November 24

Standing on What You Know to Be True

To you it was shown, that you might realize and have personal knowledge that the Lord is God; there is no other besides Him.


A lack of knowledge causes fear, but confident and certain knowledge removes fear and brings strength and courage. Let me give you an example:

One night years ago I was lying in bed and heard strange noises coming from somewhere in the house. The longer I listened to it the more frightened I became. Finally shaking in fear, I journeyed out of the bedroom to see what it was. I had to laugh when I discovered it was ice cubes falling in the ice tray from the icemaker. For some reason, they were making a noise they did not normally make. Because I had no knowledge of what was making that noise, I was needlessly afraid.

This is how people often feel in their lives. They don’t know that God loves them, He is with them, and He has provided everything they need, so they are terrified by many things. When they hear of economic woes, they are fearful. When they hear that someone doesn’t like them, they panic. When they hear a negative report on the evening news, they are terrified.

If you have the knowledge of Who God is and who you are in Christ, fear will have no place in your life. No matter what the situation looks like on the outside, you will have a peace in your heart, a confident assurance that fills every area of your life.


When the unfamiliar sounds of the world try to fill you with fear, be confident God is with you.