…How much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!
Each of us would like to be favored or featured. Is that pride? No, not if that position comes from God and not from mere personal ambitions or our own selfish efforts to call attention to ourselves.
To be totally honest, I find it delightful to watch God feature a person. It is fun to watch Him single out someone for special attention or preferential treatment. To see Him work powerfully in someone’s life provokes genuine praise and thanksgiving.
It is always enjoyable to have favor with God. It just seems that it doesn’t happen as often as we would like. Part of the problem is us. There are so many things that God would love to do for us, but He cannot because we won’t ask. One reason we won’t ask is because we don’t feel worthy. None of us are worthy in ourselves, but God will give us favor if we ask!
It is time we believe that God wants to bless us. He loves to give us His favor. As a redeemed, forgiven, loved child of God, get this down in your heart today: You are the apple of God’s eye. He loves you!
Our heavenly Father wants His children to stand up and be everything for which His Son, Jesus, gave His life that they might become.