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açaí berries, 175, 274

Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

acetaldehyde, 179, 287, 288

acetylcholine, 114, 127, 132, 133

Adderall, 132, 345

addiction, 115–16, 258, 267

   to caffeine, 125, 126

   to cigarettes, 128, 131

   to cocaine, 115–16

   dopamine, sugar, and, 54, 56

   to phone or Internet, 327, 328, 344

   to prescription opiates, 116, 259

   to sex or porn, 312, 323

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 165

adrenal glands, 9, 10

adrenaline, 31, 35, 39, 40, 114, 135

aging, 56, 170

alcohol, 258–59, 286–87

   classic hangover food, 287

   general rule for drinking, 258–59

   hedonic tolerance and, 312

   hydration and, 286–87, 357

   ultimate hangover cure, 286–88

aldehydes, 179

almond butter

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

almond milk

   Chia Pudding, 192

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

almonds, 173

Alpha Brain, 92–93, 135, 363

Altucher, James, 135

Alzheimer’s disease, 81, 132, 182

anger, 98, 99–100, 145

antacids, 279–80

anthocyanins, 175

antinutrients, 63, 177–79, 195

   chemicals in food, 180–81, 195

   fried or burned foods, 65, 179, 195

   heavy metals, 181–82

   lunch and, 163, 164

   pesticides, 180

   phytic acid or oxalate, 182–83

   sugar, 177–78

   trans fat or vegetable oils, 178–79

antioxidants, 171, 174–76, 274, 288

anxiety, 11, 105, 181, 327, 332, 338

apple cider vinegar (ACV), 285–86

   “Cheater Shooter,” 286

   organic, “with the mother,” 285–86

Aristotle, 7

aromatherapy, 145–46, 156

   “trigger scents,” 146–47, 157

Art of Charm, The (podcaster), 362

arugula, 282

   Love Pasta, 293

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

asparagus, 167, 281

   Bacony Asparagus with Sauerkraut, 188

astaxanthin, 86, 171

Aubrey Marcus Podcast, 109

audiobooks, 107

Aurelius, Marcus, 12

autoimmune disease, 39

avocado, 64, 167

   Bone Broth and Avocado, 72

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

avocado oil, 180

   salad dressing, 290–91

bacon, 65, 179

   Bacony Asparagus with Sauerkraut, 188

   Classic Breakfast with Greens, 71

Barbieri, Angus, 67

Barker, Travis, 4

barley, 167

Barron, Jon, 280

beans and legumes, 167, 281, 287

beets, 282

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

berbere seasoning, 296n

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

Berg, Kasper, 224

Bezoni, Josh, 331–32

Bezos, Jeff, 346

Billions (TV show), 365

binaural beat technology, 203–5, 204

bioperine, 175

Birbiglia, Mike, 352

birth control pill, 309–10

blackberries, 175

black currants, 175

Black Swan Yoga, 233

blood pressure, 15, 16, 108

blood sugar (blood glucose), 4

   afternoon drowsies and, 173

   apple cider vinegar for, 285–86

   balanced meal for slow rise, 52–53

   “Cheater Shooter,” 286

   insulin and, 53, 57

   lowering tips, 286

   mitigating high carbs, 301

   protein and stability of, 166

   retrograded starch and, 173

   soluble fiber for, 167, 285

   study of Israeli judges, 53, 202

   sugar and, 57

blueberries, 173, 175, 274

blue zones, 174

Bolelli, Daniele, 109

bone broth, 64–65

   Bone Broth and Avocado, 72

bone health, 86, 87

Book of Five Rings (Musashi), 3

boron, 15

bosu ball, 149–50

bowel movements, 135, 182, 278, 285

Bragg Liquid Aminos, 189

brain, 10, 163

   alpha brainwaves, 119–20, 127

   benefits of cannabis, 259, 260

   binaural beats and brain-wave entrainment, 203–4, 205, 207

   dopamine and, 54

   five brain-wave states, 203

   flow state, 147, 257, 317

   frontal cortex, 193–94

   ultimate hangover cure, 287–88

breads, 183, 273–74

   Sourdough Garlic Bread, 292

breakfast, 51, 52, 69–76

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

   Bone Broth and Avocado, 72

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

   Classic Breakfast with Greens, 71

   fast-metabolizing foods and, 51, 52

   fats for, 63–66, 76

   foods for, 63, 64–65, 69

   no sugary foods rule, 54–55, 59

   peak performers, choices of, 76

   skipping, 51, 55, 66–70, 76

breath, 34–37, 49

   Hof method, 35–36, 43–44, 47, 49

   holotropic or shamanic, 35

   hyperoxygenation of the blood, 35

   Lamaze breathing, 36–37

   morning routine and, 29

   number of breaths daily, 36

   pranayama, 35, 36, 37

   six, upon entering your car, 108

   sleep and nose breathing, 356

   Step 1: thirty to fifty power breaths, 34–35

   Step 2: the hold, 35

   Tummo breathing, 35

Brie cheese

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

Briggs, Shannon, 372

bringing it home (overcoming resistance), 361–75

   being accountable, 373, 374

   being your own coach, 366

   building an ethos, 363, 364, 366–67, 371–72, 375

   creating your mantra, 372–73

   four keys to positive action, 369

   human ability to change, 362

   loving/supporting yourself, 374

   Own the Day on Facebook and, 370, 373

   self-forgiveness, 361, 364–66, 370–71, 375

   self-talk, 361–64, 368–69, 375

   support from your tribe, 361, 369–70, 375

   visualizing success, 361, 364, 367–68, 372

broccoli, 176

broccoli sprouts, 175, 176

   Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

Brookfield, John, 223

Brown, Tom, 104

Brussels sprouts, 168, 176, 281

Buddha, 69

Burgundy, Ron, 317

butter, 65–66, 178, 274, 275

   in coffee or tea, 123, 124

   grass-fed, 66, 170, 274

   Mashed Potatoes, 297

   Popcorn with Grass-Fed Butter and Chocolate, 298

   “smoke point,” 179

   Sourdough Garlic Bread, 292

cabbage, 176

cacao butter, 170, 274

caffeine, 118–26, 134–35, 136, 274

   Final Word on, 125–26

   maximum amount daily, 125–26

   “optimized” (mixed with fat), 123

   performance enhanced by, 122

   refined vs. natural form, 116

   in supplements, 93

   withdrawal from, 125

   See also coffee; tea

calcium, 15, 183

Callen, Bryan, 109

calories, 69, 162, 163, 164–71


   internal clock and, 17

   nitrosamines as carcinogen, 179

   sugar linked to, 54, 56

   sulforaphane to reduce risk, 176

   tampons or pads and, 337

cannabis, 258–61, 265, 267

   pain relief and, 259–60

canola oil, 178, 179

carbohydrates, 56–59, 164, 168–69

   absorption of, 57, 168, 169

   for dinner, 288–89

   fiber and, 52, 166, 168

   ideal sources, 169

   low-carb diet and weight loss, 61

   mitigating high carbs, 283–86, 301

   Pop-Tarts and, 53, 54

   refined, 51, 184

Carlin, Dan, 109

Carroll, Pete, 366


   Game-On Stew, 294

cashew butter

   Chia Pudding, 192


   Garlic Green Beans with Cashews, 189

Castelli, William, 60

cauliflower, 176–77

   Turmeric No-Tato Salad, 190

celiac disease, 183

cell phones and electronic devices, 156, 325–41

   banishing from bedroom, 353–54

   dopamine and, 327

   exposure to EMF frequencies, 353

   last hour before bed, 341

   “low battery anxiety,” 326

   mental override and, 330

   negative effects of, 327–29

   stress and, 327, 341

   unplugging, 325, 329–36, 337, 341

   what to do instead, 333–35

Cerrone, Donald, 83–84

Ceylon cinnamon, 285, 286

   “Cheater Shooter,” 286

Chamfort, Nicolas, 153–54

“Cheater Shooter,” 286

cheese, 181, 272–73

   Mashed Potatoes, 297

cherries, 175

Chesterfield, Lord, 137

chia seeds, 167, 174, 285

   Chia Pudding, 192

chicken, 171

   Love Pasta, 293

chicory root, 168, 173

Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

chloride, 15

chocolate, 82, 269, 272, 274

   antioxidants in, 274

   caffeine and theobromine in, 274

   cocoa and cacao butter, 274

   nitrate levels, 282

   polyphenols in, 175

   Popcorn with Grass-Fed Butter and Chocolate, 298

   probiotics in, 174

   sulforaphane in, 176

cholesterol, 59, 60, 61, 76, 170

   truth about good and bad, 61–62

choline, 177

Churchill, Winston, 360

cigarettes, 116, 126, 128–29, 131

cigars and pipes, 130–31

cilantro (coriander), 182

Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

circadian rhythm. See internal clock

CLA, 65–66, 171

Clinton, Bill, 130

cocaine, 115–16

coca plant, 114, 115

coconut oil, 70, 170, 179

coconut yogurt, 64

coffee, 7, 9, 10, 113, 118, 122–23

   benefits, 122

   butter in, 66, 124

   cacao butter in, 124

   cream in, 123, 124

   hormones produced by, 35

   maximum amount daily, 125–26

   MCT oil in, 124–25

   nut milks and, 124

   optimized caffeine, 122

   skipping upon awakening, 9–10

cognition and memory

   acetylcholine and, 114, 127, 132, 133

   alpha brainwaves and, 119–20

   Huperzia serrata and, 133–34

   light-emitting earbuds and, 22

   loss of, dehydration and, 11

   nicotine and, 127, 131

   nootropics and, 131–34

   power naps for, 201

   tea and, 119, 122

cold, 30–31, 37–42

   as acute stressor, 38, 40, 43–47, 49

   caveat: shallow-water blackout, 47

   Hof and, 30

   the polar plunge, 45–47

   the power shower, 29, 43–45

common cold, garlic for, 175–76

Concussion Repair Manual, The (Engle), 259

Connolly, Pamela, 316

copper, 15, 172

Cormier, Daniel, 158

cortisol, 31, 40, 327

Counterclockwise (Langer), 263

C-reactive protein, 175

cream of tartar

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

CrossFit movement, 216

Crum, Alia, 250

cryotherapy, 47–48


   Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

curcuminoids, 175

dandelion greens, 168, 173

deathbed regrets, 266–67

dehydration, 11

   alcohol and, 286–87

   caffeine and, 9, 10, 125

   morning and, 9, 10, 28


   birth control pill and, 310

   cathartic writing for, 332

   chronic stress and, 32

   coffee for, 122

   cold showers to alleviate, 38

   exercise to relieve, 210, 211

   loneliness and, 254

   mercury poisoning and, 181

   mindfulness for, 105

   seasonal affective disorder, 22

   vitamin D deficiency and, 81

detoxification, 42–43, 182, 286–88

diabetes, 54, 56, 58

diarrhea, 88–89, 95

didgeridoo, 265, 356

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 62

digestion, 271, 277–82

   cheese and, 272

   digestive enzymes, 280

   eat slow, chew hard, 277–79

   fiber and, 275

   ginger and, 280–81

   raw milk cheese and, 273

   stomach acid and, 279–80

dinner, 269–301

   alcoholic drinks and, 286–88, 301

   cheating like a pro, 282–88

   cold beverages during, 279, 280

   communicating with our bodies and, 300–301

   digestion and, 277–82, 301

   enjoying it, 271–72

   Game-On Stew, 294

   ginger and, 280–81

   good gas, bad gas, 281–82

   good news about “bad” habits, 272–75

   Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

   Love Pasta, 293

   Mashed Potatoes, 297

   mitigating high carbs, 283–86, 301

   moderation and, 272

   Popcorn with Grass-Fed Butter and Chocolate, 298

   power of belief and, 275–77, 299, 301

   pro-sex foods, 290–98, 301

   saying grace like a scientist, 299

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

   for sex and sleep, 271–72, 288–89

   Sourdough Garlic Bread, 292

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

discipline/willpower, 12, 32, 33, 29

   mental override, 32, 41–42, 49, 154

   resolve and, 40–41

Dispenza, Joe, You Are the Placebo, 368

Dolce, Mike, 164, 165

dopamine, 54, 114, 133, 261, 327

drive time, 2, 97–111

   as alive time, 100, 101, 105, 111

   anger or road rage and, 99–100

   breathing techniques and, 111

   commuting, 98–99

   finding peace and serenity, 110

   learning something, 107–9, 111

   mindfulness, 102–6, 111, 264

   podcasts or audio books, 111

   Step 1: Woosah Mothafucka, 108

   Step 2: The Wide Peripheral Gaze, 108–9

   Step 3: Learn Some Shit, 109

   wasted or dead time, 99, 100, 101

   working at home and, 108

dulse flakes, 177

Durant, Kevin, 155

eggplant, 175


   for breakfast, 69

   Classic Breakfast with Greens, 71

   heart disease or stroke and, 62

   pasture-raised, 166, 171

   yolk, 170, 171

Einstein, Albert, 41

electrolytes, 11, 14, 15, 28, 360

Elkeles, Simone, 29

emails, 153, 328–30

   nighttime and, 338, 338

   prioritizing, 153

   turning off notifications, 155–56

Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 143

endorphins, 20, 22, 308

energy, 2, 17, 22, 24, 39, 101, 114, 142, 147, 151, 155, 158, 340, 355, 367

   adenosine triphosphate and, 165

   circadian rhythm and, 10, 18, 19

   cryotherapy and, 48

   digestion and, 278, 280

   exercise and, 211, 228

   nutrition and foods, 51, 55, 58, 163, 165, 170, 284, 285, 299

   power plants (caffeine, nicotine, nootropics) and, 113–36

   sleep and, 199, 200, 201, 202

   supplements and, 77, 81, 88, 89, 90, 95

   Wim Hof method and, 35–36

Engle, Dan, 89

   The Concussion Repair Manual, 259

Epicureanism, 282

epigenetics, 362

Erewhon, 64, 270, 273

ergonomics, 148

   workplace equipment and, 147

essential fatty acids. See omega-3 fatty acids

essential oils, 145, 146, 156

Estrada, Kevin, 87–88

ethos, 364, 375

   building yours, 367

   Carroll’s ethos, 366–67

   “download the ethos brain app,” 371–72

   samples, 367

   of the Spartans, 363–64, 366

   writing it down, 371–72, 373

   exercise (training), 2, 209–51

   aerobic capacity (VO2 max), 228

   calisthenics, 217

   cardiovascular fitness, 223, 228

   CrossFit phenomenon, 216

   eating sugar or carbs after, 283–84

   fat loss and, 213

   goal of, 213–14

   high-intensity interval training (HIIT), 228

   hormetic response and, 211

   inflammation and, 39

   Level 1: Have Fun and Just Get Moving, 231–34

   Level 2: The Own-the-Day Workout, 234–48

   Level 3: Work with a Pro, 249

   mind-set and, 249–51

   as miracle drug, 210, 211, 251

   mixing in play, 251

   motivation for, 210–12, 249, 250

   myofascial release, 227

   rebounder (mini trampoline), 26

   starting, 251

   testosterone increase and, 311

   timing of workout, 212

   Training Pyramid, 226, 226–30, 251

   unconventional approach, 212, 214–16

   weight training, 217, 311

   at work, stretching, 149–50

exercise equipment, 215–16, 251

   bands, 214, 215

   barbell, 214, 215, 224, 224–25

   body weight, 215, 217

   club, 215, 220, 220–21

   foam roller, 227

   kettlebell, 214, 215, 218, 218–19

   lacrosse ball, 227

   rope, 214, 215, 223, 223

   sandbag, 215, 221, 221–22

   steel mace (gada), 219, 219–20


   Alternating Split Jump (body weight), 238

   Bootstrapper (kettleball), 244

   chin retractions, 150

   Clean and Press (sandbag), 222

   Club Pullover, 221

   Couch Stretch, 247

   drawing down shoulders, 150

   Egyptian (body weight), 235

   Frog Pushups (body weight), 239

   Halo (kettleball), 243

   Kettlebell Swings, 219, 246

   Kneeling Hamstring Stretch, 241

   Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch, 240

   Lateral Wave (rope), 224

   Lunge Twist (body weight), 236

   Mace 360, 220

   Pigeon Pose stretch, 248

   Plank (body weight), 239

   pushups, 217

   Quick and Dirty (twenty-three burpees), 23, 23

   Shoulder Bridge stretch, 241

   Single Arm Thruster (kettleball), 247

   Sit-Through (body weight), 218, 239

   Slow and Sexy (yoga flow), 24, 24–25

   Standing Forward Fold stretch, 248

   Standing Leg Circle (body weight), 237

   Suitcase Deadlift (barbell), 225

   Sumo Squat Jumps (kettleball), 244

   Super Slows Presses (kettleball), 245

   Windmill (kettleball), 242

“Exhaustion Epidemic, The” (Guardian), 199

Facebook, 138, 139

   Own the Day on, 370, 373

Fader, Jonathan, 154

Family Hour (podcast), 109


   compressed feeding windows, 67, 68, 76

   intermittent fasting (IF), 51, 66, 67, 68, 69–70, 76

   ketogenic diet and, 70

   one day fast, 70

   supervised, for weight loss, 66–67

   supplements and, 70

   who shouldn’t fast, 68

Fast Vitamin IV, 90

fat, body

   glycogen excess and, 57, 169, 284

   IF to reduce, 67

   sugar and, 58–59

   vitamin D to reduce mass, 87

fat, dietary, 55, 59–66, 164, 169–80

   bowel movements and, 135

   for breakfast, 63–66, 76

   with caffeine, 123

   egg yolks, 62

   frying with, 179–80

   heart disease not increased by, 60

   hormone levels and, 170, 311

   ketogenic diet and, 57

   quality of life and, 60

   saturated fat, 60, 62, 65, 170

   slow digestion of, 168

   slowing down sugar absorption, 283

   “smoke point,” 179, 180

   substituting good fats for sugar and simple carbs, 69

   trans fats or vegetable oils, 178–79

   truth about good and bad cholesterol, 61–62

   villainizing of, 76

   weight gain not caused by, 60–61, 75

   weight loss and, 61, 76

   what fats to eat, 63–66, 170


   accidents and, 198

   blood sugar levels and, 53

   causes, 10, 11, 39, 80

   chronic, 210

   exercise to relieve, 211

   Huffington and, 344

   See also energy

fava beans, 177

fecal transplants, 89

Federer, Roger, 346

Feifer, Jason, 373

fermented foods, 173–74, 183, 273–74

Ferriss, Tim, 109

fiber, dietary, 52, 164, 166–68, 283

   fermentable fiber/resistant starch (prebiotic), 167–68, 173, 281

   fruits and, 168–69

   ideal sources, 167, 168, 173

   insoluble fiber, 167, 275, 281

   in popcorn, 275, 281

   soluble fiber, 167

   fibromyalgia, 81

Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 315

Fighter and the Kid, The (podcast), 109, 14

fish and seafood

   canned tuna, 182

   eating oily fish, 83, 86

   Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

   mackerel, 174

   mercury poisoning and, 181–82

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

   sardines, 174

   wild-caught salmon, 166, 171, 174

fish oil, 81, 86, 87

flatulence, 168, 173

   good gas, bad gas, 281–82

flaxseed, 167, 174

flow state, 147, 257, 317

Flynt, Larry, 314

folate, 90, 183

food allergy testing, 276–77

food dyes, 180–81

Framingham heart study, 178

Franklin, Benjamin, 51, 97

fruits, 168–69

   berries, 176

   dark, as anthocyanins source, 175

   quality of sources, 171

fun, 1

   board or card games and, 334, 338

   cuddle time, 333–35, 338

   dinner and, 272

   gym at Onnit and, 263

   music and, 262

   playing and, 262–63

   play with pets, 263–64

   play wrestling, 19–20, 26

   reset and connect, 253–67

   state of mind and, 158

   See also sex

Game-On Stew, 294

gamma-aminobutyric acid, 287–88

garbanzo beans (hummus), 168

Garbrandt, Cody, 5, 320

garlic, 175–76

   Game-On Stew, 294

   Garlic Green Beans with Cashews, 189

   Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

   Sautéed Garlic-Mustard Dandelion Greens, 191

   Sourdough Garlic Bread, 292

Gates, Bill, 346

Gates of Fire (Pressfield), 363

ginger, 280–81

Glory Kickboxing, 347

glutamate, 287–88

glutathione, 288, 301

gluten sensitivity, 183–84, 275

glycogen, 57, 169, 274, 284

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1

Google, 202, 345

grains, sprouted or fermented, 169

Green, Robert, 101

green beans

   Garlic Green Beans with Cashews, 189

Greenfield, Ben, 109, 260

green plants (for the home), 354

greens, leafy

   Classic Breakfast with Greens, 71

   mixed, fiber in, 167

   phytic acid or oxalate in, 183

   Sautéed Garlic-Mustard Dandelion Greens, 191

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

   See also specific greens

greens blend (multinutrient “green food” mix), 84–86

guarana berry, 118

guar gum, 167

gut biome, 80

   apple cider vinegar and, 286

   coffee for gut health, 122

   foods for, 172–74

   immune system and, 80, 122

   neurotransmitter growth and, 122

   prebiotics and, 167–68, 172–73

   probiotics and, 167

   supplementation for, 89, 94

   weight management issues and, 89

Guyenet, Stephan, 56, 174

Hancock, Graham, 260


   deathbed regrets, 266–67

   Emerson on, 143

   of employees, 141, 142

   income level and, 140

   work and, 144

Harbinger, Jordan, 362

Hardcore History (podcast), 109

Harvard mind-set study, 249–50

HCL supplements, 280

headaches, 10, 11, 80, 125, 150, 183, 260

health and longevity, 1

   acute stress and, 32, 37, 49

   American mortality rates, 32

   blue zones, 174

   chronic stress and, 32

   digestive enzymes and, 280

   exercise and, 210

   good inflammation and, 38–39

   IF and, 68–69, 76

   loneliness and, 254

   pet ownership, benefits of, 264

   sex and, 308

   sickness in America, 32

   sitting at work and, 147

   sleep and, 346

   strong social relationships and, 255

   sugar and, 54, 56, 59, 60, 62, 76

   See also specific conditions, diseases

Healthy Workplace, The, 145

heartburn, 279–80

heart disease

   dietary fat and, 59, 60, 61–62, 178

   increase in, 59

   margarine or butter substitutes, 178

   obesity and, 16

   sugar linked to, 54, 56, 59, 60, 62

heavy metals, 181–82

hedonic tolerance, 309, 311–12

Heffernan, Margaret, 325

hemp seeds, 166

Heraclitus, 361

Herrigel, Eugen, Zen in the Art of Archery, 103

History on Fire (podcast), 109

Hof, Wim, 30, 33, 34, 42

   Lamaze and, 36–37

   method (breathing exercise), 35–36

Hogan, Hulk, 77

Holker, Allison, 5

hormesis, 37–38, 49

   appropriate dose and, 46, 47

   cold and, 38, 40, 43–47

   exercise and, 211

   heat and, 42–43

   vaginal birth and, 80

Howes, Lewis, 109

Huerta, Roger, 214–15

Huffington, Arianna, 344

HumanCharger25, 21–22

hunger and satiety, 53, 169, 170, 285

Huperzia serrata (club moss), 132–34, 136

Huxley, Aldous, 127

   Island, 299

hydration. See dehydration; water

hyperthemic conditioning, 42–43

I Am Not Your Guru (film), 26

immune system

   anthocyanins as booster, 175

   chronic stress and, 32

   gut biomes and, 80, 122

   Hof altering inflammatory response, 33

   mini trampoline for, 26

   vaginal birth and, 80

   vitamin D and, 81

inflammation, 38–40

   antinutrients and, 177

   chronic, 39

   chronic stress and, 32, 40

   cold or flu and, 39

   cold to modulate, 38

   C-reactive protein and, 175

   curcuminoids to reduce, 175

   good vs. bad, 39–40

   Hof and altering immune response to, 33, 39–40

   how it feels, 87

   krill oil to reduce, 86, 95

   sugar and, 59

   sulforaphane to reduce, 176

   trans fats and vegetable oils, 178

insulin, 53, 57

insulin resistance, 58

internal clock (circadian rhythm)

   afternoon drowsies and, 202

   desynchronization, 17

   disruptions of modern life, 18

   energy levels and, 10

   movement and, 10, 11, 20

   negative effects of atypical rhythms, 17

   NHL’s Keith and, 18–19

   resetting, 11, 20, 28

   sleepiness and, 10

   sunlight and, 10, 11, 17, 18

iodine, 15, 177

iron, 15, 177, 274

   pink Himalayan salt and, 16

irritability, 10, 11, 53, 80

Island (Huxley), 299

Iverson, Allen, 324

James, E. L., Fifty Shades of Grey, 315

James, LeBron, 155, 346

Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

Japanese Society of Hypertension, 108

Jason Ellis Show, The (podcast), 109

Jeffries, Tony, 231

Jerusalem artichokes, 173

Jesus, 267

jet lag, 17

Jobs, Steve, 260

Joe Rogan Experience, The (podcast), 109, 372

Jones, Jon, 306

Jones, Paul Tudor, 125

journaling, 156, 330–33, 338, 338, 341

   cathartic writing, 332

   listing three objectives, 330–32

   next day’s mission recorded, 330

   privacy and, 333

Judge, Mike, 98

Junger, Sebastian, Tribe, 144

kale, 183

kava, 265

kefir, 174

Kegel Camp (app), 318

Kegel exercises, 317, 318, 319

Keith, Duncan, 4–5, 18–19

kelp, 177

ketogenic diet, 57, 61, 70, 169

Keys, Ancel, 59

kimchi, 174

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

Kingsbury, Kyle, 45–46, 109

Klum, Heidi, 346

kola nut, 118

kombucha, 174

Koniver, Craig, 90

Kotler, Steven, Stealing Fire, 114

krill oil, 86–87, 95

Kristofferson, Kris, 201

Krueger, Alan, 259

lactose intolerance, 63, 273, 285

Lalanne, Jack, 209

Lamaze breathing, 36–37

Langer, Ellen, 250

   Counterclockwise, 263

laughter, 109, 152, 253, 267

Lawler, Don Howard, 113

law of three, 331–32

Legend of Bagger Vance, The (film), 363

Leilani’s restaurant, Hawaii, 283


   Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13

Levitin, Daniel, 262


   blue light and, 18, 20, 352–53

   circadian rhythm and, 17, 18

   light-emitting earbuds, 21–22, 134

   morning routine and, 7, 10, 11, 17–19, 20, 28

   nitric oxide and, 319

   postsleep light exposure, 19

   resetting your internal clock, 7

Lilly, John, 312

Lindsey, Lori, 5

lipoproteins, 61, 62

Littlehales, Nick, 202

   Sleep, 349, 350

loneliness, 254–55, 267

Love Pasta, 293

Love Undressed (podcast), 306

L-theanine, 119, 133, 288

Ludacris (rapper/actor), 4

lunch, 161–95

   Bacony Asparagus with Sauerkraut, 188

   Chia Pudding, 192

   Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

   cravings and convenience, 163

   Garlic Green Beans with Cashews, 189

   macronutrients, 164, 194

   micronutrients, 161, 164, 194

   Plan A: mix and match foods, 184–92

   Plan B: pick a restaurant, 193

   Plan C: meal delivery services, 193

   poor lunch habits, 162–63

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

   Sautéed Garlic-Mustard Dandelion Greens, 191

   Turmeric No-Tato Salad, 190

   what to avoid, 195

magnesium, 15, 80, 177

   Epsom salts baths, 83, 336

   food sources, 83, 274

   supplements, 86

   ultimate hangover cure and, 287

manganese, 15, 177

mantra, 372–73

margarine and butter substitutes, 178

Mashed Potatoes, 297

matcha, 119–20, 127, 288

   MoMatchajito, 121

McCarthy, Cormac, The Road, 335

McConaughey, Matthew, 346

McGregor, Conor, 232

MCT (medium-chain triglyceride), 70, 124–25, 170


   Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

   CLA in beef, 171

   Game-On Stew, 294

   grass-fed beef, 166, 174

   organ meats, 177

   quality of sources, 171

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

meditation, 103–4

melatonin, 353, 357–58

mental override, 32, 41–42, 49, 154, 330, 375

mercury poisoning, 181–82

micronutrients, 161, 172–77, 194

   microbiome-assistive foods, 172–74

   protective foods, 174–76

   rich food sources of, 176–77

milk, 273

Miller, Bode, 4, 32, 42, 48, 154

Miller, Whitney, 19, 234, 275, 306, 322, 347

Milne, A. A., Winnie-the-Pooh, 197


   audiobooks during commutes, 107

   podcasts during commutes (avoiding talk radio), 106–7

mindfulness, 102–5, 264, 320

   breathing techniques and, 108, 111

   wide peripheral gaze, 104, 108–9, 111

minerals, 11, 15

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13

   replenishing, after detox, 43

   replenishing on waking, 11, 14, 15

   rich food sources, 176–77

   in sea salt, 15

   trace, 177

miso, 174

molybdenum, 287, 301

MoMatchajito, 121

monk fruit, 274, 284


   coffee for elevating, 122

   cold exposure and, 38

   dehydration and, 11

   exercise for elevating, 211

   gut biome and, 63

   vitamin D for, 87, 88, 95

Mooji, the “laughing buddha,” 152

Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13, 20–21

morning routine, 2, 7–49

   breakfast, 51, 69–76

   breath and, 34–37, 49

   cold and power shower or polar plunge, 43–47

   deep breath, deep freeze, 29–49

   hydration, 7, 9, 11, 13–17, 20–21

   light, 10, 11, 17–19, 20–22, 28

   Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13

   movement, 10, 11, 19–20, 22–26, 28

   resetting internal clock, 11, 20, 28

   three simple things to do within first twenty minutes, 7, 11, 27

   water, light, movement, 7–28

   See also drive time

motivation, 361

   for exercise, 210–12, 249, 250

   of the hero, 373–74

   for self-destruction, 365


   heart rate and, 26

   internal clock and, 10, 20

   morning, 10, 11, 19–20, 22–26, 28

   rebounder (mini trampoline), 26

   at work, stretching, 149–50

   See also exercise

Musashi, Miyamoto, 49

   Book of Five Rings, 3

muscle twitches, 80


   author and flute, 217, 265

   didgeridoo, 265, 356

   intimacy and, 262

   playing an instrument, 257, 264–65, 267

   socializing and, 262, 267


   Sautéed Garlic-Mustard Dandelion Greens, 191

Napoleon Bonaparte, 88

“narcotizing dysfunction,” 106–7

New Earth, A (Tolle), 158

nicotine, 113, 136

   benefits, 127–28, 131

   caveat about, 127–28

   Final Word on, 131

   gum or patch, 131

   smokeless tobacco, amount in, 129

   vaping, 130

   writing and, 135

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 38

nighttime, 337–40

   board or card games and, 334, 338

   brewing some tea, 339, 339

   checking emails and texts, 338, 338

   checking social media, 338, 338

   cuddle time, 333–35, 338

   dinner, 269–301

   journaling, 330–33, 338, 338, 338

   nighttime suggestions, 339

   personal care, 336–37, 338

   preparation for sleep, 2, 330–31, 333–35, 337–40, 341, 352–53

   reading, 334–35

   sex, 303–25

   sleep, 343–60

   strategy to de-stress, 340

   transitioning and winding down, 255–56, 258, 264–65, 330–31

   unplugging and, 329–36, 337

   watching TV, 334, 339, 339

Nike slogan, 41

nitric oxide, 82, 274, 277, 281

   dinner and, 288–98

   food sources, 282

   fresh air, sunlight, and, 319

   laughing to increase, 319

   sex and, 281–82, 307, 319–20, 324

nitrosamines, 179

nocebo effect, 184, 275–76

nomophobia, 326–27

nootropics, 113, 131–34

   Huperzia serrata, 132–34, 136

   mental performance and, 131–34

norepinephrine, 31, 35, 39, 40

nutrition, 1, 2, 170

   antinutrients, 63, 65, 163, 164, 195

   avoiding heavy metals, 181–82

   avoiding phytic acid and oxalate (or oxalic acid), 182–83

   breakfast, 51, 63–76

   carbohydrates, 51, 53, 57, 168–69

   chemicals in food, 180–81

   chewed-up food, or “chyme,” 168

   communicating with our bodies and, 300–301

   dinner, 269–301

   fast-metabolizing foods, 51

   fats, 55, 59–66, 135, 164, 169–80, 311

   fiber, 52, 164, 166–68

   gluten sensitivity, 183–84

   good news about “bad” habits (cheese, chocolate, bread, popcorn), 272–75

   GRAS status, 178

   lack of biodiversity and, 163

   lunch, 161–95

   macronutrients, 164, 165–70, 194

   micronutrients, 164, 172–77, 194

   organic foods, 180

   pesticides in food, 180

   pleasures of food and, 271

   popular diets, 55

   positive mind-set and, 271

   prebiotics, 167–68, 172–73

   probiotics, 79, 167, 173–74

   pro-sex foods, 277, 288–98, 301, 309, 319

   protective foods, 174–76

   protein, 164, 165–66

   quality of sources, 79, 170–71

   substituting good fats for sugar and simple carbs, 69

   sugar, 51, 53–54, 169, 177–78

   Universal Principle #1: Sugar Will Fruc You Up, 56–59

   Universal Principle #2: Fat Is Your Friend, 59–66

   Universal Principle #3: Skipping Is Better Than Cheating, 66–69

   Universal Principle #4: Calories Are Bullshit, Macronutrients Matter, 164–71

   Universal Principle #5: Eat Weird Foods, 172–77

   Universal Principle #6: Go to War with Antinutrients, 177–79

   Universal Principle #7: What You Think About Food Matters, 275–77

   Universal Principle #8: Nutrition Is Only as Good as Digestion, 277–82

   Universal Principle #9: Cheat Like a Pro, 282–88

   vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, 176–77

   See also carbohydrates; fat, dietary; prebiotics; probiotics; protein; specific foods

obesity, 16, 59

   in childhood, 54, 169

   fasting for weight loss, 66–67

   nonchewers, fast eaters, 278–79

   probiotic supplementation for, 89

   sugar linked to, 54, 56, 59–60

   sugar-sweetened drinks and, 169

Office Space (film), 98, 99, 101, 110

olive oil, 170, 179

omega-3 fatty acids, 81, 172, 174

   oily fish for, 83, 86

   supplements, 86–87

omega-6 fatty acids, 174, 275

onions, 168, 173

   Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

   Game-On Stew, 294

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

Onnit, 4–5, 46, 105, 347

   Alpha Brain, 92–93, 135, 363

   environment’s odor and, 145

   growth of, 140–41, 331

   gym at, 263

   happy employees, 141

   origins, 142, 143, 363

   Own the Day on Facebook, 370

   podcasts, 106

   products, 91, 339, 249

opiates, prescription, 116, 259

oxalate (or oxalic acid), 182–83

oxidative stress, 177

oxytocin, 264

oysters, 172


   addiction to painkillers, 116, 259

   cannabis and, 259–60

   chronic, 210

   chronic stress and, 32

   exercise to relieve, 210, 211

Paleo movement, 65

papayas, 280

Parkinson’s disease, 182

“Pass Me Da Green” (Master P), 259

Patrick, Rhonda, 38

Patton, George, 154

peanut butter

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

pepper, black, 175, 176

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359


   Chipotle Beef Bowl, 186

performance, 1, 122, 126–27, 131

   blocking out distractions, 155–56

   increasing, supplements and, 84

   mental aspects, 320

   mental override and, 154

   nitric oxide and, 82, 277, 319–20

   odor and productivity, 145

   postlunch drag and, 200, 201

   power naps and, 206

   power plants for, 113–36, 260

   sexual, 319–20

   See also caffeine; nicotine; nootropics

personal care, 336–38, 339, 339

pesticides, 180

pets, 263–64

author’s Klee Kai, 263–64, 354

pheromones, 313–14

phosphatidylcholine, 86

phosphorus, 15

phytic acid, 182–83

pineapple, 280

pistachios, 173

placebo, 368

Planck, Max, 75

podcasts, 106–7

   Aubrey Marcus Podcast, 109

   recommendations, 109, 314

polarity, 315–17

polyphenols, 175

pomegranate seeds

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

popcorn, 167, 274–75, 281

   Popcorn with Grass-Fed Butter and Chocolate, 298

Portal, Ido, 232

posture, 147, 148–50, 157

   bosu ball and, 149–50

   shoes and toes, 149

potassium, 15, 359


   Game-On Stew, 294

   Mashed Potatoes, 297

   potato salad as prebiotic, 173

power nap, 197–207, 348, 349, 360

   benefits, 201, 207

   binaural beat technology for, 203–5, 207

   companies extolling, 202

   controlled recovery period (CRP), 202–3, 204

   famous nappers, 201

   length of, 202–3

   productivity increase and, 201

   scheduling, 201

   step-by-step instructions, 205

   as supplement of daily sleep, 207

power plants, 113–36

   bowel movements and, 135

   caffeine/coffee/tea, 116, 118–26, 134–35

   coca plant, 114, 115

   natural forms vs. refined, 115–16

   nootropics, 131–34

   tobacco/nicotine, 116, 126–31

Powhatan Indians, 41

prebiotics, 167–68, 172–73

preservatives, 181

Pressfield, Steven, 154, 363

   Gates of Fire, 363

Probiotic Ceviche, 187

probiotics, 79, 167, 173–74

   Saccharomyces boulardii, 88, 94

   supplements, 88–89, 94

processed foods, 79, 178, 195

procrastination, 154

protein, 164, 165–66

protein powder

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

Proverbs 27:17, 37

psyllium, 167, 285

Pumping Iron (film), 281

pumpkin seeds, 282

   Love Pasta, 293

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296


   Love Pasta, 293

Rappo, Karl, 224

Red Queen, The (Ridley), 270–71

relationships, 1

   being in close-knit groups, 254

   communication and, 299–301, 314

   connection and, 256, 261–66

   ego as obstacle, 323

   food and, 271

   Golden Rule and, 267–68, 333

   healing and longevity, 255

   modern life and, 256

   sex and committed couples, 304

   support from, 375

   unplugging and, 262

reset and connect, 253–67

   avoiding workaholism, 255, 256

   being in close-knit groups, 254

   connecting with others, 256, 261–64, 265–66

   connecting with self, 256–61, 264–65

   listening to music, 262

   modern life and lack of social contact, 254–55, 256

   online vs. real-life connection, 261

   play and, 262–63

   playing an instrument, 257

   playing with pets, 263–64

   transitioning from workday to home, 255–56, 258, 264–65

   unplugging and, 325, 329–37, 341

   wine or cannabis, 258–61, 265, 267

   wiser choices and, 266–67

resistance, 361, 364, 372

   getting support for your tribe and overcoming, 369–70

   Pressfield on, 363

   what it is, 363

   See also bringing it home

retrogradation, 173

rice, black, 175, 176

rice milk

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

Ridley, Matt, The Red Queen, 270–71

Road, The (McCarthy), 335

Robbins, Tony, 33–34, 48, 181

   I Am Not Your Guru, 26

Rogan, Joe, 4, 210, 327

Roll, Rich, 272

Ryan, Chris, 109, 314

Saban, Nick, 3

sacha inchi seeds, 174

Sacks, Oliver, 154

Sade, Marquis de, 303

safflower oil, 178, 179

salad dressing, 290–91

salt and sea salt, 15–17

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

   Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13

   pink Himalayan, 16, 286

   trace minerals in, 15

   ultimate hangover cure, 286–87

Sapolsky, Robert, 31, 264

sauerkraut, 174

   Bacony Asparagus with Sauerkraut, 188

sauna, 182

Savage, Dan, 109, 314

Schaub, Brendan, 109, 125

School of Greatness (podcast), 109

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 344

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 281

seasonal affective disorder, 22

seaweed/sea vegetables, 177

   Probiotic Ceviche, 187

selenium, 172

self-forgiveness, 361, 364–66, 375

   four things to say, 371

   Ho’oponopono, 370–71

self-talk, 361, 364, 375

   author’s, effect of, 369

   giving yourself credit, 368–69

   mantras as potent form of, 372–73

   for tough times, 369, 372–73

Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

serotonin, 114, 133

sex, 1, 303–24

   addiction, 312

   attraction and smell, 313–14, 324

   average times per week, 304

   avoiding, reasons for, 306, 307

   better performance, 319–20

   better sex, 313–20

   birth control pill and, 309–10

   brinksmanship, 318

   communication and, 314, 324

   declining frequency of, 304–8

   as dessert, 269

   dinner for, 288–89

   ego as obstacle, 323–24

   estrogen and, 309, 310, 311

   everyday challenge, 322

   exercise and, 211

   fasting from sexual imagery, 321–22

   flatulence and, 281–82

   flow state and, 317

   hedonic tolerance, 309, 311–12

   hormone balance and, 307, 309–11, 324

   insecurity about, 306–7

   mastering the squeeze, 317–18, 324

   masturbation, 311–12

   the million-dollar spot, 318–19

   as miracle drug, 308

   more sex, 308–12

   music and, 262

   nitric oxide and, 281–82, 307, 319–20, 324

   open up and try one new thing, 321

   pheromones, 324

   podcasts, 314

   polarity/power exchange, 315–17, 324

   polarity strategies, 316

   pornography and, 305–6, 312, 321–22, 324

   prioritizing, 305

   pro-sex foods, 277, 288–98, 301, 309, 319

   sexual dysfunction, 306–7

   starting activities, 320

   suboptimal, 305–6

   testosterone and, 307, 309–11

   well-being and, 308

Shaw, George Bernard, 253


   Altra, 149

   Kuru, 149

   Vibrams, 149

Sisson, Mark, 38

sleep, 1, 10, 343–60

   afternoon drowsies or postlunch drag, 173, 198, 200, 201, 205

   author’s problems with, 204, 347

   bedtime hydration, 357, 360

   binaural beat technology for, 203–5

   caffeine and disturbance, 125

   “catch up on sleep,” 349

   checklist, 357

   cultural/societal attitudes and, 345

   daytime fatigue, 10, 198–99

   deprivation, 344

   dinner for, 288–89

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

   exercise and, 210, 211

   four phases of, 348

   full cycles of, 202, 203, 349–50, 357, 360

   getting secure and, 355

   getting yourself together, 354–57

   individual requirements, 346, 347

   internal clock and, 17

   junk sleep, 350

   Marcus on, 343

   media and misinformation, 345

   melatonin and, 353, 358

   napping, 197–207, 348, 349, 360

   Navy SEALs and, 206

   nose breathing, 356

   polyphasic, 348, 360

   position, 355–56, 360

   preparation for, 2, 330–31, 333–35, 337–40, 341, 352–53

   REM, 202, 348

   siesta or ta’assila, 348

   sleep disorders in America, 10, 345

   sleep homework, 347–48

   testosterone and, 311

   thirst during the night, 357

   tracking your sleep, 134, 350

   uninterrupted, 348

   See also power nap

Sleep (Littlehales), 349, 350

sleep apnea, 355–56

sleep environment, 351–54, 357, 360

   banishing electronics, 353–54

   eliminating blue lights, 352–53

   eliminating EMF exposure, 353

   green plants for, 354

   no-friend (no-pet) zone, 354

   programmable thermostat and, 351

   temperature for, 351–52, 351–52

sleep trackers, 350

   Oura ring, 350

Sleepwalk with Me (film), 353


   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

snacking, 67

social media, 261, 338, 338

soda (soft drinks), 169

   with stevia, 267

sodium benzoate, 181

Sourdough Garlic Bread, 292

Soylent, 270, 271, 277

Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

spinach, 83

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

Stealing Fire (Wheal and Kotler), 114

Stevenson, Shawn, 109, 354

stevia, 284

   MoMatchajito, 121

   Popcorn with Grass-Fed Butter and Chocolate, 298

   soda (Zevia cream soda), 265

   -sweetened chocolate, 274


   acute stress, 37, 49 (see also hormesis)

   acute vs. chronic, 31, 32

   body’s response to, 31

   cell phones and, 327–28, 341

   chronic, 40, 48, 79

   chronic, health risks of, 32, 49

   cold and, 38, 40, 43–47, 49

   doctor visits and, 33

   emails and, 328

   exercise and reduction, 210

   heat and, 42–43

   workplace and, 139, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154

stress hormones, 9, 31, 40, 327

stress reduction, 33

   Hof method and, 35–37, 39–40, 49

   journaling to reduce, 341

   nighttime and reducing, 340

sugar, 51, 53–54, 56–59, 63

   alternatives, 284

   as antinutrient, 177–78

   “Cheater Shooter,” 286

   conversion to fat, 57–59

   dopamine and, 54

   fructose and, 62, 169

   health risks, 54, 56, 59, 60, 62, 76

   how to cheat and eat, 282, 283–86

   insulin resistance and, 58

   skipping a meal to avoid, 66–69

   soda (soft drinks) and, 169

sulforaphane, 176

supplements, 77–96

   athletic performance and, 83–84

   brands recommended, 91

   buying advice, 91–93, 96

   difficult-to-find nutrients, 79–80

   digestive enzymes, 280

   during a fast, 70

   of garlic, 176

   GRAS status, 92

   “green food” mix, 84–86

   gut care kit, 94

   HCL, 280

   IV vitamin therapy, 90

   key supplements, 81, 96

   magnesium, 86

   molybdenum, 287

   omega-3 fatty acids, 86–87

   probiotics, 88–89, 94

   reasons to supplement, 79–82, 96

   tracking how you feel, 94

   vitamin B, 89–90

   vitamin D, 87–88

   vitamin K2, 88

Swedish snus, 129–30

sweeteners, healthy, 274, 284

sweet potatoes, 169

Swift, Jonathan, 172

Swiss chard, 282

   Love Pasta, 293

   Sensual Steak Salad, 290–91

   Spicy Creamy Greens, 296

tea, 119–21

   butter in, 66

   caffeine content, 119

   Camellia sinensis, 119

   ginger tea, 281

   green, 175, 176, 288

   matcha, 119, 127, 288

   mental focus and, 119, 122

   MoMatchajito, 121

   nighttime suggestions, 339

   Tibetans and yak butter in, 123

   yerba maté, 119

teamwork, 151–52, 157

testosterone, 307, 309–11

Thiel, Peter, 27

Thompson, Stephen, 84

tobacco, 126–31

   cigarettes, 126, 128–29

   cigars and pipes, 130–31

   final word on, 131

   nicotine and, 126–27

   smokeless, 129–30

   Swedish snus, 129–30

toe spreaders, 149

Toews, Jonathan, 4–5

Tolle, Eckhart, 158


   Love Pasta, 293

training. See exercise/training

trans fats, 178–79

Tribe (Junger), 144

Trussel, Duncan, 109

turmeric, 175, 176

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359

   Turmeric No-Tato Salad, 190

tzatziki recipe, 295

Uber, 202

UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

   Cormier and training, 158

   intensity and, 151–52

   visualizing victory and, 367–68

   See also specific fighters

University of Wisconsin–La Crosse

   study on kettlebell training, 215

Valtellini, Joe, 259–60

van Assen, Marcel, 316

vaping, 130

Varidesk, 147

Vaynerchuk, Gary, 140


   cruciferous, 176

   quality of sources, 171

   See also specific vegetables

vegetalista (plant doctor), 117

visualizing success, 361, 364, 367–68, 372

Vitale, Joe, 371

vitamin A, 172

vitamin B, 81, 89–90

vitamin B12, 89, 172

vitamin D, 81, 87–88, 95

vitamin E, 172

vitamin K2, 88

walking, 286

Ware, Bronnie, 266

water, 13–15

   Choco-Maca Magic Shake, 73

   Emergency Sleep Cocktail, 359, 14

   fluid intake prior to sleep, 357

   loss overnight, 9, 11

   morning hydration, 7, 9, 20–21, 28

   Morning Mineral Cocktail, 13

   ultimate hangover cure, 286–87

water filters, 14–15

watermelon, 282

Waterson, Michelle, 5

weight loss

   calorie-in, calorie-out hypothesis, 165

   compressed feeding windows and, 67, 68, 76

   exercise and, 210

   fats and, 61

   IF for, 67, 68, 76

   ketogenic diets, 51, 61, 70, 169–70

   low-carb diet and, 61

   muscle loss and, 68

Welles, Orson, 163

Wheal, Jamie, Stealing Fire, 114

Wheat Belly, 275

Whole Foods, 270, 273

Willink, Jocko, 108


   elderberry, 260

   Game-On Stew, 294

   red, 175, 176, 177, 282

   relaxing with, 258, 260, 265, 267

Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne), 197

Wismeijer, Andreas, 316

Wolf, Robb, 124

Woodley, Tyron, 5, 83–84

work, 137–59

   author’s office, 144, 156

   author’s work history, 141–42

   blocking distractions, 155–56, 157

   emails, 153, 157

   “Embrace the grind,” 158

   emotional interactions at, 150–51

   ergonomics for, 147–48

   Facebookaholism, 138, 139

   happiness at, 141, 142, 143

   having a mission, 141, 142–44, 156, 159, 330

   how to start the day, 153–54

   humans as built for, 139

   income related to happiness, 140

   Japanese karoshi, 140

   job dissatisfaction, 139, 140

   learn to say no, 154–55

   movement exercises, 149–50, 157

   odor and, 145–47, 156

   owning your space, 141, 144–52, 156–57, 159

   postlunch drag, 200, 201

   posture and, 147, 148–50, 157

   procrastination and, 154

   productivity, 138–39, 145, 148, 155–56

   questions to ask yourself, 158

   sitting and life expectancy, 147

   stress and, 139, 146, 148, 150, 153, 154

   teamwork, 151–52, 157

   three objectives for a day, 331–32

   workaholism, 139, 255

   working effectively, 141, 152–56, 157, 159

   work/life balance, 139–40

yams, 169

yerba maté, 119

yoga, 233–34

   hot yoga, 182

   Pro Tip: Yoga Anywhere, 234

   Slow and Sexy exercise, 24, 24–25

yogurt, 63, 64

   Açaí Breakfast Blast, 74

   Greek, 174

   Jammin’ Tandoori Salmon with Tzatziki, 295

You Are the Placebo (Dispenza), 368

Yudkin, John, 59

Zen, 103, 119

   proverb, 269

Zen in the Art of Archery (Herrigel), 103

zero state, 370–71

zinc, 15, 172, 274


   Love Pasta, 293