April 13

Under God’s Control

…[The Lord] brings low and He lifts up.

1 SAMUEL 2:7

It is important to remember that the Lord can bring one person down and lift up another. One instance is in the life of Esther. God raised her up from obscurity to become the queen of the entire land. He gave her favor with everyone she met, including the king, because she had found favor with God.

Esther drew upon that favor to save herself and her people, the Jews, from being murdered by the evil Haman, who was out to destroy them. She may have been afraid to go to the king and ask him to intervene, because doing so could have cost her very life, but she did it because she trusted her life to God.

Whatever situation comes into your life, even if you are being harassed, persecuted, or discriminated against, or someone is trying to take something from you that rightfully belongs to you—whether it is your job, your home, your reputation, or anything in life—believe God for supernatural favor. Despite how hopeless things may look, God can lift up and He can bring down. If your life is in His hands, believe that the light of the Lord shines upon you to give you favor.


Don’t go through life being afraid; God loves you and will always help you!