands. “I’m really glad I met you, Christa. I’m sorry if I’m sort of... closed off sometimes. Adjusting hasn’t been easy, but one thing I’ve learned is to not be so stubborn to admit it. I’m in ‘mandatory’ therapy for drugs and alcohol, but the therapist knows I don’t have a substance abuse problem, so we mostly talk about deeper issues. And she’d be proud to hear me admit this to another person.” He smirks again, and my stomach flutters. God, he’s so beautiful.

“I’m glad you’re able to talk to someone about all you went through, Eric. I can’t imagine...”

“Let’s talk about something else,” he says abruptly, but not letting go of my hand.

“Of course, anything you want. Do you have any hobbies when you’re not working and going to... therapy?”

The server brings us drinks, and I immediately feel guilty for ordering a martini after what he said about his court-ordered drug and alcohol therapy.

“Hey, I changed my mind,” I tell her. “Can I just get a—”

“No.” Eric pats my hand. “Please enjoy your drink. I’m not at all tempted, I promise.”

I chew my lip and lift my brows. “You sure?”

“Absolutely.” He looks at the server. “And when that one’s done, bring another.”

She looks at me. “Are you okay with that, miss?”

“Yes”—I glance at her nametag—“Carrie. Thank you.”

She nods and walks off.

“We aren’t doing this,” Eric says immediately, lifting his raspberry iced tea. “I mean it. If I want a drink, I’ll have one. I’m not supposed to, but they don’t test me for it either. I may have a beer now and again while watching sports, but I will not be drinking like I was. That doesn’t mean you have to abstain. In fact, you’re probably hella cute when you’re tipsy.”

I swallow down the vodka and lift the olives on the stick out of the glass. “Are you trying to get me drunk, Andrews?”

He chuckles. “Absolutely.”

“You’re crazy,” I say with a giggle after I pop one of the salty, delicious olives into my mouth.

He lifts a shoulder and lets it fall. “I’ve been called worse.”

“I bet you have,” I murmur just loud enough for him to hear, slowly removing the plastic stick from my lips after eating the last olive.

I watch his powerful Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows, but that cocky-ass smirk never leaves his face. I want to kiss it off as his eyes hold mine.

Our food arrives and we chat while we eat. It’s easy and comfortable, but with an air of electricity crackling between us. It’s undeniable and never goes away no matter what we’re doing, and I wonder how powerful it’ll be when we’re alone and naked. What it would be like if we got married and went to some tropical island and had the raddest honeymoon ever, fucking on the balcony of some outrageous resort?

Stop thinking about sex and marriage, you maniac!

I take a bite of shrimp and lift my second vodka martini to my lips. I’m well and good tipsy now, and I need to stop after this one.

“So, how are the wedding plans coming along?” he asks.

I choke on my shrimp and cough a few times before the food goes down. I set the martini down and grab my water glass, chugging it. My face must match my dress now. “What?”

“Damn, are you okay?” he asks, the smirk gone, replaced by genuine concern.

“Yes,” I breathe. “I’m fine. Sorry about that.”

Concern and worry color his features. “Why did you choke when I asked about the wedding? Is being the maid of honor super stressful or something?”

Then, it dawns on me. “Oh, yes, I mean no. I mean... it’s fine. Just very busy. Taryn’s pretty particular with what she wants for décor and such. Carter couldn’t give a shit less.”

With that, he chuckles. “That’s definitely Carter. You’ll let us know where to get the tuxes and shit?”

I nod, sipping my martini and am done eating for now. “Absolutely.”

We sit in silence for a bit, then he says lowly, “Wanna get out of here?”

“Yes,” I answer immediately.