February 3

Prayer Produces Rest

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]


If we are not at rest, we are not truly believing, because the fruit of believing is rest.

For many years of my life I would claim, “Oh, I’m believing God; I’m trusting the Lord.” But I was not doing either of those things, because I was anxious, worried, irritable, and on edge most of the time.

Just as we can be involved in outward activity, we can be involved in inward activity. God wants us not only to enter into His rest in our body, He also wants us to enter into His rest in our soul.

To me, finding rest, relief, ease, refreshment, recreation, and blessed quiet for my soul means finding freedom from wrong mental activity. It means not having to live in the torment of reasoning, always trying to come up with an answer I don’t have. I don’t have to worry; instead, I can remain in a place of quiet peace and rest through prayer.

If we are truly believing God and trusting the Lord, we have entered into His rest. We have prayed and cast our care upon Him and are now abiding in the perfect peace of His daily presence.


You can speak His Word to your anxious mind just as Jesus spoke to the storm and said, “Peace, be still.”