January 19

The Root of Rejection

May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.


Rejection starts as a seed that is planted in our lives through different things that happen to us. God loves and accepts us, but the devil steals that truth from us by making us think we’re rejected so we feel rejected and unloved. When this happens, it affects every area of our lives. It becomes a tree with many branches that all bear bad fruit.

Whatever you are rooted in will determine the fruit in your life—good or bad. If you are rooted in rejection, abuse, shame, guilt, or a poor self-image—if you are rooted in thinking, Something is wrong with me!—your “tree” will bear depression, negativism, a lack of confidence, anger, hostility, a controlling spirit, judgmentalism, hatred, and self-pity. If you are rooted in Jesus and in His love, then you can relax and know you are loved and valuable. You can know that God sees you as right through your faith in Jesus.

All the areas of your life that are out of order can be reconciled through Jesus and the work that He has done on the cross. It happened to me, and God can do it for you.


Here is the good news—you can be delivered from the power of rejection!