I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.
JOHN 15:5
God wants us to be as totally dependent and reliant upon Him as a branch is on a vine. We would be unwise to put confidence in the flesh—ours or anybody else’s.
How many times have you trusted in your own strength and failed miserably? How many times have other people let you down after you put your trust in them? How many times have you been disappointed when others rejected you or failed to do what you expected? God will allow us to be disappointed time after time until we learn to lean on Him and put our confidence in Him alone.
I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t have any confidence in people, but we do need to realize they are imperfect and it is impossible for them to never let us down. Jesus, however, does not disappoint us! He is always with us, always for us, and is the only one we can put our total trust in.
Have great relationships with people, but don’t give them the trust that belongs only to God!