Academy of the Spanish Language: 224
Agrarian Subdivision Company: 65
agriculture: and domestic markets, 16–17, 68–69; and feudalism, 18, 32; and socialism, 33; and liberalism, 34; coastal, 38, 54–55, 63–64, 68, 72; Prado on, 41; and revolution, 47–48; and Civil Code, 50, 51; and irrigation, 53–54; in sierra, 54, 66, 73–74; and foreign markets, 70–71
Aguirre Morales, Augusto: on communism, 74–75 n
alcohol: and Indian, 28. SEE ALSO aguardiente
Alma América: 217
Alomar, Gabriel: on Guillén, 262–263; mentioned, 229
America: Chateaubriand on, 7–8 n; and immigration, 72; and national literature, 189
Anastasio el Pollo: 194
Andes: Spaniards and, 5; metals in, 6; and agriculture, 35; and Peruvian economy, 164, 165; development of, 176; and Peru-Bolivia Confederation, 176; literature of, 201; and Chocano, 218; mentioned, 10
Anti-Duhring: 139
Apologético en favor de Góngora: 190
Apurímac: 165
Araníbar P., Alberto: and student reform, 110
Arequipa: movement of, 151; regionalism in, 165; and Lima, 202
Argentina: and western trade, 8: revolution in, 46–47; student and university reform in, 91, 94, 97, 98 n, 99, 107, 114; national literature of, 188, 194, 214; criollo in, 270
Atahualpa: execution of, 131
Aulard, Alphonse: on French Christianity, 147
Ayacucho: 177
Ayllón, Ezequiel: on indigenous justice, 277 n
ayllu: and farmland, 35, 57; communism in, 42; nature of, 56–58, 75 n; and totemism, 129. SEE ALSO “community”
Bakuninists: 209
bankers: and colonial independence, 8
Bard, Dr.: and Organic Law of Education, 88
Barreda y Laos, Felipe: 79
Basadre, Jorge: on Vallejo, 256 n
Baudelaire, Charles: and Alcide, 285
Beingolea, Manuel: 235
Belaúnde, Dr. Víctor Andrés: on university, 100, 101
Benedictine order: Sorel on, 41, 42
Billinghurst (president of Peru): policy of, 156; and Valdelomar, 230
Blok, Aleksandr: 245
Borges, Jorge Luis: influences on, 194; and Argentine literature, 269; mentioned, 245
Bouroncle, Dr.: on educational reform, 88–89
Bremond, Abbot: on Eguren, 237
Brunetière, Ferdinand: Riva Agüero and, 223
Bolsheviks: and rural class, 46; mentioned, 33, 180
bourgeoisie: European, 6; growth of, 11, 15; economy of, 12; and landowners, 13; and feudalism, 32; role of, 52
British Empire: and capitalism, 7; and Grace Contract, 13
Buenos Aires: protests in, 202; Hidalgo in, 246; mentioned, 173
Bunge, Carlos Octavio: on Argentine literature, 214
Bustamante y Ballivián, Enrique: and Contemporáneos, 236, 237; on Eguren, 238, 240, 242
Byron, Lord: and Chocano, 218, 219
Cajamarca: 131
Calvinism: Engels on, 139; Maetzu on, 140–141
canción de las figuras, La: 241
Canning, George: on South America, 7, 8
Cápac Raymi: worship of, 134
capitalism: rise of, 7; in British Empire, 7; in Peru, 11, 15, 21, 32; and Castilla regime, 11; in Chicana Valley, 18, 19; and criollo landowner, 21; spirit of, 21 n; and coastal agriculture, 54–55; effect of, on “community,” 55; and liberalism, 80–81; and education, 83, 121; and civilismo, 116; and use of machine, 117; and Protestantism, 138–139; Marx on, 140; and Reformation, 141
Casas, Fray Bartolomé de las: and emancipation, 27, 31–32; as missionary, 134, 138; mentioned, 159
Castilla regime: and capitalism, 11; policy of, 50
Castro Pozo, Hildebrando: on “community,” 56–57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 283 n
Catholic Church. SEE Roman Catholic Church
Catholicism: political nature of, 142; in Spanish America, 142, 148; and Indian, 276. SEE ALSO Roman Catholic Church.
caudillos: in Peru, 11; power of, 48–50; Vasconcelos on, 49–50; and latifundista, 52; and liberals, 115
Caviedes. SEE Valle y Caviedes, Juan del
centralism: and civilistas, 155; under Billinghurst, 156; and decentralization, 166–170; and federalism, 170; and gamonal, 172; and Lima, 172, 177
Chancay River: 73
Central Railroad: economic effect of, 176, 177
Chicana Valley: capitalism in, 18, 19
Chile: student unrest in, 91, 96
China: immigrants from, 9, 279–280; university reform in, 95–96; and national literature, 188; mentioned, 80, 126
Chocano, José Santos: 217–221
Christianity: in North America, 125; and pagan tradition, 132; Unamuno on, 136; and revolution, 147
Cisneros, Luis Benjamín: 193
Civil Code: effect of, 50–51; García Calderón on, 51; Ugarte on, 51
civilismo: power of, 52–53; defeat of, 105; justification of, 102; and universities, 109, 115, 116; rise of 150; and centralism, 155; and Concha, 167; and intellectuals, 185–186, 222; literature of, 199
clergy: internal quarrels of, 138; in Peru, 146
coast: economy of, 11; and industry, 14; hegemony of, 15; agriculture on, 17; feudalism on, 18; population on, 18; characteristics of, 162–163; description of, 164–165
collectivism: and Incas, 3, 4; and Spanish conquistadors, 4
Colombia: students in, 96; missionaries in, 125
colonialism: organization of, 5; and economy, 7; heritage of, 34; Prado on, 101–102, 205; and indigenism, 274
Colónida: effect of, 228, 229; founding of, 236
colónidos: characteristics of, 227–229; Eguren and, 235; and Hidalgo, 246; mentioned, 235
colonizers: Gobetti on, 4–5; characteristics of, 4, 41, 83, 133
communism: and Incas, 35, 74–76 n; religion and, 212
“community”: economic customs of, 42, 43; condition of, 45; and revolution, 48; and Civil Code, 51; destruction of, 53; and republican legislation, 55; Villarán on, 56, 57; Castro Pozo on, 56, 57, 59, 61; and latifundium, 59, 60; as social institution, 61. SEE ALSO ayllu
Concha, Carlos: on local government, 167
Condorcet, Marquis de: 78
“Confitear”: 231–232
Confucius: 279
conquest, Spanish: effects of, 3, 4
conquistadors: Gobetti on, 4–5 n; and Incan economy, 4; and religion, 125–126; and colonization, 132–133, 143; and Lima, 176; and Garcilaso, 189
Conservatives: policies of, 154–155, 157
Contemporáneos: 235–236
copper: and Peruvian economy, 14
consumption, domestic: statistics of, 17
Córdoba. SEE University of Córdoba
Cosío, José Gabriel: and student reform, 110
cotton: export of, 16, 20; and labor, 17; and landowners, 18; and coast, 54, 55, 68–69; mentioned, 19, 70
Council of Deans: 111
Counter Reformation: effect of, 132; Unamuno on, 136; mentioned, 134, 144
criollo: in sierra, 5; and independence, 7; and Indian, 31; of Lima, 199; and national literature, 270, 271
Cuba: students in, 96
Cultura: founding of, 236
Cuzco: and student reform, 104, 202; Indians in, 134; regionalism in, 165; and railroad, 177; as Incan capital, 180, 181; mentioned, 67, 171
Czechoslovakia: agrarian laws in, 32
D’Annunzio: ideas of, 203; and Valdelomar, 231, 233, 246
Darío, Rubén: and Chocano, 219; and Eguren, 239, 242; influence of, 235; and Spelucín, 284; mentioned, 216–217
decentralization: efforts toward, 159, 164–165, 166, 167
democracy: Vasconcelos on, 49–50
Democrats: and civilistas, 222
demonetization: 13
department: as political term, 161; function of, 168–169
derecho de matar, El: 264
Descriptión del cielo: 248–249
Deucalión: importance of, 258–259; style of, 261; mentioned, 240
Deustua, Dr.: on education, 115–119 passim
Díaz Mirón, Salvador: and Chocano, 219
Dominicans: as colonizers, 41; in theocracy, 132; and Indians, 133
Don Quixote: and Guillén, 259, 260
Durand, Augusto: and federalism, 155; and Democrats, 156; manifesto of, 160
Echevarría, Esteban: on American society, 46–47; mentioned, 52
education: of Indian, 26; Vasconcelos on northern, 40; Spanish, 52; influences on, 77, 78, 83, 86, 88, 121; and government, 78–79; Herriot on, 84–85; Renan on, 84; Pecqueur on, 84; French, 83–86; Villarán on, 79–80, 85–86, 87; during Piérola regime, 86, 87; levels of, 86; reform of, 88, 90, 92; Bouroncle on, 88–89; and university reform, 107; and social problems, 114; and economic laws, 119; and industrialism, 120; indigenous, 122 n; in colonial period, 133; and decentralization, 168, 169
Eguren, José María: as literary leader, 191; and colónidos, 228; poetry of, 235–236; works analyzed, 237–245; as children’s poet, 238–239; symbolism in, 240–243; influences on, 243–244
El Comercio: and “futurists,” 222
Elegía a la muerte de Alfonso XII: 193
Encinas, Dr. José A.: on Indian property, 23–24
encomenderos: and legislation, 24; and Riva Agüero, 184–185; during republic, 198; and Gamarro, 216; and Eguren, 244
encomienda: abolishment of, 48; in theocracy, 131; Indians in, 133
Encyclopedists: and independence, 7; and González Prada, 209; and Melgar, 215
Engels, Friedrich: on Protestantism, 139–140
England: capitalism in, 7, 83, 139; and Spanish colonies, 8; and Peruvian economy, 10, 11, 12, 16
España: social criticism of, 203; writers in, 229
Espronceda, José de: and Chocano, 218, 219
exports, Peruvian: statistics of, 15, 16, 17, 20
Extracto estadístico: quoted, 17
Falcón, César: on city development, 174; in Nuestra Epoca, 229
federalism: and gamonalismo, 154; and Democrats, 155, 156–157; and Liberals, 156–157; and regionalism, 161; administrative divisions of, 166; in Santa Cruz, 167; and centralism, 170
feudalism: and Spanish colonies, 5, 34; and western trade, 9; transformation of, 12; in agriculture, 18, 32; on coast, 18; European, 19, 33, 62; and criollo, 21; and capitalism, 21; and Indian, 24, 25; in republic, 32; Vasconcelos on, 39–40; in Russia, 44, 45; in America, 62; on sierra, 67–68, 73, 170–171; in Spain, 80–81; and civilismo, 116; and teaching, 118, 121; and church, 146
fief: in Peru, 18–19; and capitalism, 21
France: capitalism in, 83, 139; education in, 83–86; educational influence of, 121; centralism in, 167; and literature, 186; and Eguren, 242; mentioned, 7
Frank, Waldo: on North America, 124–125; on Puritanism, 141–142
Frazer, James George: on Graeco-Roman civilization, 126; on religion, 128, 129–130, 135
Freemasonry: and independence, 146
French Revolution: and South America, 6; and rural class, 46; and War of Independence, 146; and church and state, 147
friars: and Indian, 31, 32; activities of, 131, 133
Froebel, Friedrich: 120
“futurists”: and reform, 102; and national culture, 103, 104; and literature, 195, 221–227 passim, 235
Galván, Dr. Luis E.: on teaching, 112
Gálvez, José: Leguiía on, 149–150; on colonial literature, 188; pasadismo of, 225; on national literature, 225–226; and “futurists,” 235
Gálvez y Lorente, : and university, 100, 101
Gamarra, Abelardo (El Tunante): More on, 201–202; discussed, 215–217; and Gálvez, 226; and criolloism, 271
gamonales: role of, 22, 23; Encinas on, 23; and legislation, 24, 53; in sierra, 73, 74
gamonalismo: and Indian, 22, 23, 27, 30 n; and “community,” 56; and road program, 74; and teachers, 122; and federalism, 154; and decentralization, 159–160, 167–168, 170; reform of, 171, 172
García, Dr. Uriel: and student reform, 110; on mestizo, 278–279
García Calderón, Francisco: on Civil Code, 51; and university debate, 115; on colonial period, 136; on Catholicism, 137, 149; positivism of, 210; and Riva Agüero, 223
García Calderón, Ventura: on González Prada, 203–204; and indigenism, 269–270
Garcilaso de la Vega, El Inca: 188, 189
Gastañeta, Dr.: and student reform, 106
Germany: trade schools in, 120; capitalism in, 139; literature of, 186
Gibson, Percy: in Nuestra Epoca, 229
Gide, Charles: on agriculture, 71
Girondo, Oliverio: 269
Gobetti, Piero: on Spanish colonizers, 4–5 n; on reform, 182–183
gold: in Peru, 10
Golden Bough, The. SEE Frazer, James George
Gómez de la Serna, Ramón: 234
Góngora, Luis de: imitators of, 188; mentioned, 190
González, Julio V.: on university reform, 93–94
González Prada, Manuel: on Indians, 23 n, 25, 26, 27; as literary leader, 102, 191; and Palma, 197; importance of, 202; and popular universities, 203; and cosmopolitan period, 203–204; discussed, 203–213 passim; and Gamarra, 216, 222; and Chocano, 220; and colónidos, 228; and radical movement, 235; in Contemporáneos, 236; Bustamante y Ballivián on, 240; and Hidalgo, 246
“González Prada” popular universities: 121
González-Pradism: and protest, 151; dissolution of, 156; effects of, 199
Grace Contract: 13
greguería: and Valdelomar, 234
guano: and Peruvian economy, 9, 11, 12; and War of the Pacific, 12; loss of, 12, 13; beneficiaries of, 52; mentioned, 14
Guillén, Alberto: discussed, 258–263; and colónidos, 258; sources of, 261; relativism of, 262; mentioned, 240
Güiraldes, Ricardo: and Argentine literature, 269
hacendado: and caudillos, 49; and health problems, 72
hacienda: and trade, 18, 19; and coastal agriculture, 62–63
Hamp, Pierre: on labor, 117–118; mentioned, 254
Hay a de la Torre, Víctor Raúl; and agrarian question, 58–59 n; and university reform, 106; on Mexico and Peru, 180–181 n; on Tradiciones, 197; on Gálvez, 225
Henríquez Ureña, Pedro: on Mexican culture, 118–119; on Spanish American literature, 218; mentioned, 203
heraldos negros, Los: discussed, 250, 251–252, 256–257
Hernández, Julio Alfonso: and Contemporáneos, 236
Herrera y Reissig, Julio: 245, 285
Herrera, Fortunato L.: and student reform, 110
Herriot, Edouard: on French agriculture, 71; on education, 84; on regionalism, 161
Hidalgo, Alberto: discussed, 246–250; and Colónida, 246
Hindu religion: and Inca mythology, 126
Holy Office, The: Luchaire on, 144
Huancayo: constitution of, 154
Hugo, Victor: and Chocano, 218, 219
Hurtado de Mendoza, Mariano: on university reform, 94–95
Ibarbourou, Juana de: importance of, 263; and Portal, 266
idealism: and university debate, 116
Imitatión de nuestro señor yo: 262
imperialism: struggles against, 26
Imperial Valley: small property in, 65
imports, Peruvian: statistics of, 15, 17; monopolization of, 20; necessity of, 69
Incas: economy of, 3, 34–36; characteristics of, 3, 4; and communism, 35, 74–76 n; Ugarte on, 35; and road program, 74; and work, 118; religion of, 125–126, 127, 128; Frazer on, 129–130; rites of, 134–135; Valcarcel on, 161; and national literature, 193–194; and Chocano, 219
independence: 7, 8. SEE ALSO War of Independence
Indian: and Spanish pioneer, 4–5; and population, 16; and gamonales, 22, 23; as problem, 22, 25–28; González Prada on, 23 n, 25–27; Encinas on, 23–24; protection of, 24; Mayer and, 25; and Las Casas, 27, 31–32; and land tenure system, 28; and Socialists, 31; and friars, 31, 32, 133; and agrarian problem, 32, 34, 35; and slaves, 37; and War of Independence, 47, 48; and property, 48; and civilismo, 53; and individualism, 57–58; Castro Pozo on, 61; and education, 78, 122; Villarán on, 82; religion and, 127, 128, 134–136, 143, 276–277; Peralta on, 127 n; and magic, 129–130; Ors on, 158; Valcárcel on, 161, 275; migration of, 164; redemption of, 171, 172; and national literature, 194; and Vallejo, 252; Albújar on, 275–276; and mestizo, 282–283
indigenism: requirements of, 271–272; and Indians, 272–273; and colonialism, 274
industry: in Peru, 14; in cities, 19, 178–179; and hacienda, 19; German, 21; effects of, 117; and education, 120; and religion, 139; in Lima, 178–179
Inquisition: officials of, 4; in Peru, 131; and colonial period, 133; and Catholicism, 136; as political institution, 144; mentioned, 34
Iras santas: 220
irrigation: by Incas, 35; coastal, 73
Italian language: and literature, 186; and Eguren, 242 n
Italy: immigrants from, 72; capitalism in, 139; regions in, 162; economic development of, 176; political capital of, 180
International Congress of Students: propositions of, 96
Jacobinism: and independence, 78, 146; and regionalism, 153; and González Prada, 210
Japan: university reform in, 95–96
Jesuits: and South America, 5, 41, 133
Junín: development of, 13; mineral wealth of, 176, 177
Kon: Inca worship of, 129
Kropotkin, Piotr: González Prada and, 209
labor: and manufacturing, 17; and latifundium, 23; coastal vs. sierra, 64; and university reform, 92
landowners: and economy, 13, 17; role of, 20–21, 23. SEE ALSO latifundista
land tenure system: and Indian, 22, 23, 28; influence of, 34; in sierra, 55
Lanuza, José Luis: on university reform, 94
La Plata: students of, 114, 202
Larreta, Enrique: and Argentine literature, 269
Las Casas, Fray Bartolomé de: SEE Casas, Fray Bartolomé de las
latifundista: supremacy of, 32; and slavery, 38, 39; as agent, 70; and Eguren, 244. SEE ALSO landowners; latifundium
latifundium: and Jesuits, 5; and cities, 18, 19; Encinas on, 23; preservation of, 32, 53; and socialism, 33; and revolution, 48; and caudillos, 49–50, 52; and Civil Code, 51; coastal, 54, 55, 59, 62; on sierra, 59, 62, 73; and “community,” 59, 60; and road program, 74; in theocracy, 131
Laureles: 262
Lavalle, José Antonio de: 195, 196, 199
Law of 1886: 168
Laws of the Indies: and Indian “communities,” 42, 43
Leguía, Jorge Guillermo: on Gálvez, 149–150
Lenin: and industry, 178; Hidalgo on, 248
León y Bueno, José: on Indian, 27 n
liberalism: in England, 7; and agriculture, 33; and justice, 277
Liberals: policies of, 115, 154–155; during Pardo administration, 156; views of, 157
La Libertad: and landowners, 20–21
Lemaitre, Jules: 183
libro de la nave dorada, El: 284–285
libro de las parábolas, El: 262
Lima: life in, 4, 5; agriculture in, 68; and regionalism, 165; and centralism, 172–175; founding of, 176; and railroad, 177; industry in, 178–179; future of, 181; More on, 202; contrasts of, 203; and literature, 213; mentioned, 164
literature, Argentine: 194, 269
, Peruvian: renaissance of, 104; dualism in, 188; Spanish influence on, 190, 192; periods of, 191; colonialism in, 192, 227, 235; of common people, 195; and sierra, 201; Gálvez on, 225–226; and colónidos, 228; and poetry, 237; indigenism in, 268–269; and criollos, 270, 271
, Russian: and Peruvian literature, 268–269
livestock: in Peru, 17
loans: and agriculture, 69
London: and Peruvian economy, 13; markets in, 70; and industry, 178; mentioned, 8
López Albújar, Enrique: on Indian, 275–276 n
Loreto: economy of, 162–163 n
Luchaire, Julien: on colonization, 143; on Holy Office, 144
Luque, Hernando de: 131
Maeterlinck, Maurice: and Eguren, 243
Maetzu, Ramiro de: on Calvinism, 140–141
magic: and Indians, 129
malaria: 72
Mamani, Inocencio: 187
Mama Pacha: cult of, 35
Mantaro River: electric plant on, 59
manufacturing: and labor, 17
Marinetti, Filippo: and Hidalgo, 246
Martínez Luján, Domingo: 235
Marx, Karl: on Protestantism and capitalism, 140; and González Prada, 209
Maurras, Charles: 245
Maúrtua, Victor M.: 229
Mayer, Dora: 25
Mazo, Gabriel del: on university reform, 91
Melgar, Mariano: as folk writer, 195; discussed, 213–215 passim; Agüero on, 224; and Vallejo, 250–251
Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino: 192, 193
mestizo: as colonizer, 5; and Indian problem, 31; and future hopes, 278; meaning of, 278–179; racial influences on, 279–282
Mexico: agriculture in, 33; Jesuits in, 42, 43; Henríquez Ureña on, 118–119; missionary in, 125; magic in, 129–130; ecclesiastical privilege in, 146; de la Torre on, 180–181 n
Milan: growth of, 175, 176; mentioned, 135
military: in Peruvian economy, 13
mining: and Spanish colonizers, 5, 10, 37; and economic system, 11; in the sierra, 11; in Junín, 13; export products of, 17; and capitalist class, 17; and exploitation, 40, 41; mentioned, 16
mir: Schkaff on, 44
missionary: and Indian, 27; role of, 125
Mistral, Gabriela: importance of, 263; and Portal, 266
mita: and Spaniards, 37; abolishment of, 48; mentioned, 74
monasteries: in Lima, 4, 134; role of, 41
More, Federico: on Palma, 200; on national literature, 200–203 passim; on González Prada, 204; beliefs of, 229; and Hidalgo, 246
Moro, César: 269
Muzhikism: and revolution, 268
Napoleon: and education, 84–85; and church and state, 147
nationalism: and Indian, 158–159; and literature, 186–188, 191
Negro: status of, 273; and mestizo, 279–280. SEE ALSO slavery
neogodos. SEE civilismo
Neothomism: 141
New England: and Spanish colonies, 4; and Protestantism, 143
New York: markets in, 70; and industry, 178; mentioned, 16, 180
Nietzsche, Friedrich: and Guillén, 261
nitrates: and Peruvian economy, 9, 11, 12; beneficiaries of, 52; mentioned, 14
nobility: Gobetti on, 4–5; in Lima, 5; creation of, 40
North America. SEE United States novel: and national literature, 189
Nuestra Epoca: founding of, 203; contributors to, 229
nuevo absoluto, El: 211
Office of Public Health: and coast, 72–73
Oliviera, Dr.: and indigenous education, 122 n
Organic Law of Education: and reform, 88, 90; effect of, 112
Organic Law of Teaching: acceptance of, 105; and reform, 107
Orient: literature of, 188
Orrego, Antenor: on Vallejo, 250–251, 257; on poets, 256
Ors, Eugenio d’: 158–159
otrabotki: Schkaff on, 66
paganism: and Spanish Catholicism, 138
Páginas libres: 204, 207, 212, 213
Palacios, Alfredo L.: on university reform, 92–93, 107–108; and student rebellion, 103
Palma, Ricardo: writings of, 195–203 passim; More on, 200, 202; reputation of, 215; Haya on, 225; mentioned, 188
Panama Canal: and Peruvian economy, 14
Panoplia lírica: 246
Papini, Giovanni: on religion, 141
Paraguay: Jesuits in, 41, 42, 43
Pardo y Aliaga, Felipe: writings of, 191, 195, 196, 199, 215
Pardo, José: policy of, 156
Pardo, Manuel: policy of, 155; and gamonalismo, 160
Pareja, Leandro: and student reform, 110
Pareto, Vilfredo: on societal structure, 280–281; on Indian, 283
Paris: financial market of, 139; and industry, 178
pasadismo: and “futurists,” 224, 225; and Vallejo, 252
Pecqueur, Constantin: on public education, 84
Peralta, Antero: on Indian pantheism, 127 n
perricholismo: and colonialism, 34; Sánchez on, 203, 224
Peru-Bolivia Confederation of Santa Cruz: 165–166, 176
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich: 120
petroleum: and Peruvian economy, 14
Piérola, Nicolás de: policy of, 13, 14, 115, 155; education and, 86; and civilista party, 150, 222; and Lima, 202; and Gamarra, 216; and Chocano, 220
Pirandello, Luigi: and Valdelomar, 233; and Guillén, 262
Pizarro, Francisco: 131
Pizarro, Gonzalo: 133
Poland: agrarian laws in, 33; mentioned, 72
polovnischestvo: explanation of, 63
Ponce de León, Dr. Francisco: on feudalism, 67–68
popular sovereignty: in Peru, 160
Portal, Magda: discussed, 263–268
positivism: of Jesuits, 5; and González Prada, 210
Prado, Javier: on slavery, 38; on colonialism, 41, 101–102; on Negro religion, 137–138; on viceroyal society, 118; on ecclesiastic science, 145; positivism of, 210; and Chocano, 220; and Riva Agüero, 223
priests: in Spanish America, 4, 5; Villarán on, 144
Pro-Indian Association: 25–26
proletariat: and landowners, 13, 14
property, Indian: and Republicans, 32; Vasconcelos on, 39–40; Ugarte on, 43–44
Protestantism: in England, 7; and capitalism, 138–139; Engels on, 139; Marx on, 140; in Spanish America, 142, 151, 152; in New England, 143
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph: 61
population: concentration of, in Peru, 16
Puritan: as colonizer, 83, 132, 143; nature of, 124–125
Quechua: religion of, 126, 127, 128; literature of, 187; and Vallejo, 252; mentioned, 171
Quintana, Manuel José: and Chocano, 218, 219
railroads: British domination of, 11, 13; development of, 175, 176–177, 178
Radical movement: and university reform, 94; activities of, 150–151, 209–210; and centralism, 155; origin of, 207–208; and Gónzlez Prada, 208; and intellectuals, 222; literature of, 235; and López Albújar, 275
realism: and Gónzalez Prada, 209
Reformation: and colonization, 132; and capitalism, 141; and France, 146; and Freemasonry, 146; and national literature, 189; mentioned, 137
reform, constitutional: of 1873, 167; of 1919, 169
reform, educational: of 1902, 86–87; Villarán on, 87–88; of 1920, 87–90; and student movement, 91–97, 99–100, 101–114
regionalism: nature of, in Peru, 153–154; and decentralization, 159–161; and definitions of regions, 161–166; and centralism, 166–170, new approaches to, 170–172
religion: Papini on, 141; González Prada on, 212. SEE ALSO Catholicism; Protestantism; Quechua
Renan, Ernest: and education, 84; Gónzalez Prada on, 210–211
rentier: role of, 71
revolution: American, 46–47; Bolshevik, 180
rice: 17
Rimbaud, Arthur: and Eguren, 240
Ripa Alberdi, : on university reform, 93
Riva Agüero, José de la: and “futurists,” 102, 221–227; criticism of, 184–186; Spanish heritage of, 184 n; on colonial literature, 192–193, 199; on Palma, 196; positivism of, 210; on Chocano, 218; on González Prada, 224; and independents, 236; mentioned, 219
Rodó, José Enrique: and Guillén, 261
Rodríguez, César A.: and Nuestra Epoca, 229
Roman Catholic Church: and Spain, 132–134; Romero on, 134–135; and Indians, 135–136; and Chocano, 221. SEE ALSO Catholicism.
romanticism: and Melgar, 214; and “futurists,” 224–225; Maurras on, 245; and Hidalgo, 247; and Vallejo, 256
Romero, Emilio: on Incas and Catholicism, 134–135
Romier, Lucien: on villages, 18 n, 174; on French feudalism, 147–148
Rouveyre, André: on Eguren, 240
rubber: and Peruvian economy, 15, 17
Rumania: agrarian laws in, 33
Ruskin, John: on work, 117
Russia: feudalism in, 44; rural class of, 46; crop yields in, 60; and university reform, 94; trade schools in, 120; industry in, 178; futurism in, 268–269; mentioned, 33
Saco, Carmen: 269
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin: 183
Saint Ignatius of Loyola: characteristics of, 5; in Counter Reformation, 132, 137
Saint Paul: 136
Saint Rosa of Lima: García Calderón on, 137; mentioned, 237
Saint Teresa: in Counter Reformation, 132, 137
Saint Thomas: 141
Sánchez, Luis Alberto: on perricholismo, 203, 224
Sanctis, Francesco de: on national literature, 187–189; on epic poetry, 190 n
Sanguinetti, Dr. Florentino: on University of Buenos Aires, 98; on teaching, 100, 112
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino: 216
Schkaff, Eugene: on mir, 44; on otrabotki, 66; mentioned, 68
School of Literature: 103, 104, 112
schools: and Indian population, 28
science: Caillaux on, 12; and education, 120; González Prada and, 209
Seoane, Jorge: and Peruvian literature, 269
Seventh-Day Adventists: mentioned, 27
sierra: conquest of, 5, 6; and mining, 11; and agriculture, 17; characteristics of, 162–163; description of, 164, 165. SEE ALSO Andes
Silva, José Asunción: mentioned, 245
slavery: Gobetti on, 4–5; in Peru, 4, 9; Spanish use of, 5, 37, 38; González Prado on, 38, 137–138; Ugarte on, 39; and Castilla, 50; and coastal landowners, 54, 62; and Catholicism, 137, 143; and national literature, 194
Social Democrats: and trade schools, 120
socialism: and agriculture, 33; and viceroyalty, 34; and rural class, 46; and education, 121; and religion, 151
Sorel, Georges: on monasteries, 41, 42; philosophy of, 61; on religion, 152
South America: independence of, 7–9; magic in, 130
Soviets: and religion, 212
Spain: and viceroyalty, 4; and colonies, 4, 8, 9; and economy, 4, 7; influence of, 34; educational influence of, 78, 121; decadence in, 80–81; during Inquisition, 133; mysticism in, 136–137; Catholicism in, 139; scholasticism in, 145; regions in, 162
Spanish America: religion in, 125, 142, 143
Spanish Reformation: Unamuno on, 132
Spanish Empire: demise of, 8
Spanish language: and literature, 186, 187
Spelucín, Alcides: on Trujillo, 20 n; discussed, 283–285
Student Congress of Montevideo: declarations of, 99; and “futurists,” 102
Student Federation: reorganization of, 107; power of, 111
students: characteristics of, 95, 110; demands of, 96–97; national congress of, 104–105; participation of, 111
sugar: and Peruvian economy, 16, 17, 18, 20; and coastal agriculture, 54, 68
Tagore, Rabindranath: on work, 117; mentioned, 245
Taine, Hippolyte: on French education, 86; followers of, 223; mentioned, 102
Talara: 175
Tawantinsuyo: works of, 35; Valcárcel on, 35; and religion, 126, 127–128, 135; and Peru-Bolivia Confederation, 176; survivors of, 274–275
textile industry: in Peru, 179
theocracy: in Peru, 131
Third Republic: education during, 85; Peruvian model of, 167
trade: between South America and West, 8; with U.S. and Britain, 14–15
Tradiciones peruanas: discussed, 195–202
trade school: and education, 120, 121
transportation: and capitalist class, 17
Trilce: quoted, 253; Vallejo on, 257–258
Trinity College of Huancayo: mentioned, 79
Trujillo: Spelucín on, 20; and regionalism, 165; and independence, 181; protests in, 202
Tucuipac Manashcan: 187
Tunante, El. SEE Gamarra, Abelardo
Ugarte, César: on Incas, 35; on slavery, 39; on Indian property, 43–44; on Civil Code, 51; on conquistadors, 82–83; in Nuestra Epoca, 229
Unamuno, Miguel de: on Spanish Reformation, 132; on Christianity, 136; on mysticism, 136–137; on Protestantism, 143; and Guillén, 261; mentioned, 5, 229
Unión Nacional: origin of, 207–208; and Radical party, 210
United States: Constitution of, 6; and Peruvian trade, 14, 15; capitalism in, 83, 139; education in, 118, 121; Frank on, 124; early development of, 143; political capital of, 180
universities: and student movement, 91, 96–99; Palacios on, 92–93; Ripa Alberdi on, 93; Gónzalez on, 93–94; Lanuza on, 94; Hurtado de Mendoza on, 94–95; popular, 95; in China and Japan, 95–96; purpose of, 97–98; conservative oligarchy in, 99, 100, 109; Belaónde on, 100, 101; the colony in, 100–101; Peruvian reform of, 103, 105, 107, 110, 112–113 n; of the Americas, 133; Frank on North American, 142
University Center: and “futurists,” 102
University Council: and Organic Law, 112
University Federation of Buenos Aires: and student movements, 91
University of Arequipa: and reform, 114
University of Buenos Aires: history of, 98; mentioned, 112
University of Córdoba (Argentina): student demands at, 91, 97, 103, 114
University of Cuzco: reform at, 110–111, 114; mentioned, 67
University of Lima. SEE University of San Marcos.
University of San Marcos: and reform, 96–97, 104–109, 111–112
University of Trujillo: reactionaries at, 108, 113–114
Uruguay: national literature of, 270–271 n
urbanization: in Lima, 173
Ureta, Alberto J.: 237
Urquieta, Miguel Angel: 151
Valdelomar, Abraham: and D’Annunzio, 203; and Colónida, 227; characteristics of, 230, 246; works of, 230–234; and Cultura, 236; and Criolloism, 271
Valcarcel, Luis E.: on Indian, 28–30 n, 161, 252, 275; on Tawantinsuyo, 35; and student reform, 110; on Peruvian religion, 126; Maríategui on, 163; on Incan society, 171
Valle, Félix del: in Nuestra Epoca, 229; on poetesses, 264
Valle y Caviedes, Juan del: 188, 190
Vallejo, César: in Nuestra Epoca, 229; discussed, 250–258; and Indian, 251, 254; nostalgia of, 252–254; pessimism in, 254–255; Basadre on, 256 n; and Portal, 264; and Spelucín, 285
Vasconcelos, José: on caudillos, 49–50; on enthusiasm, 109–110; on native cultures, 130–131; and Prada, 211; on future, 278
viceroyalty: effects of, 4; and socialism, 34; remnants of, 34; loyalty to, 78; basis of, 81; people of, 133; and Lima development, 176; and national literature, 194
Vienna: finance in, 179–180
Villarán, Dr. Manuel Vincente: on “community,” 56; on education, 79–80, 85–86, 87, 88, 90, 102; on social order, 81–82; as university rector, 105, 106; departure of, 109; and Deustua, 115, 118; and colonial ideology, 123; on colonial priesthood, 144
War of ’79: and education, 86, 168
War of Independence: economic aspects of, 6; and feudalism, 34; and economy, 39; character of, 45, 46; conditions during, 46; participants in, 47, 146; effect of, on Lima, 176; mentioned, 32
Washington, D.C.: 180
wheat: import of, 17; scarcity of, 69, 70
Wilson, Woodrow: philosophic influence of, 92; and colonidismo, 229; mentioned, 192
wool: export of, 16
yanacón: demand for, 64–65; Ponce de León on, 67–68
yanaconazgo: explanation of, 63; and economic development, 64, 65–68
yaraví: and Melgar, 213, 214; Riva Agüero on, 215
Zulen, Pedro S.: death of, 108; and independents, 236; mentioned, 106, 112
Zum Felde, Alberto: on Uruguayan literature, 270–271