…That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it).
Has God ever had to deal with you about pride? Here are some ways you can tell if you have an issue with pride: If you have an opinion about everything, if you are judgmental, if you can’t be corrected, if you rebel against authority, if you want to take all the credit for yourself, or if you say “I” too often. These are signs of pride.
It is hard to let God replace our pride with His humility, but it is vital. If we want to live in close relationship with God, we must come to Him with an attitude of humility. Pride relies on self, but humility relies on God. It is only in the place of humility that God can bless us.
The humble get the help! If we humble ourselves under God’s hand, He will exalt us in due time (James 4:10). Proud people think they deserve everything they want “now,” but humility says, “My times are in Your hands, Lord.”
Pride says “I can,” but humility says, “Christ can through me.”