Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).
What is the main thing that we love so much about Jesus? There are many answers to that question, of course, such as the fact that He died for us on the cross so we wouldn’t have to be punished for our sins; then He rose again on the third day. But in our daily relationship with Him, one of the things we appreciate the most about Him is the fact that we can count on His unchanging nature. He can change anything else that needs to be changed, but He Himself always remains the same.
That is the kind of person we can aspire to be, but it will never happen if we cannot control our emotions. Being emotionally mature means making decisions based on the leading of the Holy Spirit, not on our feelings. But it doesn’t come naturally.
Our emotions will never go away, but we can learn to manage them. God is able to bring us into balance. It doesn’t mean we become emotionless or dull. God gave us emotions so we could enjoy life. But it does mean we take control in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit as we’re led by Him.
God does not want us to change every time our circumstances change. He wants us to always be the same, just as He is.