Chapter 23


Waking up the next morning, Banga felt someone wrapped up around him. He slowly moved to get out from her. Too late.

“Well good morning to you too,” she said,

“Sorry, didn’t want to wake you.”

“It’s alright. I needed to get up anyway,” she responded, as she climbed out of the bed butt-ass naked. Not too bad looking. He could have done better, but he could have done a lot worse, too.

“Let me start a pot of coffee,” she offered, as she left the room. He heard pots and pans banging. He got up, grabbed his clothes, and walked into the kitchen. He could smell coffee brewing.

“Nothing better than a nice fresh cup of coffee to start the day,” he said.

“No? What about a blowjob?”

“Oh well. That’s a good thing, too! You offering?

“If you want me to.”

“Well, I can never turn down a free blow job!”

He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his dick. She got down on her knees and put his soft dick in her mouth. She started sucking it in and playing with his balls, until he was fully erect.

“Now, that’s nice!’ he told her.

“Mmmm . . . mmmm,” she said, while sucking his dick. She was a pro, and he was about to cum real soon.

“I’m fixing to cum!” he told her.

She pulled his dick out of her mouth and used her hand to stroke his cock until he busted a nut and came all over her face like a porn star. Then she put it back in her mouth to suck it dry. She stood up, went to the sink, and grabbed a washrag and cleaned her face and hands. After that, she made them both a cup of coffee.

“I just sucked your dick and I don’t even remember your name,” she said.

“Does it make you feel any better that I don’t know yours either?” he said.

“My name is Ginny,” she said shyly.

“Well, name is Banga.”

“Banga!” she asked.

“Yes, that’s my name.”

“So, is this a one-time thing? Or is it gonna be a lot?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean, you’re not sure!”

‘I’d like for it to go on, but the problem is that I don’t live in Miami. I live in Martin County. However, my mom lives here, so I will be here a lot. But not all the time. So it’d have to be a long-distance relationship. Could you handle that?”

“Well, we can always try it and see how it works out.”

“Here, let me take your picture. He pulled out his phone and took a few photos of her while she was still naked.

“Now, what’s your cell number?”

She told him and then went to the bedroom. She returned with her phone, took a few pics of him, and then got his phone number.

“Oh shit!” he said.


“I’m supposed to be at my mom’s. I’m sorry, but I got to go. I will call you as soon as I leave my mom’s.”

“A mama’s boy, huh?” she joked.

“Yep! That’s me!”

“Alright. I will see ya tonight.”

He ran to his car. He couldn’t believe he was late. He arrived at his mom’s and ran up to the door. Before he got halfway there, the door opened and his mom appeared.

“So sorry I’m late, mom.”

“Eh, it’s only a few minutes. At least you’re here now.”

He gave his mom a big hug and kissed her on her forehead.

“Let’s go, mom!” he said, as he opened the passenger door for her and then walked around to the driver’s side.

“Where do you wanna eat, mom?” he asked.

“Let’s go to McDonald’s. I could use me some egg and sausage biscuits, hash browns, and a hot cup of coffee.”

“Then to McDonald’s it is!”

After ordering, they sat down at a back table so they could see everything. As soon as he went to take a bite, his phone rang.

“Hello?” he answered.

This is a collect call from Jacob Spears, an inmate at Martin County Jail. If you want to accept the call, press zero.

Banga pressed zero.

This call may be recorded and monitored. Thank you for using G.T.L.

“Hello?” Jacob Spears asked.

“Hey buddy! Glad you called.”

“Yeah, I got your letter, pictures, and money. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. How’s your writing coming?”

“Got two books published, and I’m hard at work on the third.”

“That’s what’s up.”

“I got you and Guru in there, too.”

“For real?”


“So, how is everything else going?”

“Finally got back in touch with my sister. She got married, so it’s Amy McKinney now. Can’t believe she’s all grown up with kids of her own.”

“Well, time moves on. And time stop for no one. Remember that! Also remember that if there is hope in the future, there is power in the present.”

“I’ll remember that. Hell, I might even put it in my book. Well, my sister, Amy, has been putting money on the phone, so I’m able to call every Saturday. And I love it. Ray Brown, the dude from Good2Go, has been a lot of help. He’s even sent me books to read. I’m gonna give him as shout out in my book ‘cause he’s a good dude.”

You have one minute left, said the automated voice.

“Alright, Jacob. Keep your head up . . . and keep writing.”

“I will. Take care, bro.”

“Ending the call, he looked at his mom.

“Sorry about that.”

“No problem.”

They both went back to eating. After they were done, they left and headed to the mall. Inside, he took her straight to the cell phone store.

“Well, what do you want, mom?”

“How ‘bout that fancy purple one.”

“Let’s get that purple Samsung Galaxy 6. And let’s get the case and charger for it.”

“Alright! Anything else?” the clerk asked.

“No, we are good. Thanks.”

As they left, Banga turned to his mom and asked, “Where to next?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t usually come to the mall. I go to Wal-Mart.”

“Okay, let’s go in here,” he said, taking her into the Gap.

* * *

Not believing his eyes, Guru turned around and looked again. He pulled over and grabbed his phone to make a call.

“Hello?” Smooth answered.

“Hey Smooth. You not gonna believe who I’m looking at.”


“Lucky. The tall dude from those photos you showed us.”

“Damn, where you at?”

“Gas station on 54th Street.”

“Follow him if he leaves. Don’t lose that mutherfucker!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t!”

* * *

Smooth disconnected the call and dialed another number.

“Yesssss,” Spencer said.

“What the hell’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I’m lifting weights. Why? What’s up?”

“One of my men just spotted that dude, Lucky!”


“Gas station on 54th Street.”

“I’m on my way.”

“I’m on my way, too. My man is going to follow him if he leaves.”

“Good. I’d hate to lose him.”

“Me, too.”

Smooth flew to the gas station. When he got close, he called Guru.


“He’s still at the gas station.”

“Yeah, he is standing next to a brown car.”

“Alright. I’m pulling in now. I see him. We gotta wait for Spencer.”

Smooth got out of his car and went over to Guru. A minute later, Spencer’s Camaro flew into the parking lot. When he got out of the car, all three of them met up in front of Guru’s Charger.

“Alright, guys. Let’s do this!” Guru said.

“Nah, wait. How we gonna do this?”

“I got a Taser and a dart gun. Here, take the Taser. Guru, be ready. We’re going to Taser that other dude and I’ll tranquilize Lucky. Smooth, you be ready just in case.”

Smooth watched as they downed both guys. Then he walked over and helped carry them into the brown car.

“Guru! Take your car. Spencer, you take yours and I’ll take their car.”

“Where ya going, Smooth?” Spencer asked.

“I’m not sure.”

“Follow me then. I got a perfect spot.”

They each got back into their cars. Guru went in one direction, while Smooth followed Spencer to a warehouse. Pulling up outside, the doors automatically opened. Smooth pulled right behind Spencer. Spencer then got out and the lights turned on inside. Smooth was in awe of how large the building was. Spencer motioned for Smooth to pull up beside some tables, which were covered with blood-soaked torture devices.

“Told you I had the perfect spot. Let’s get these guys out.”

Smooth and Spencer got both of them out of the car. They tied up Lucky and hung him from the cherry picker.

“What about the other guy?” Smooth asked.

“Casualty of war!” Spencer said, as he pulled out a pistol and shot him twice in the head.”

Now, we just gotta wait ‘til this bitch comes to.”

Spencer went to the table, grabbed a pair of scissor, and removed Lucky’s clothing. After about 20 minutes, Lucky began to come around.

“Alright. You can join in or just watch. It’s up to you,” Spencer said, as he picked up some bolt cutters.

“Hey there, princess!”

“What the fuck! Who are you? This isn’t funny!”

“You’re right, it’s not funny. But I’m gonna enjoy every minute of it. As a matter of fact, let’s get started,” Spencer said, as he took the bolt cutters and cut off Lucky’s little toe.

“Aggghhh . . . God,” Lucky screamed.

“Stop crying like a bitch! And believe me, God’s not gonna help you,” Spencer said, as he cut off another toe.

After he had cut off every toe, Smooth grabbed the bolt cutters and cut off Lucky’s penis. Spencer laughed the entire time.

“Told you I’d enjoy every minute of it!”

Lucky was still screaming and crying, begging for them to stop.

“Now that we have your attention, who is this man with you in this photo?”

“That’s Rob, my homeboy!”

“Where is he?”

“He’s at his cousin’s in Palm Beach. He’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Where will he be?”

“At his apartment.”

“Where is his apartment?”

“On 79th Street. Building C. Room 6.”

Spencer opened his wallet and showed Lucky a picture of Rebecca.

“You remember her?”

“Nah, man. Never seen her.”

“You’re lying. You two killed her when you robbed a gas station,” Spencer screamed, as he picked up a knife and began skinning Lucky alive. His screams were music to Spencer’s ears.

Finally getting bored, Spencer handed Smooth the pistol. He took it and, without a thought, shot Lucky in the head.

“Now, tomorrow we get the next one!” Spencer said.

“Yeah, tomorrow. That really was weird. It was sick, but I loved every minute of it!’ Smooth said.

“It’s a lot of pain for them, but joy for us. Some people don’t have the stomach for it. I’ve seen people throw up at the sight of blood. But I’ve also seen guys who bathe in it,” Spencer told him.

“Well, I’m not gonna bathe in it, but I’m not gonna run from it either. Is this some stuff you learned in the military?”

“Yes. Well, kind of. I shot a lot of people. Then I got into Special Forces and a whole new world opened up for me. We’d torture guys for days to find a foxhole or the Taliban. At first, I was just watching and then I started to join in. Just make sure you’re up to it. Anytime you need a spot, let me know and I’ll let you use this,” Spencer said.

“Okay. Now what do we do with the body?” Smooth asked.

“I got a team of four ex-Special Forces dudes on my team. They take care of all that for me.”

“Can I get a ride back to my car?”

“Sure, let’s go!”

They both got in Spencer’s Camaro and headed back to the gas station. Once they arrived, they picked a meeting spot for the following day.

* * *

Out on the street, it was 7:55 p.m. and the sun was just going down. It was a beautiful night. Unfortunately, it was ruined by the constant flow of crackheads. At about 8:00 p.m., Ham started looking for Tina. Finally, she showed up . . . about 10 minutes late.

“Sorry I’m late, daddy,” she said.

“It’s all good. Just don’t be late again.”

“I won’t.”

Taking a closer look at her, he noticed her fat lip and swelling on her left cheek.

“What the hell happened to you?” he asked.

“It’s nothing!”

“Yes, it is something! Now tell me who did it.”

“It’s my dad. He was hitting my mom, and I stepped in the way.”

“Where is he right now?”

“At home.”

“Let’s go,” he said.

“Go where?” she asked, in a scared voice.

“To your house.”


“So I can teach him not to hit girls.”

“Please don’t. It will only make things worse.”

“Well, just tell me where you live.”

After showing him her house, they headed back to Ham’s apartment. He rolled a joint and started smoking it. Then he passed it to Tina.

“I need something stronger, daddy,” she said.

“Here is a 20. Go do your thing in the bathroom and then come back.

“Yes, daddy!” she said, as she hurried to the bedroom.

He started plotting in his head how he was going to torture her dad. While she was in the bathroom, he took off all his clothes and lay back on the bed. She finally came back into the bedroom.

“Strip! Very slowly,” he said.

“Yes, daddy!” she answered. She started to slowly undress for him.

Damn, she looks good, he thought.

“You look good enough to eat!”

She blushed and then pulled off her bra, letting her breasts loose.

“Come over here!” he ordered.

She walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

“He pulled her on top of him and started kissing her. Her mouth tasted good as if she just brushed her teeth.

“Here, lay down.”

After lying down, he started to finger-fucker her, while he left a trail of kisses from her moth to her pussy. While still finger-fucking her, he started to lick her pussy and suck on her clit.

“How’s that feel, baby?” he asked.

“Oh my God! So good!”

“Never had your pussy ate before?” he asked.

“Never . . . !” she gasped.

“Well, lay back and enjoy!” he said, as he went back to sucking on her clit while still finger-fucking her.

“Oh shit! I’m ready to cummmmm!” she screamed, as she released all over his hands and face. Then he slid up to kiss her and to slide his hard cock into her tight wet pussy. She cried out as he slid in her. Her cries, gasps, and noises totally turned him on. Before long, he was cumming inside her pussy.

* * *

Getting started early, Smooth showered, shaved, and got dressed. For breakfast, he had a few Pop Tarts. After eating, he picked up the phone and called Miranda.

“Yes, Smooth!” she answered.

“What the fuck! You a mind reader or something?”

“No! It’s caller I.D. You should try it sometime.”

“Yeah, I should. I got a bad habit of just answering without checking the display.”

“So, what’s up?” she asked.

“Figured I’d call and see if ya wanted me to take Zorro off your hands.”

“He’s good here. But if you want to, that’s cool.”

“Guess I’ll leave him with you another day. Which is good, ‘cause I got a big day ahead of me.”

“Alright. Call me later.”

“I will,” he said, as he ended the call.

Going into the walk-in closet, he grabbed two black backpacks. If anyone ever looked, they’d wonder why anyone would have this many backpacks. He had them in his bedroom, his truck, at the trap house . . . everywhere. Pulling out his phone, he dialed another number.

“Yellow!’ Banga answered.

“Hey, it’s me. Where you at?”

“At a girl’s house. Why? What’s up?”

“I want to meet ya and give you some of these things.”


“How many you need?” Smooth asked.

“Four or five would be nice.”

“Well, how ‘bout I give you six?”

“That’d be plenty.”

“Then six it is. Meet me at our old hangout in one hour.”

“I’ll be there.”

Smooth ended the call and put six keys in one bag and 10 in another.

He dialed another number.

“Ya mon?” Stone answered.

“Hey, it’s Smooth.”

“Waz up, mon?”

“Wanted to see how you looking on product.”

“Really low. Waz gon’ call ya tomorrow, mon.”

“Well, how many ya need?”

“Tin will be fin.”

“Alright. Same spot at noon, okay?”

“Okay, mon.”

Smooth ended the call, grabbed both bags, and headed out to his truck.

“Once at the spot, Smooth saw Banga leaning up against his car eating a hamburger.

“What’s good, my nigga?” Banga asked.

“You see it, bro!”

“Feels good to be back home. Spent all day yesterday with my mom. Felt really good. I definitely got to spend more time here and with my mom.”

“Just be glad you got a mom. You could have grown up with a crackhead mom like I did.”

“You’re right, bro! I thank God for my mom!”

“Well, I got a tight schedule today so I got to go. But call me tonight,” Smooth said, as he handed Banga a backpack and returned to his truck.

“Don’t forget to call,” Smooth said through the open window as he pulled away.

He then headed to meet Stone at the gas station. Once he arrived, Smooth saw Stone sitting on the trunk of his car. Looking around, Smooth didn’t see anything out of place, so he circled the block and then pulled in next to Stone. Getting out of the truck, Smooth grabbed a backpack and handed it to Stone.

“Here man!” Stone said, as he handed another backpack to Smooth.

Now it was time to get the rest of his day together, so Smooth called Spencer.

“Hello?” Spencer answered.

“It’s me. Where do you want to meet?”

“You remember where the warehouse is?”


“Well, let’s meet there then.”


After arriving at the warehouse, Smooth called Spencer again.


“I’m outside.”

“Alright. Put on in,” Spencer said, as the big doors opened. Smooth pulled in behind Spencer’s Camaro, which was next to a white van. Once Smooth got out of his car, Spencer walked over to the side of the van.

“What’s good?” Smooth asked.

“Not much. You ready to do this?”

“Hell yeah! Been ready!”

“We will take this van then.”

They both got in the van and headed to Rob’s apartment. When they arrived, Spencer handed Smooth a dark gun.

“Just shoot him or anyone else with this.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a tranquilizer. It will knock out a person almost instantly. Just be sure you don’t shoot me.”

“What? You said shoot you?” Smooth joked.

Getting out of the van, they looked around and hid the dart guns under their shirts. Once they were in front of Rob’s apartment, they pulled out the guns and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened with a young woman standing there. They quickly shot her with a tranquilizer dart and ran through the open door and into the hallway.

“Who is it, baby?” Rob called out.

“It’s your worst nightmare, dickhead!” Smooth yelled, as he stepped into the living room.

As soon as he spotted Smooth, Rob tried to reach for a gun on the table, but Smooth and Spencer hit him multiple darts.

“Let’s pull the girl all the way in and then you go and back the van in,” Smooth said. He pulled the girl in while Spencer backed the van up to the building. He then came around and both of them lifted Rob up and threw him in back. They then got in the van and headed back to the warehouse. As the big doors opened, they pulled in and the lights came on by themselves.

“How do the lights come on?” Smooth asked.

“The doors, lights, alarms, and everything else are connected to my phone.”

“That’s totally cool! Got to get me a Bat Cave like that!”

“Takes a lot of work. See that thing that looks like a building.”


“It’s a two-bedroom apartment. Completely soundproof.”

“Yeah, I got to get me one,” Smooth said.

“Alright. Let’s get this sucker up!”

They pulled Rob out of the van, chained his hands together, and then hooked him onto the cherry picker. They raised him high enough so his feet were just above the floor. Spencer then handed a pair of scissors to Smooth.

“Your turn.”

Smooth cut off Rob’s clothes, looked at Spencer, and then asked, “Now what?”

“Now we wait ‘til he wakes up.”

When Rob finally came awake and realized that he was naked and hanging, panic took over real fast.

“Glad you could join us, Sleeping Beauty!” Spencer said.

“Fuck you!” Rob said.

“Okay. I tried to be nice. I was going to kill you fast. But now I’m gonna make it nice and slow. You’re gonna learn what pain is,” Spencer said.

Spencer walked over to the table, grabbed a portable torch, and fired it up. He walked over and held it under Rob’s armpit. Instantly, Rob’s upper arm was covered in third-degree burns. His screams sounded good to Smooth, since he was one of the men who took Rebecca away from him. Spencer then grabbed a filet knife and slowly began to skin Rob like a deer, from his knee to the ankle. He then did the other leg. Rob’s screams could probably be heard for miles, if it weren’t for the soundproofed building.

Spencer looked back at Smooth and asked, “You want to join me?”

“Sure!” Smooth said, as Spencer handed him the bloody knife.

Smooth stepped up and sliced off Rob’s left ear. He then sliced off his right ear. Noticing that Rob kept his eyes closed, Smooth grabbed an eyelid and cut it off, so he could no longer close it.

“I like that!” Spencer said.

“Wish there was more I could do to him!”

“Yeah, me too!”

“You ready to put him out of his misery?” Spencer asked.

“Yes!” Smooth said, as he pulled out his gun and shot Rob in the head.

“Now, step over here so you can wash the blood off your hands.”

Smooth walked over and used the hose to clean up.

“Well, we got them both, which is good. But it still don’t make it feel better.”

“I know what ya mean,” Spencer agreed.